Superconductor Overunity (Free Energy) and Space And Eden


Registered Senior Member
I have started a group called to bring about some action towards this goal. Simply put, Earth is our mother planet. There is no known way we can occupy space if we do not live in harmony with this planet.

A more summarised version of this can be found here with images:

That being said, here are some models that we have devised to keep the discussion going.

The last bit however is a gift. It is real.

1. Energy (Superconductor Overunity device)

Imagine a superconductor ring with a wave travelling around the ring. A current is induced in a separate circuit creating "Free energy".

Incidentally this proves that the speed of light is not the maximum velocity something can move. ie. the superconductor ring has a circumferance of C and radius R. If the magnetic wave is measurable above the ring at some radius (R + r') than the wave must be travelling at 2xPIx(R+r') = C' around the ring.

Since C' > C the wave at some point must be faster than the velocity of light (summarised)

2. Antigravity:
Look at antigravity diagram (1,2,3 direction of action)

Imagine sending a pulse into a ball that is connected by some means to a hull.

The outer field of the ball ie. its field of electrons will be minutely shifted in general (say 60% of 1 second) over to the side opposite the source of the pulse, namely above the ball.

The centre of mass of the ball should also be shifted by some minute amount to that side.

A "pulse train" of the right frequency will move the centre of mass of the ball from its starting position to its ending position.

3. Artificial Gravity
Look at the artificial gravity diagram.

Imagine a series of pulses under a floor designed to flex accordingly.

If you are standing perpendicularly in an gravity field of say 0.5g.

Waves at some frequency are travelling across the floor with the amplitude 0.5g. Part of your foot (the stripey area), will be experiencing an upward force of 1g - the parts on the upward swing of the wave, and the other parts will be in freefall falling at 0.5g.

To assist your sticking to the surface of the plate, a series of pulses (air for complexity, or even antigravity pulses) could be used to cause a downward force, simulating gravity.

4. Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Telepathy ie. Godhead

Everyliving creature is telepathic. This comes with being alive. This applies to humanity too.

People that do not believe they are telepathic have not been assisted in this realisation as yet. All it takes is to simply tell someone.

But there is more proof. See below for my experimental systems.

Magic Card Trick
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The magic can be shown as follows:
1. Get a deck of cards and remove jokers
2. Shuffle cards
3. Before picking up cards, try to guess what suit the card is.

The trick to 3 is that when you make a mistake, accept that the image in your mind was a mistake and dont focus on it.

Try to imagine picking up the card and taking a look at the suit.

For many people, we see a image of the suit in our mind. You will know when you get it right.

The image seems to appear at the top of your head, somewhere in front of the middle if you know what i mean.

Telekinesis with dice
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Choose a number. Concentrate on dice. Throw dice for number. Like magic card trick. Choose what works.
Supeconductor Overunity Energy

Why are you posting fantasy in the technology section?

OK. I know you. You are one of the badoomers! You seem to be hanging around these forums alot handing out little red herrings. Are you paid to do it? Just a thought.

Well if you think I am wrong, state precisely where I am wrong.
OK. I know you. You are one of the badoomers! You seem to be hanging around these forums alot handing out little red herrings. Are you paid to do it? Just a thought.

Well if you think I am wrong, state precisely where I am wrong.

Yeah I work undercover for the government anti crackpot department.:)
Its good money - 1% of a million potatos per annum.
Your drawings are crude, your math is nonexistent, and there is nothing in either your post or your website to indicate that you have anything but a cursory knowledge of any of these topics. For these reasons alone, you are going to be challenged as a crackpot. However, we invite you to modify your work. Present some real falsifiable models, as well as perhaps some theoretical (mathematical) models of your theories which we can then discuss. You have not yet done any of that.

When will you be sending me my PhD then?

How about a formal discussion first? I am still willing to bet USD100 that I am correct.
Usually people will suggest there is no reason to reinvent the wheel, anything you "Might" have to offer would really only add to an already populated area of information.

For instance you offer diagrams and over simplified statements which is why many people see you as a crank. If you want to prove you're theories and make them a reality then you really need to look into studying somewhere, not just essentially trying to create a "Quantum Leap" with absolutely no academic credentials and a few "Iffy" diagrams at best.

I guess it's really down to "who are you trying to appeal to with your information?", if it's Professors or Scientists, then please look towards fullfilling an education before attempting to write on such subjects. Without the research work, References and even experiments, then your theory is nothing more than a flight of Science Fiction. There are even documents available on the internet that express the best method of how to write your research into a form that is near enough an industry standard. (Do a search on a search engine for "The Harvard System" when it comes to referencing etc.)

Currently the only people that "Might" believe you are those that are uneducated, have pet theories of their own or are just out right bonkers.
PS which proves my point that Einstein's genius did not depend on dotting i's and crossing t's that's for your mathematical accountants to do - you janitors of physics should mop up and be glad you can be of service.

Jack Sarfatti
Does Crazee............. understand that IF any of the things posted here do work, he has started the process of giving away the patent rights?