SUMMUM - I can't believe this...


Registered Senior Member

OK, here is this car salesman looking fellow who changed his name to Aman Ra, and created a religion. He also decided that (since he was previously in the mortuary business) he would be the prefect guy to bring back mummification. And hey.....don't worry about the proce of it! Just get a life insurance policy, and make us the beneficiary....that way, you can make monthly payment on you $67,000.00 + mummification. Oh yeah, by the way, since he is the leader of this 'religion', he gets all that money from you TAX FREE!!! Now, it is important to realize that the 67K is only for the mummification process...that does not include you sarcophagus (mummiform'). Oh yeah, one other thing.....he sells sacremental tequila!! on brother. Supposedly, because of the 'vibrations' of the pyramid that these 'nectar publications' (so named because it isn't simply tequila, it is a liquid book that you drink) they are the 'nectars of the gods', he is selling liquor, overpriced funerals, and not paying taxes on it....maybe I need to begin to call my Analyst job a religion and see if I can't get rid of my taxes.....My wife always says it seems like I worship my job because I spend so much time at work!! Think it will work??

But the greatest thing about this website/ has quotes from Characters from 'The Matrix' and 'Star Wars' as if they are truly important people!! Like Morpheous and Qui Gon Jin are real people and what they say matters.......
He seems to be providing a legitimate, if unique service. The whole religion thing seems to be for tax reasons. I think it's a good idea, if you happen to want your body preserved after death.
Oh, by the way...I left out the fact that Aliens visited him and gave him all this great only aliens, but extrememly Hot (Sexy) aliens.....So maybe that made it ok when they did the anal probe on him....
I didn't see where they talk about the religion at all, it seems to be geared to mortuary services.
I say bravo, if people want to be mummified, let them. although I am getting sick a tired of religious groups avoiding taxes.
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spidergoat said:
I didn't see where they talk about the religion at all, it seems to be geared to mortuary services.

You have to do a little looking to find the 'other' website that they have....see above.

I really believe that the religion is a scam to help sell their products.....such as the sacramental tequila.

I think the funniest thing is all the "Star Wars" quotes, etc.....another example of this is when they are trying to sell you their 'crystals' they have the following quote: "These crystals are tumble polished and carry the subtle resonations of nature's creative forces. Wear the crystal and "may the force be with you.""