Suppose Jesus's father was God himself.


Rajesh Bhowmick
Registered Senior Member
Suppose a five year old christian baby ( :bawl:) asks to Jesus that why Japan was bombarded with nuclear weapons & Jesus asks to god (his father as described in bible) abt this & the god ( the omnipotent ) then says (suppose) O.K. I 'll ask to the followers of humanity i.e the humans abt this: since this was all done by humans & not by any other species of life on earth & If I don't get the proper answer then I 'll show those responsible for this what I am because I'm kind enough for Jesus now & that 5 yr old christian baby :) but not for those humans who would be found responsible for this now since this question was raised by that 5 yr old baby to u & then u asked me so only two of u are seemed to be innocent to me till now?
Now suppose U have to answer god abt the question abt this on behalf of human & humanity what would be ur answer?
My answer would be I don't know who did this as i was not born at that time & neither even my fellow countrymen ( of that period) were responsible as my country i.e India was then at that time was under British rule. So they were not even responsible for the war also. Simple isn't it.
welcome to every human who wants to answer this question of god to humans i.e followers of humanity.:)
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Omnipotent means He can do everything, any thing bad or any thing good for answering that question of 05 yr old Christian baby's Question.
& when I mentioned to god abt Mahatma Gandhiji & Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, then he simply said O.K. & forgave me & ..... :).
Sorry i would like to discuss with you but your English is not good. Very confusing first post.

Child asks why japan was bombed and you reply with I am Indian and i am not responsible for this bombing?

You have not answered the girls question. She wants to know why Japan was bombed. Not if Indians are guilty or innocent.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I would say to God that he should go and ask the Americans.
Nothing to do with us British either.
Although Churchill, if asked, would have been well up for it.
In his younger days he would have proposed dropping it himself.

And maybe God should ask himself some sharp questions.
If he hadn't called F D Roosevelt to his heavenly abode just before the decision on the Bomb was to be made,
Roosevelt would probably not have dropped it on a city.
And you can be sure he wouldn't have dropped a second bomb on another city just to test it out. (different kind of bomb)

Instead, because God decided to give Roosevelt a massive stroke,
the decisions were made by a brand new President, who didn't want to seem a pussy.

Could you avoid printing in different colours and different sizes.
It is extremely annoying.
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Ask the Japanese generals, who wanted to continue the war. There were some, I think even the Emperor, who felt that maybe it was time to quit, but the warmongers kept going.

Also ask Jesus and the 5 year old :)bawl: wish he's stop crying) why you seem to need to ask the same question over and over.
First of all, there is no such thing as a Christan baby. Secondly, I'm getting tired of your notion that the justified bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the worst atrocity of mankind. It wasn't. Try asking God-boy why he allowed the Nazis to murder millions of people for no good reason.
Suppose a five year old christian baby ( :bawl:) asks to Jesus that why Japan was bombarded with nuclear weapons & Jesus asks to god (his father as described in bible) abt this & the god ( the omnipotent ) then says (suppose) O.K. I 'll ask to the followers of humanity i.e the humans abt this: since this was all done by humans & not by any other species of life on earth & If I don't get the proper answer then I 'll show those responsible for this what I am because I'm kind enough for Jesus now & that 5 yr old christian baby :) but not for those humans who would be found responsible for this now since this question was raised by that 5 yr old baby to u & then u asked me so only two of u are seemed to be innocent to me till now?
Now suppose U have to answer god abt the question abt this on behalf of human & humanity what would be ur answer?
My answer would be I don't know who did this as i was not born at that time & neither even my fellow countrymen ( of that period) were responsible as my country i.e India was then at that time was under British rule. So they were not even responsible for the war also. Simple isn't it.
welcome to every human who wants to answer this question of god to humans i.e followers of humanity.:)

I can explain it so that even a baby can understand. The Japanese killed thousands of people in a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. We went to war against them, and before he had to invade the island of Japan, God gave the United States a very powerful weapon, a very big bomb which we used to destroy two Japanese cities, which made them surrender and we won the war.
May god forgive u all for answering a baby's question like this to him or her (I don't know).
But I don't think this will happen to u all this way & by the way i am an indian & english is my secondary language & my primary language is Hindi & It is my privilege that we Indians are smart enough to understand & read ur english language with some little mistakes but u people are not able to read my nation's any local language nor my nation's national language i.e hindi. or Devnagri lipi.

Sorry, but now I am more concerned to ask him, why the hell my tooth hurts so much ? :shrug: :bawl:
May god forgive u all for answering a baby's question like this to him or her (I don't know).
But I don't think this will happen to u all this way & by the way i am an indian & english is my secondary language & my primary language is Hindi & It is my privilege that we Indians are smart enough to understand & read ur english language with some little mistakes but u people are not able to read my nation's any local language nor my nation's national language i.e hindi. or Devnagri lipi.

Let me be the first to congratulate you on your command of English, which could use a little fine-tuning, but is otherwise clear. So far I think I understand you perfectly, which is what matters. I also think it is clear that Indians have long ago established themselves as models for excellence in learning and discipline, among many other attributes. If I had to pick the things that bother me about India, it would be the 3 M's: missiles, misogyny and misery. I will be the first to complain that my own country has the same faults, and more, and these are only different in degree. All that is left for us to do next, is to agree on all the things we hate. Then we'll get along fine and help each other out the best we can. I think that pretty well describes the status quo among most people that are able to reach across the world as we are doing here.

Now, with all the diplomacy aside, let me present my reasons for disputing you. It is true that Britain colonized India, interfered with its internal affairs, killed people, blew things up, and then pulled out, leaving behind railroads, parliamentary procedure, hospitals, academies and English.

But they also left behind their Anglican religion. Whether you were exposed to Christianity on account of the British, or as a consequence of earlier Christian (Catholic/Orthodox) evangelizing, you obviously believe in it. So far so good.

But your question makes no sense to me. Since I am not a Christian, and since I recognize that war is completely contradictory to the Commandment not to kill, I find Christianity to be a huge contradiction, even more than Judaism or Islam, since Christianity goes to great lengths to insist that people love their enemies, which forbids all war. And yet war continues among people of all religions. Perhaps the world is evolving away from the need to make war. It would seem so. But the contradiction remains.

But India is the mortal enemy of Pakistan. The hatred is so intense that it sparked those grisly massacres in Mumbai. Whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, or any other denomination, you should tolerate all people, respect their rights to self-determination, and put aside all other differences. This would include establishing full equality, eliminating all the antiquated prejudices of the old caste system, and taking better care of the poor. Again, Westerners have the same (or similar) problems, so there are no saints here. We are in this together (ultimately).

So what's your point, really? That Christianity is less pure in a country that used a nuke versus a country with a very small percentage of Christians that has nukes, and uses them for leverage?

I don't see where this is going. I am very curious why you are so focused on the bombing of Japan, which was purely a military decision, and only after making a costly attempt to exhaust conventional tactics. Why are you not instead addressing the Holocaust, or other atrocities of this kind, which are the most reprehensible kinds of mass murder, because they are not justified by any military exigency, just the most basic, primal hatred and lust for blood. This more directly points to the commandments handed down in the Bible.

The rest of your question makes no sense to me. You seem to be asking us to put ourselves in the position of 5 year old, in a conversation between Jesus and God the Father, which is exceedingly hypothetical, and contrary to the atheist position that there is no God or Jesus, there is just us. We could solve all the rationalizations used to start wars by simply discarding religion, discarding the pretense that one people is greater than another, and simply living by the treaties and laws we already have established, to prevent any future wars.

Obviously that is a lofty ideal. But the way to inch closer to an ideal is to strive to live up to it. So my conclusion is: ditch religion and move forward with productive talks and treaties, and put away the stupid pretense (not you, countries) that lead to war.
Suppose a five year old christian baby ( :bawl:) asks to Jesus that why Japan was bombarded with nuclear weapons & Jesus asks to god (his father as described in bible) abt this & the god ( the omnipotent ) then says (suppose) O.K. I 'll ask to the followers of humanity i.e the humans abt this: since this was all done by humans & not by any other species of life on earth & If I don't get the proper answer then I 'll show those responsible for this what I am because I'm kind enough for Jesus now & that 5 yr old christian baby :) but not for those humans who would be found responsible for this now since this question was raised by that 5 yr old baby to u & then u asked me so only two of u are seemed to be innocent to me till now?
Now suppose U have to answer god abt the question abt this on behalf of human & humanity what would be ur answer?
My answer would be I don't know who did this as i was not born at that time & neither even my fellow countrymen ( of that period) were responsible as my country i.e India was then at that time was under British rule. So they were not even responsible for the war also. Simple isn't it.
welcome to every human who wants to answer this question of god to humans i.e followers of humanity.:)

Jesus said " If they hit you in the left cheek forgive them an put the right cheek " The human attitude is tooth for tooth and eye for eye . So Japan hit America and America hit back. if you want to give more detail of human attitude look for Hammurabi law.
Hope it explains your 5 year old .
The Japanese killed thousands of people in a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

Apparently, the attack wasn't so sneaky at all.

I watched a documentary where they reported that a small Japanese submarine was finally discovered - the one that first came close to Pearl Harbor and which the Americans sunk about an hour before the actual attack.

The officers who sunk the submarine contacted the authorities, but were not believed. So no action was taken to prepare the military base for an attack.
May god forgive u all for answering a baby's question like this to him or her (I don't know).

If the baby is precocious enough to ask questions about World History and Ethics, then I believe the baby is entitled to be treated as the mature baby that it obviously is, and not be mollycoddled.
May god forgive u all for answering a baby's question like this to him or her (I don't know).
But I don't think this will happen to u all this way & by the way i am an indian & english is my secondary language & my primary language is Hindi & It is my privilege that we Indians are smart enough to understand & read ur english language with some little mistakes but u people are not able to read my nation's any local language nor my nation's national language i.e hindi. or Devnagri lipi.
A bit condescending. Due to the adventures of the British Empire, English is by far the most popular non-indigenous language utilized in your country. In addition, every year many thousands of the brightest Indian students elect to enroll in institutions of higher learning located primarily in English speaking nations. The converse of this beaten path is a rarity.

I would guess that many members of this board are multi-lingual. I myself speak two languages fluently and I am semi-fluent in another two languages. But since English is the lingua franca of this board, such blessings are neither germane nor normally touted.

As a postscript and as others have duly noted, your proclivity to embellish your textual content with bold colors and over-sized font size is annoying in the extremis.
Apart from changing the system of agriculture to suit our own purposes, and thereby causing one of the greatest famines in History, we British did a good job in India.
Apparently, the attack wasn't so sneaky at all.

I watched a documentary where they reported that a small Japanese submarine was finally discovered - the one that first came close to Pearl Harbor and which the Americans sunk about an hour before the actual attack.

The officers who sunk the submarine contacted the authorities, but were not believed. So no action was taken to prepare the military base for an attack.

Fog of war. It was sneaky enough.