Support UFO Disclosure Open Hearings


Registered Member
Nice board! If you have time could you help.........
I would like to see more media coverage and investigations on the UFO Disclosure Project presented to the media in Washington on May 9th.
I would like to see the news media uncover the "above top secret" group. I would like to stop the "80 billion dollars" of our tax money being spent on keeping this secret. I would like to put a stop to us setting up arms in space. I would like to hear the truth about aliens and there technology that could help us stop using fossil fuels and help preserve our earth. I will contact my senators, congress, and the president to ask them to support open hearings on the UFO Disclosure Project and the elimination of arms in space.
Please do the same,
H. Kraiken
Related Info:

Completed Media Events:
You have something on the goovernment but I think you see it yet the 80 billions are being spent on the government secert on the space craft because eveytime someone saw a ufo it was always over a government area like area 51 more ufos are seen there then ever because aliens have landed there thats a lie. I'm not saying that they're not real but the proof it make's it look fake.

Originally posted by kraiken
Nice board! If you have time could you help.........
I would like to see more media coverage and investigations on the UFO Disclosure Project presented to the media in Washington on May 9th.
I would like to see the news media uncover the "above top secret" group. I would like to stop the "80 billion dollars" of our tax money being spent on keeping this secret. I would like to put a stop to us setting up arms in space. I would like to hear the truth about aliens and there technology that could help us stop using fossil fuels and help preserve our earth. I will contact my senators, congress, and the president to ask them to support open hearings on the UFO Disclosure Project and the elimination of arms in space.
Please do the same,
H. Kraiken
Related Info:

Completed Media Events:
I have been in contact with the disclosure project. I had a family member that was deeply involved in the coverup. They were very nice to me.

They are really good people and dead serious.

For once they have enough cred for people to start comming foward.

I REALLY suggest taking this one seriously.

Disclosure Project

Hello All,

I'm not sure if I missed a thread somewhere, so if I did I apologise. If not
here is some background on the Disclosure Project.
On May 9th, The National Press Club, the premiere journalist organization
in the world, hosted 20 representatives from the Disclosure Project.
These represenatives were from government agencies such as the FBI,
CIA, FAA, NASA, and all military branches. They came together before the NPC
to request that Congress hold hearings of their evidence, and the evidence
held by the other 400 members of the project to investigate visits to our planet
by alien spacecraft.

If you would like to hear and see the actual testimony before the NPC
log on to

scroll down to


disclosure project

The truth is soon to come out. The disclosure project is the best project to come and its all going to come to a head. I was sent an email about it prior to the actual conference then my computer went down so i didnt get to see it but it is archived and can be viewed on real player. All you skeptics and debunkers in this forum need to go view it before you open your mouths again...theres your proof.
Love and Light,