

Registered Senior Member
Bebelina (and our other Swedish friends),

Is Sweden really the utopia of civilization that I dream it to be? Do you live your lives free of concern, irritation, and uncertainty? Are people genuine, truthful, and free of spite? Is the landscape harsh, forgiving, and glorious?

If not Sweden, what of the other Northern European countries?

Screw Sweden Porf-where I live the beauty here could only be compared to paradise! Look up "Acadia National Park" on the internet. Such beauty is almost not meant to be seen by human eyes.

Some of the folk here are pure evil but most of em are nice. I'm not an original, thoroughbred mainer but I've lived here for seven years. That must account for SOMETHING.
Oh yah, New England is paradise :rolleyes:

Actually, I'm not looking especially for natural beauty. I've spent all of my life on the edge of the Canadian Rockies. I'm more interested in the people. I'm attempting to locate a place in this world where people are genuine. So far, my search in North America isn't going well. I'm currently evaluating Northern Europe, Alaska, Iceland, Atlantic Canada, and Australia as plentiful sources of "real" people.

your quest reminds me of needles and haystacks. I doubt that you will find entire communities made up of genuine real people anywhere in the world. But I'm sure that every community contains some. Some more than others obviously, probably in very old, established, small communities where the claws of mammon haven't dug in too deep.
Writing this I keep thinking of my wife who is one of the most genuine and real people I know and so am I to a certain extent, but our EQ scores are similar and just about average, so it makes me wonder, just what constitutes 'real and genuine' and does 'emotional quotient' have any bearing on it? Or is EQ too idealistic a concept?
This is a very interesting subject.
The swedes...

Well, I´m sorry to dissapoint you, but it´s certainly no utopia. And it´s cold! :mad:

But there are places where "real" people, in opposite of "zombie-people" have gathered and started communities.
I want to start a haven for people who are fed up with the current society and wants to live in peace and harmony. :p
Vote Bebelina for president! :D

<i>"Are people genuine, truthful, and free of spite?"</i>

Is such a thing (a person) possible? Genuine, truthful, and free of spite...you're digging for gold, Dave.
How about Iceland?
We all know Bjork is from Iceland.
I also like Maine, and Scotland.
Although Maine's better...particularly up near Jackman.
But not near Derry.

I don't know about paradise. I live in a boring upper-middle class suburb in NJ. The closest I've got to paradise is on vacation, and that's just about as far as Indiana. I can imagine, though, what paradise may be, and Sweden is ringing all the wrong bells.

Boring art
Boring Ikea furniture
maybe even some Socialists.
Economic ruin.
No Bjork!!

Try Maine, or anywhere in America that's scenic. It sure beats stale, generic, Sweden. Virginia Beach is also nice. But certainly not scenic.

I like the Scottish Highlands because they're old and real. I don't like the rest of Europe because it's old and fake. I love America because I am an american and the whole turn of the century Jersey Shore historical vibe really gets me going.

You know, Jersey is paradise. All you other European paradisians don't have a clue!


Boring art???? :rolleyes:

Go hide under a rock Congratulations! Shame on you! :mad:

And who needs Björk when there is Bebelina???? Who????:confused: ....;)

But I can tell you this...

Sometimes I meet Björk in my dreams. Then we play. Like children, strange? Yes. But fun. Why? Don´t know. :D
The other night we were in a school locker -room that had water all over the floor and then we decided that we should play in the water on the floor and we got all wet and our nice dresses got soiled and then we stood looking ourselves in the mirror and laughed. :D

I´m no big fan though, but I like her style. :p
But sometimes it gets a bit overboard artsy.


Yes, USA....:rolleyes:.......:rolleyes:.........:rolleyes:

Just kidding, I really want to go there some day. :)
Excellent Bebelina! Count me in as citizen #1 under your benevolent rule!

And, actually, I love the cold and the dark. Chaos is minimized. The world is simplified. Heat only makes people sweaty, loud, and irritable. It enrages the emotions and is the enemy of the rational mind. And dare I say, it is the enemy of the artistic mind -- since any art worth doing is planted firmly in logic and theory.

Hell, Bjork's from a cold place and look at her.
Genuine, truthful, and free of spite...you're digging for gold, Dave.

Am I? I think that under the right circumstances I exhibit these traits (though, thus far this only happens when I am isolated from others -- this reinforces my idea that society went wrong the moment two people so much as glanced at one another).

Now, I realize that hermitage in some northern wilderness is ultimately my destiny. I'm wondering if I might find populations that share at least one or two of these traits such that I can delay the inevitable for a while (because people can be interesting in moderation, as opposed to being offensive en masse).

I'm currently evaluating Northern Europe, Alaska, Iceland, Atlantic Canada, and Australia as plentiful sources of "real" people.

I live in the state of Tennessee. It is located in the United States of America. The United States of America is located in North America. I feel real. When I wake up in the morning, I am sucked headlong into another day full of chattering faces, blue skies and hard hitting truths. There are times when I will lay on my back in a field of green, swaying grass and fall into a deep introspection that provides the buoyancy of dreams and hope. I contemplate a world that can bring harm to the ones I love as I shudder in abject horror. I love the goodwilled smiles of faceless neighbors who walk under the crushing knowledge of their own mortality. Where should I live?
Yeah, sweden is not a haven for anything. Nature is nice, but for those real solitary kicks I head back to northern finland where magic and mystic forces inhabit the grim and beautiful forests. The only ppl one finds there are demented hunters and moonshine drinkers (all relatives of mine:D).
Sort of like "Deliverance" with more snow...

The haven I seek is found, it was here all the time. That´s where I live, in the moment :)

Bebelina is the worlds greatest artist. That´s a truth.
What a typical day in a town very close to Acadia National Park is like. Hmm. When I wake up it's still dark outside, sometimes when it rains it's pitch black. I go to school and meet a good deal of friends, of both sexes, some pretty some not (the girls, don't get any funny ideas). I listen to my teachers and learn from them and interact with them, my mind evolves into a deeper state of thought. I go home and write or play on the computer, do homework at four until about six, watch the news in a comfy living room with a nice carpet and a few red couches. Once I get my digital camera back online I'll post a picture of it, but not of me. The mystery of shrike is far from being unveiled.

My favorite days here are when its really cloudy and grey, where the shadows of the clouds meet at their bottoms and provide perfect contrast to bright golden, swaying trees and shimmering green fields. The only noise you really hear is the wind, and the trees.

But some of the people here REALLY suck. Rednecks by the truckload!

And it's no wonder Congratulations loves it, because Maine is full of conservatives. We did vote for Gore though!
Michigan has a good blend of qualities, pretty moderate, conservative yet prodominatley democratic voters. Ample jobs, plenty of disposable income, great outdoors, and major cities to go to. Close by is good ol' Canada, and our greatest treasure: The Great Lakes.

All in all not a bad place to live, it's not Beverly Hills, CA, but it's not Afghanistan either.

P.S. Bebelina, is your life really like a dream like a sex fantasy?
My input

Well here it goes (this post is probably to long for anyone to read):

<U><B>Favorite place ever</B></U>
Stayed for a month in Tiama Negara (a rainforest in Malaysia) with a people named the Iban (don't know if spelling correct). That was the greatest place ever, many animals, wild and domestic, surrounded the camp. The houses are so called "Long houses" which are elevated upon logs to make it more difficult for the evil snakes and others to get to where one sleep.

No TV, no radio, no telephone, no aircondition, but a lot of smiling, nice people. Some references from Coca Cola was amongst the children off cause, but where is there not Cola inspiration.

<U><B>Other great places</B></U>
- Coh Tau Thailand (misspelling possible)
An island of the east coast of Thailand, a lot of divers and some natives. The island is rather small and if you want to dive and pay for the diving, all other is free. I took one of those PADI - open water licenses there and in the meantime I got free bungalow and free food. A little to much drugs for me though, don't like drugs!
- Nice France
A lot of tourists, but also a lot of fun. Nice weather always and icecream all over the streets (not actually though).
- Fort Lauderdale America
Beautiful city with a lot of nice marine activity. Nice oversized boats with rich tennis playing people. I think that was a quieter version of Miami (but actually it may even be Miami, I don't know).
- Cuching Borneo (also misspelled probably)
The city of the cats, but I didn't se many cats. Beautiful tropic city, with some industrial inspiration. I just couldn't help myself over there, just had to start writing. I wrote some poetry and some fairy tales during the week in Cuching.
- Bangkok Thailand
Actually to many people (10 million in one city). But all the culture you may want to se, and nice people if they have the time to stay with you for a while. Its a little dirty but once you get over that, its beauty takes you away (perhaps to Coh Tau). The skyscrapers in the city seem to compete for the most incredible "top piece", for instance a roman temple a top a skyscraper isn't the first thing I imagined existed.

<U><B>Some rather boring or less inspiring places</B></U>
- Miami America
Sorry all Americans, I like your country but that one is a mistake. A lot of drunken body builders trying to get in front of you in the line for MC.D. Noise level rather high and nothing to do but to walk up and down the beach.
- Stockholm Sweden
Well I can only motivate by telling you I always get beat up while visiting Stockholm.
- Paris France
Everybody just screw with you and no one will speak to you if you don't know the French language fluently. However Paris has some great locations like Moulin Rouge and The Louvre.
- Amsterdam Germany
Nope, only drugs.
- London England
Actually a very nice place, but a little to much people for my taste. A lot of shopping and browsing the streets and bares, but don't take the wrong turn in the subway, cause then you're lost and probably robbed of all your possessions.

<U><B>Places I want to go</B></U>
- Island
Seems extremely beautiful in its own way.
- All of Australia
Big and has it all. No matter its an old prison, I still want to explore all of it.
- New York
I saw it from a distance on my way to Miami, it seems incredibly big and one just have to go there sometime.
- Scotland
Well we have all seen Rob Roy and Braveheart, just look at the scenery.
- Japan
Come on, give me those robots now.

<U><B>Return address</B></U>
I will always return to Sweden. I se myself as a citizen of Earth and believe borders only are lines on the map. I hope in a perfect future, where there are no borders, but that may be impossible due to human nature. However, I will always return to Sweden in the end, because I think this is where I can truly live. I love Sweden but I am willing to try and se the beauty in other parts of the world.
You would love New Jersey, Shrike. Lots, and Lots of Liberals here.

But really, NJ is quite beautiful. You've got horse country, Farm country. North Jersey with its mountains, rivers, and farms. The Delware water gap is probably the prettiest. And never forget the beach!! Or rather the shore.

NJ is richer in culture than scenery, but some of the scenery is damn good. All you people have got these perfect places as homes, but I've got new jersey...

I'm not going anywhere today beacuse my school burnt down!!
Go figure!