Symbols and Shapes


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Okay from another post there was a mention of symbols, But I thought it would be better to mention it as a post on it's own.

Astrology, some UFO phenomona, crop circles, Ancient Dilects all have one thing in common and that is Symbols and Shapes. Some might hae the meaning of a word or phrase while another could have a whole macro-meaning. (Like a paragraph)

On my travels through various pieces of literature, along the long spindally path of the super (Computered) highway, it was possible to find some information that too was relevant to Symbols and Shapes......

Neural Networking. Okay so it's original design was to be used with the use of artificial intelligence systems to find a face in a crowd in a photo fit, or check seemingly large streams of cosmic data with Topological symbols rather than calculations.

(Namely rather than a sequence of numbers, it looks for a shape)

It's also known that if the human mind is to be mapped by something then it would need a test pattern like use to be (and occasionally still is) broadcast on televisions. Something to aid being tuned into. After all, place a symbol of Yin and Yang into someones sight, and they see it for what it is. And when a 100 people see that symbol too, the changes of how their patterns of thought are as individually characteristic can be overlayed to see just how similar our minds develop.

In away another point of the Artificial intelligence systems was that placing a bunch of symbols into the system, the system could learn how to develop their own signals.

I know by experience that sometimes being given these symbols can be classed as a gift, in my case I began trying to percieve how a system would react with the symbols, working out what was next in the sequence, and what was before and even adjusting what I percieved when something else came along that fitted the sequence more perfect.

Of course those symbols have become a burden too... Placed into some experiment that I can't seem to get the people to come forwards to have a face to face meeting (there reasons for a no show I don't know, All I can do is guess and they tend to thrive on my fanatasies. )

Perhaps the next time you see a symbol you should think of the points mentioned above an also do the one other thing that symbols are used for... Examine them for meaning.
(Yes, those paint splodges that Psychiatrists use... you know the ones, They say "I'm going to show you this image and you tell me what it represents" and you reply "Please No, Not the porn pictures" :D)

below are some of the representations that have occured to me.

I once saw two images one after the other about 1 minute before waking one day... They stuck in my head because the images were computer generated, not dreams.


These two shapes were three dimensional and spinning upon a fractal background that I have tried to coelesce together in this image.


As you can see the shapes were made from a yellow Wireframe (hexagonal sections like chickenwire) They were three dimensional and rotated on two axis. The fractal background was also animated, although when the shapes changed the same background was used. This was done about 2 1/2 years ago. I began thinking about the shapes that occured before and after these shapes, 1 being a circle and the other similar to an infinity sign.


Then about 1 1/2 years ago, this image popped up after a yin yang symbol in my head after a bizarre incident involving theology on some fictional satellite array.

This then changed to something that I can't draw as One image, because it's actually more animated. It's a bit like "Bobbin weaving" (taking a wooden cotton reel and placing nails into it in a pattern around the top, and then weaving wool back and forth to create this woolen weaved tube down it's centre... don't ask me where I picked that up from :D)


These shapes would have to be placed in time incriments, One over the other, but only after you've moved from one of the points around the line and back to the point, to then move to the next shape to do the same and move on to the next one and back around again.

Anybody see any connections with these symbols, or shapes???
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From what I know, the symbols are related to the symbols seen in Ancient Aztec and Egypt. It just goes to show you that UFOs have been around for a very, very long time.

In an unrelated topic, the Ancient Aztecs predicted a new era of enlightenment when a solar eclipse occurred in July of 1991. UFOs were seen everywhere in Mexico City when the eclipse occurred. Very interesting.
Well the images I put forwards are due to Doppler shifts and Non-locality, and very human in origin, but your right symbols have been around for many thousands of years and usually used to document how something sounds, e.g. turning what you say into something scripted and so what you said can be repeated.

Keep an eye out (Or open mind) for shapes and symbols, some of them could truly open a door, to a vault of knowledge.

On Edit:
I've been digging up some more information, The image that has four loops in my first post (the one that looks a bit square) and can also be found cowering on MAC computers as a Function Key, is actually "The cross of St. Hannes", I'm sure if Bebelina stumbles across this post she will point out that it has a Meaning in Swedish roughly translated "Interesting Feature". (I think they mark all their historical sites with it)

I found a wonderful site to track down symbols:
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