Supercomputer - future

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Some of the IT world's top luminaries gathered here at Los Alamos National Laboratory Friday to witness the unveiling of a compact supercomputer that proponents say could provide the model for high-performance computing systems in the years ahead.

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"In contrast to the traditional transistor-laden and hence power-hungry CPUs from AMD and Intel, the Crusoe CPU is fundamentally software-based with a small hardware core," Feng wrote in a white paper about his project, which is available on the Web. our brain with a small hardware core???
Transmeta first released the Crusoe series a year or two back. The good points are lower power consumption and they are specifically designed to take software uprgades. For those who like to keep track of such things, Linus Torvalds has been working for Transmeta for about half a dozen years now.
Pardon me if i am unable to reply,but i came back,since it was your thread as i am currently busy with my College project.
the supercomputers have revolutionaised computing industry by their Vector or pipline technology.the parallel processing techniques have several advantages prior to a single processor system.they may be sumarized as follows:

1.)Increased throughput.

2.)Economy of scale.

3.)Increased reliability.

these computers are sometimes also called Fault tolerant systems.they are designed for graceful degradation.
However the size of such computers has always been an issue with creators.I think Nano technology can once again revolutionize the market by bringing in the Nano-computer(or Multi-Nano processor system).thus,you"ll get a present supercomputer for a cheap desktop price and with same size that is today.(You can expect them to be much smaller.)

The power consumption bothers me more in case of laptops.the batteries in case of these degrades in short span of time.luckily,Sony in a month or two will be launching computers with Fuel cell technology.thus you can expect you laptop to go all the way for a 2 or more days without even recharging.


What I do not understand is why dont we have multiple processors today - say 16 on a chip and divide the programs in lumpsum to each one?

PP is difficult because programs have to be written to take advantage of that but separating programs itself with their own little space and an I/O director should be really easy.

Even the OS, audio and video and other I/O processing can be divided to separate (not dedicated) processors....on the mother board...
The problem with that off course is Multi-processor organization,which includes large space occupying heat sinks.
but this was just small problem.the real core problem lies in usage of such a system by severaly you might know multi-processing is of two types:

in master slave configuration a switching soft has to be additionally designed for the proceesors,which makes our own super-comps prettycostly today.since that switching softwares of master slave or several independent position increases the possibility of deadlock.
the deadlock avoidance algorithms must thus be very fast and effective.Anyways,today we would go for a small pc,for it is size that does matter.(i can still remember ENIAC that bulky COMPY that turned the lights of the haflf the town.;))

Not really....

Today we do offload graphics to a graphics board. Sound to a sound board. With a light weight OS, why can not we setup such that each app you run runs in a separate chip? There is not much relationship between working on Excel and Word and IE or netscape and email. Dont forget, MS .Net infrastructure is specifically designed for collaborative computing.

Let all the audio media including mp3 play handled by the audio chip, Let the Office get divided to 5 chips and so on. If you have a generic 16 chip configuration, just load the programs as FIFO to each chip. The house keeping can be handled by each process for their own activities. The screen can be painted by the screen chip from the audio chip, word chip, photoshop chip etc - just like we communicate on the ethernet between systems. My tiny Netgear box handles all file traffic and internet trafic of all computers at home.

It can be called pervasive distributed processing.....
Doing the logic for each program on it's own dedicated chip would certainly make software copy protection a breeze; Distribute it on chips, instead of CDs, and who's going to copy it without reverse engineering the chip? If they were designed right, they'd also be available to the overall system for distributed processing. The silicon's certainly getting cheap enough!

But then, take anything I say with a grain of salt; I've still got a shoe box full of transputer boards, from when I thought I'd beat the rush to learn Ocam! Still think it was a great idea; Who'd have thought the decendents of that way ugly 8086 chip would rule the world?
Actually no body worries about copy protection for a $50 software. But Industrial software that costs over $5000 usually come with a hardware key as copy protection. Now a company trying to sell me a USB based hardware key for our software. Software that is used by multinationals are not copy protected because it is easy to find out if any one uses it illegally. It is stupidity to pirate a $100,000 software and spend $10 million to implement it - when sued you can lose hundreds of millions...
hi.hows everything?
but that would only enhance to clumsyness.:(
SRTF,SJF may be,but FIFO?
i am not sure.

Hi zion,

your class work should be over now? ...da? I missed you too...Bring a few friends to actively join the forum. I found a company that designs AI type software to program applications...the stupid guy from the company sent me an email rather than sending more details on how it works.

I will post when I find out more.
Hi Km.i am missing here.

Nope my project has only come its half way fact we are facing tough competition from the other of them are in process of designing a Compiler.(using C).they have used Parser trees,Ambiguities to help them make it.some of the guys are making turing machine's Softwares(AKA AUTOMATON).

WE(i and couple of my friends)are making something big.i am in process of making Exec function in DOS.the other guy is busy compiling the DOS -kernel(similiar to MS-DOS.sys,for us it"ll be called Z-dos.sys ;))the other two guys are in process of designing schedulers for the O.S.which is essentially Non-preemptive.

it has taken a lot of time should be over in couple of weeks.
but now and then i keep peeping the net for info and god, Sciforums and Km is something i surely cant do without.;)

Well then, good luck to the Z-boys. Keep up the Z-works. If you have a Dr DOS (Novell) laying around, you might get some pointers. Long time ago, a professor friend of mine gave me a CD full of different operating systems to evaluate that was done by his students at Univ of Utah. Anyway - have fun.

I have some ideas (...since...I am world's top systems architect) to design an expert system based distributed network application that can learn and grow to an AI. One of these days after your graduation we are going to get into that....

Until then, it is hard work to get that piece of paper....
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