Swallowed alive.


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A while back we made friends with a local cat and would sit with him in the field at the back of our flat. One day he presented to us a mouse, we were planning to take it from him and set it free. But before we did this we wanted to check it for injury's to see if it was better of being killed by the cat. Anyway whilst checking this (it seemed in good condition) the cat swallowed the mouse whole.

This was a shock as the mouse was reasonably big and we never imagined the cat could swallow something of this size.

Anyway my question is what happened to this mouse? So mainly I think I would like to know how would he have died as he was def alive when swallowed?
WARNING GRAPHIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to post this in white so if you dont want to know dont read
If you do select the whole post and you will get the message

Firstly there is aways the chance that the compression of the throat mussles could have caused a crushes skull or a broken neck but its probably unlikly
also the constriction of the throat could cause suffercation
BUT if it survives those then it gets painful
The stomic is filled with hydrocloric acid so the body would have been slowly melted in the acid, it PROBABLY would have drowned at this point but it is unlikly that it would have died before the acid started eating its lungs, skin and eyes. DONT go swiming in acid
Without viewing the graphic, my educated guess is that he would run out of oxygen before anything else happened. He would die of suffocation. As for swallowing large objects whole, even humans do that occasionally, especially children. The esophagus is surprisingly flexible.

It's probably a survival advantage for a small predator to be able to swallow its prey whole. It behooves it to leave the scene before a larger predator arrives that feeds on cats. It's more likely to reach safety with its meal still in its possession if the meal is securely inside its stomach, than if it has to carry it around in its mouth.

Owls do that as their standard way of eating. Their stomachs digest the meat, then they regurgitate the bones, fur, feathers, etc. Many people have been hit by "fur-and-bone bombs" dropped by owls.
actually to be perfectly honest thats nothing compared to our lectures at uni. Saw a guy who had impaled himself on a post, went in through the abdoman pushed to organs aside and bent the spinal colum and came out the back. The reason we got shown it was because it was amazing he didnt do any damage especially to the spinal cord, when they removed the post they managed to realine the spine with no problems and no damage to the nerves

Apsolutly incrediable