Summary of Revelation


Registered Senior Member
Summary of my understanding of the book of Revelation in the Bible:

First 3 chapters are letters to the churches in Asia telling them what is wrong with them and what they need to correct.
Chapter 4 starts a whole new discourse about what will happen in the future.
Jesus lived without sin and offered Himself a sacrifice for mankind so He prevailed and beat Satan, and He has the right to open the book with the 7 seals. These are the things that will happen on the last 7 years till the end of the age when Jesus returns.
1st seal:
The future evil leader, the antichrist goes forth to conquer the world militarily.
2nd seal:
The leading general of the coquering army starts the war.
3rd seal:
Food is scarce as a result of the war, there is starvation.
4th seal:
Shows that the war is over a 4th of the earth; many will die and go to hell in the war and famine caused by the war.
5th seal:
The antichrist and his servants will kill many saints. The saints will pray for God to take revenge.
6th seal:
Jesus returns, at the end of the 7 years, to take over the world by force. The evil doers are afraid and will hide themselves.
Chapter 7 a completely new vision. 144,000 Jews of Israel will become Christians before the punishments of God are poured out on the Earth.
Chapter 8: God starts to punish the people of the Earth for their sins as the 7 trumpets blow.
Seems like a meteorite shower causing fires. Seems like a big meteorite or a comet hits the sea and poisons the water killing many people.
Sun partially blocked possibly by large dust cloud caused by the comet or meteorite or asteroid--whatever it will be.
An army of demons is released, like locusts, that will hurt the unsaved men with great pain.-- a sting like a scorpion
Another army of either demons or men making war will cause many men to be killed by fire and smoke.
Men still don't stop sinning; so more punishments will come.

Rev. chapter 10
Jesus returns at the 7th trumpet. That is when the saints will be resurected and the living saints will rise with them to meet Jesus in the air at His return--This is spoken of by Paul; look up last trump
chap. 11
Jerusalem is conquered by the antichrist and his followers and they will walk in Jerusalem for 42 months.
That happens 3.5 years before the end when Jesus comes back.
Two prophets of God testify against the antichrist during the 3.5 years and they speak out punishments on the people for their sins and the punishments happen to men. They will be killed shortly before the end and lie in the street 3 days. Then they will come back to life and be resurected. Then the end comes before Jesus returns.
Israel brings forth the Messiah Jesus. Satan was waiting to kill Him. Israel will flee into the wilderness when the antichrist takes over Jerusalem 3.5 years from the end. Satan and his devils will no longer be allowed to enter into heaven to accuse the saints falsely like they did to Job in the old testament. Satan and his devils are denied access to heaven and must stay on the earth. Satan makes war against the Jews that are saved Christians.
The beast from the sea; the antichrist the last evil ruler
His kingdom will be like medo persia, large, like greece cunning, he will speak with authority like the babylonian king, Satan will give the antichrist his power.
Another man will cause the world to worship the antichrist and cause a mark or a number or a name to be needed by law in order to buy and sell.
14 Brief vision of the 144,000 Jews that became christians standing on mount Sion.
Another vision:
Warnings given to the Earth that if any worship the antichrist he will be tormented forever in fire.
rev. 14:15,16 Jesus comes and raptures up the saints to meet Him in the air. rev. 14:17-20 Armageddon ---The armies of the Earth are slain in the valley of Megiddo
15 AND 16
The last punishments of God, the vials
This happens mostly during the last 3.5 years.
Sores on the men that worship the antichrist, the sea becomes like blood- either a large amount of iron oxide in the water are a reference to all on the sea dying, rivers and fountains of water become blood. --Possibly a large amount of iron oxide (rust) in the water from a large amount of iron in the sea from the asteroid that hit. (Iron oxide in the hemoglobin is what gives blood the red color)-- or blood being used figuratevely to indicate death. Men scorched with fire and heat and in pain with darkness.
Men still will not repent of their evil.
Euphrates river is dried up so that the armies from the East can come to the valley of Megiddo for armageddon to happen. Devils go out to bring the armies there. Great earthquake and great hail causing destruction. This is shortly before Jesus returns.
A new vision:
It is about a false religion, the woman or harlot. It is the babylonian mystery religion, baal worship. It rules over 7 kingdoms which oppress Israel. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo persia, Greece, are the 5 that are fallen. Rome is the one that is. Revived Rome made of 10 nations from the european union will be the 7th. The form of Baal worship that rules in Rome now, will rule over the 7th kingdom. See the Two Bablylons by Hislop on Google. Rome is the city that ruled over the kings of the Earth at the time of the writing. He refers to Rome as Babylon, a spiritual comparison. The 10 nations will destroy the religion and the city of Rome, and the antichrist will set himself to be worshipped in the city of Jerusalem for the last 3.5 years.
The destruction of Rome in one hour, possibly by a nuclear bomb.
Another vision:
God is praised for destroying the Roman form of Baal worship which killed many of the saints.
Marriage supper of the lamb, possibly happening after the saints are raptured up at Jesus' return, maybe before armageddon maybe after it.
Jesus returns with an army of angels and the saints to take over the world by force at amageddon.
Satan is bound a thousand years. There will be a thousand years of peace on the Earth with Jesus and His saints ruling the world.
It seems like some people that never heard of Jesus, and they helped saints in their life times will be allowed to enter the thousand year reign. See the parable of the sheep separated from the goats in the gospels.
Satan will be let loose to deceive whoever can be deceived as a final test of men near the end of the thousand years. The deceived men will gather to attack the saints and will be destroyed by fire.
The devil is cast into the lake of fire to suffer forever. I suppose all of the demons go there.
The unsaved dead are resurrected to be judged out of the books about their deeds. Whoever is not found in the book of life goes into the lake of fire to be tormented forever. Men are judged according to the words of the New Testament.
There is a new sky and a new Earth, no more sea.
no more sorrow, nor tears nor pain nor death for the saints.
A new Jerusalem 1500 miles square and high. Streets of gold, pearly gates bright with walls having precious stones and full of mansions. That is where the saved saints will live, happy forever.
The testimony is ended.
Looks like someone has been reading.

I agree with the meteor strike theory one that will cause the destruction of 1 third of the planet.

Maybe Meteor Apophis 2029 or 2036

I agree the EU is the best candidate for the 10 horned beast of revelation. The Hornes:
United Kingdom

I agree with the 7th trumpet return of the Messiah Jesus :) Pleasantly surprised the Author of the post picked that up too.

The 144,000 will not really become Christians, they will not need to. I believe they will be Jewish innocents saved from the wrath of God. Being innocent they do not need a Salvation. therefore they do not need to be Christian.

There will be a lot of suffering during the end times. People on People violence will be great, Natural disasters will be great. and the wrath of God will be great. Revelation reveals that if the wrath was to continue no flesh would survive on planet earth but that God for the sake of the elect will stop the wrath before all mankind is consumed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Revelation reveals that if the wrath was to continue no flesh would survive on planet earth but that God for the sake of the elect will stop the wrath before all mankind is consumed.

Gee, that's nice of Him. So thoughtful.