Survival of the Fittest: Will Religion survive?

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Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Reading through some news articles on the BBC website, up popped a story:

Scientists use maths to predict 'the end of religion' [Source:BBC]

In essence the story is about a paper [A mathematical model of social group competition with application to the growth of religious non-affiliation - Daniel M. Abrams, Haley A. Yaple, Richard J. Wiener] on the Demographic survey and suggestion that from a number of countries, the number of people with no affiliated religions is on the rise and the numbers with a religion are decreasing.

In essence if the model was applied to a Darwinistic perception of "Survival of the Fittest", is religion being seen by a majority as "unfit" and no longer capable of "Survival"?

Is "Science" wrong to identify religion as being a potential extinction candidate?
ho hum! Got the actual paper link in my post though, oh well... better Merge or close.
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