Sunni muslim hate speech

Others consider him as a dangerous islamist, someone who rejects universal human rights and democracy.

Thats all anyone needs to know about him.

This is an anti-Qaradawi site in Arabic "The Truth about Qardawi"

This is an anti-Qardawi site run by Salafis (previously known as Wahabis and the most extreme practitioners of Islam in Saudi Arabia and Oman)

He's considered a kook.
Why then does he have a popular programme on Al-Jazeera and own one of the most visited Islam related website on the net?
Why then does he have a popular programme on Al-Jazeera and own one of the most visited Islam related website?

Same reason you have the Jerry Springer show.

Same reason Jihad watch is so popular.

Kooks are fascinating.
Muslims watch his show and read his sermons for their humor value? You're not convincing anyone.

Salafis are the most extreme of all Muslims. If they are denouncing him, that means he's considered a kook by the most extreme people in the religion.

After that anyone who still follows him is obviously a nut just as he is.

Unfortunately there is no cure for that.

And there's a lot of people watching Faux News for entertainment. There's plenty watching them for news too. No accounting for taste.
Yeah SamCDKey, are you expecting us to believe that this guy is watched for the same reason Jerry SPringer is?
Salafis are the most extreme of all Muslims. If they are denouncing him, that means he's considered a kook by the most extreme people in the religion.

For fuck's sake, the Salafis condemn him for being too moderate. I've had enough of your bullshit. Why don't you go fornicate with your boyfriend instead of blatantly misrepresenting facts to defend your cult?

The late Sheikh al-Albanee, a Salafi scholar with whom Qaradawi was friends, did not agree with Qaradawi's stance that photography and pictures were lawful. Al-Albanee wrote the book "The Islamic Ruling on Tasweer (pictures)" with his arguments in a response to Qaradawi's ruling.

One major point of conflict between Qaradawi and the Salafis is the statement by Qaradawi: "The enmity that is between us and the Jews is for the sake of land only, not for the sake of the religion..." (al-Ummah al-Islaamiyyah Haqeeqa, Laa Wahm p.70). Many Wahhabis or Salafis believe that there is enmity between the Muslims and Jews for the sake of religion. However, others believe Qaradawi's position is closer to the moderation, respect, and tolerance of traditional scholarship.

Another point of conflict is Qaradawi's opinion of the lawfulness of some music and art. Some Muslims believe that music and art are unlawful, even a few would reject "Islamic" music and art.
Yeah SamCDKey, are you expecting us to believe that this guy is watched for the same reason Jerry SPringer is?

Hmm I've only come across his name in relation to the Muslim brotherhood.

But according to this article he appears to be a man of many opinions several of them contradicting each other.

His website describes him as the most prominent voice of moderation in Islam (wasatiyya), building bridges between traditionalists and modernisers.

It is his involvement with the outlawed Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood that has landed him in trouble.

The group, founded in the 1920s, is one of the largest and most influential Islamist organisations in the region.

It has a history of violence, but now says it is committed to peaceful means to create an Islamic state.

Sheikh Al-Qaradawi has been jailed several times in Egypt.

But he has lived and worked in the Gulf State Qatar since 1963 where he now heads an Islamic research centre.
For fuck's sake, the Salafis condemn him for being too moderate. I've had enough of your bullshit. Why don't you go fornicate with your boyfriend instead of blatantly misrepresenting facts to defend your cult?

The late Sheikh al-Albanee, a Salafi scholar with whom Qaradawi was friends, did not agree with Qaradawi's stance that photography and pictures were lawful. Al-Albanee wrote the book "The Islamic Ruling on Tasweer (pictures)" with his arguments in a response to Qaradawi's ruling.

One major point of conflict between Qaradawi and the Salafis is the statement by Qaradawi: "The enmity that is between us and the Jews is for the sake of land only, not for the sake of the religion..." (al-Ummah al-Islaamiyyah Haqeeqa, Laa Wahm p.70). Many Wahhabis or Salafis believe that there is enmity between the Muslims and Jews for the sake of religion. However, others believe Qaradawi's position is closer to the moderation, respect, and tolerance of traditional scholarship.

Another point of conflict is Qaradawi's opinion of the lawfulness of some music and art. Some Muslims believe that music and art are unlawful, even a few would reject "Islamic" music and art.

Well like I said I've only come across his name in relation to the Muslim brotherhood and I know that there were groups protesting against him in the UK.

Despite his popularity, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi is not without his critics in the Arab world.

Some see his regular preaching on Al-Jazeera as an uncritical regurgitation of Islamic dogma out of touch with the modern world.

So it looks like both sides have issues with him.
Okay, I just watched the video.

What did he say? That Sunnis and Shias should refrain from arguing on the Quran and the Hadith and the Prophets companions. That Sunnis and Shias should refrain from going and enforcing their beliefs on each other and work together.

Could it be that you did not realise his comments at the end were regarding a book written about him and that he was talking about insurgents lying to each other and ascribing the sentiments to him? That he spoke of such insurgents spreading the same strife (present in Iraq) to Egypt and putting the entire region in the midst of a civil strife? Since he was talking about Shia insurgents he clarified that he supported Hezbollah but that he did not support other Shia insurgents (probably aimed at Iran) which were aiming to destabilise the Sunnis.

Basically the interview was that Sunnis should not allow themselves to be taken in by Shia insurgents and should refrain from religious discussions at a time when civil strife was so prevalent in the region.

This is hate speech?

PS. My translation is based on the speech itself, not the subtitles, so helpfully provided by Memri.
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You've proved yourself to be a shameless liar. Why should I trust your translation?

Watch it again. And pay attention to everything he is saying, even with those subtitles.:rolleyes:

Also note that its not entirely continuous, but spliced together.
Just had the thought that if Qaradawi's speeches are aimed at reducing the Sunni Shia divide and lessening sectarian tensions he is acting adverse to US interests. I wouldn't be surprised if he was suddenly transformed into an Islamofascist with connections to the al-Qaeda.