Survival of the Fittest


Valued Senior Member
I was thinking about those two Koreans that had their heads chopped off by the Taliban last year - for doing Community Service work in Afghanistan.

It got me to thinking. Here we have people barely able to eek out a living. Hardly any food and medicine. Along comes a Proselytizing Korean Christian. Now he has food and medicine. This means you can take the food and medicine and pump out 12 more kids with your couple of wives. Which makes good sense. You don't really have to listen to a damn thing the Korean says. Just say Yup, thanks for the food sucker, and leave him be. But, instead, you chop his head off? :bugeye: Now you have no food and medicine. You can't have 12 kids. You don't pass on your genes to another generations (thank the Gods). Well, this doesn't seem to fit with the theory we work towards ensuring our survivability?

But maybe it does?

So? Why? What evolutionary advantage does it create to murder a potentially free food and medicine source? Why do it?

Bury the two Koreans in your garden as fertilizer. Or you can eat the Koreans. Food for one kid at least.

The Taliban become even more hated by the outside world. They make war against the Taliban in Afghanistan which brings in foreign armies who supply the war ravaged with more food than they could ever grow. Another couple of kids worth, maybe three.

Foreign armies bring in agriculture experts to teach Afghans how to farm. Afghans grow more food than army can supply. Good for about three more kids.

When war over, Afghan immigrates to North America with 6 or 7 kids in tow. Applies for and gets assistance from the government, food and medicine by the boatload courtesy of the taxpayer. 5 more kids at least.

In the meantime there is now more food available in Afghanistan thanks to fewer people due to war and people leaving, the population increases over there also. Taliban re-emerges to start cycle all over again. For every Afghan family that immigrates there are another 12 kids waiting to be born.

Koreans prove that the giving of head does not prevent childbirth. Afghans prove that receiving head promotes proliferation of species.
So? Why? What evolutionary advantage does it create to murder a potentially free food and medicine source? Why do it?

The problem is in your premiss; it's not the case that people always (and/or solely) act based upon establishing some evolutionary advantage...
I was thinking about those two Koreans that had their heads chopped off by the Taliban last year - for doing Community Service work in Afghanistan.

It got me to thinking. Here we have people barely able to eek out a living. Hardly any food and medicine. Along comes a Proselytizing Korean Christian. Now he has food and medicine. This means you can take the food and medicine and pump out 12 more kids with your couple of wives. Which makes good sense. You don't really have to listen to a damn thing the Korean says. Just say Yup, thanks for the food sucker, and leave him be. But, instead, you chop his head off? :bugeye: Now you have no food and medicine. You can't have 12 kids. You don't pass on your genes to another generations (thank the Gods). Well, this doesn't seem to fit with the theory we work towards ensuring our survivability?

But maybe it does?

So? Why? What evolutionary advantage does it create to murder a potentially free food and medicine source? Why do it?


What you don't get, what few people are getting is that cultures and individual ideas also survive because they are the fittest cultures and ideas. Cultures compete. Cultures defend themselves from attack. Cultures evolve. Being "fit" does not mean being true or good; being fit means being capable of surviving.

Human animals use culture and culture uses human animals.

Killing Proselytizers of other religions and other isms has been a rather common behavior in most of the world until recently. This killing for culture was a very successful cultural adaptation.
I see no evidence of humans behaving in an evolutionary advantages way. It seems we have the genetic make up for war or peace and the social factors are just forcing mankind into a war. yes, there's the ancient tribalism in us that wants to fight, but we're developing much more social awareness now. We seem to actually think about the consequences of war and fighting much more. I don't know if we'll develop an intelligent reason for war as we go on, or if we'll develop an intelligent reason for communicating. I think the former seems to be at the forefront at the moment though.
It just seems odd to me that a theistic belief could actually promote behavior against the survival of the individual. That seems to run counter to nature. It's perfectly fine that the poor people ignore the message and eat the food. But, to cut off the hand that freely feeds you... scary.

Which worries me as I can imagine some theistic nut producing a deadly virus and trying to wipe out humanity in some lunatic fulfillment of God's plan...

anyway, it was just a thought.
When an outsider threatens your way of life, then they should be delt with harshly even if they bring gifts and presents to you. Those that want to use you and change your ways many times come bearing nice gifts to gain your confidence then slowly erode your power base from under you. Others come with weapons and just take control with brute forse at times as well.
It just seems odd to me that a theistic belief could actually promote behavior against the survival of the individual.
Wrong thinking.
First, evolution is not about the survival of the individual.
Second, this has nothing directly to do with theistic beliefs. This is an expression of the evolutionary advantages of distinguishing between us (my family/kin/tribe) and them (not my family/kin/tribe). It is good to eliminate or discourage them, so we can maintain our identity.
Which worries me as I can imagine some theistic nut producing a deadly virus and trying to wipe out humanity in some lunatic fulfillment of God's plan...

I think it is more likely that proteges of David Rockeller will unleash a man-made plague as a form of environmentalism and global management.
Wrong thinking.
First, evolution is not about the survival of the individual.
Second, this has nothing directly to do with theistic beliefs. This is an expression of the evolutionary advantages of distinguishing between us (my family/kin/tribe) and them (not my family/kin/tribe). It is good to eliminate or discourage them, so we can maintain our identity.
This does make sense, but, it seems, if the people were, say, Arab Muslims - they may then be treated with kindness (for their money and food), even though they are not so closely related genetically.