
Okay, answer this: How are you going to punish somone? They're dead!

I don't thing suicide should be illegal, in any case. It's your life.
There needs to be more help and less punisment for things like this and for drug ussers to. Sociaty is to quick to punish, but no where near quick enough to help
If someone want to commit suicide, I say let them, as long as they don't harm anyone else while doing it.

Has anyone watched Futurama, they had suicide booths, you pay a dollar to be being killed....
"I think everyone should try it at least once."

yeah, i think it's underrated. and i can see why it is. it's been done to death.

i know (at least i thought i knew) people who have done it, but they don't talk about it. it's like they've lost their heads or something.

ps. there should be war on suicide. let's get rid of them. hmmm ;)

pps. yes, i'm weird, but only literally.
i've been, in a manner of speaking, hit by life. for i'm alive. and i think it's contagious.

hey this is 'free thoughts', isn't it...
:D ................:bugeye:
Lol....I think everyone should try it at least once...

The illegal part is for those that do not succeed. You can not effectively try those that were successful. Somewhere on the internet will be those statistics for the estimated success rate compared to the failed rate. You will find the failed rate far higher. (I'm to lazy to look this morning) State assisted suicide should certainly be legal for those who wish it. I think sometime in the future you will see this as population pressures become greater. It is an unexplored avenue with this in mind. Bleieve me, it will resurface as an issue soemtime in the future as resource and food become harder to find or more expensive to get.
In other words we only punish people for not succeeding at comminting suicide. A bit odd no?

Maybe it should be legal and we should provide more help - I wonder what the statisics are on failed suicides that then lead to people that must be supported by the health system.

I think euthanasia being illegal is nuts as well. We have population problems enough without forcing people who don't want to be here to stick around.

(If suicide is a cry for help I think counseling is important, but if a person wants to be dead I think that's their right. I do think it's sad that anyone would want that, but if they do, it doesn't necessarily mean they're crazy or wrong. Some lives might be worse than death. Until our society is aimed at helping everyone attain a good life and interact respectfully we can't necessarily fix the problem by any simple form of help. Though I do believe everyone has the ability to be happy if they get their mind on the right path and can get past old painful events.)
In other words we only punish people for not succeeding at comminting suicide. A bit odd no?

That sums it rather nicely. It is how it is.

To my line of thought, everyone has their weak moments, their vunerable times, when the nature of suicide might be more attactive than it would be at a more stable point in life. In looking around, it would seem that there are enough challanges for one to put this one off. Of course this is only my viewpoint. If some of ones that were successful could come back and state their side then it might not be such a one-sided topic...
Allow me to take a word from our good friend sideshow bob:
'attempted suicide! now really, what is that? do they give a nobel prize for attempted chemistry?'
Can anyone actually tell me why it would stop anyone by being illegel?

That never stoped me from trying (luckerly i couldn't find my knife so i used a compass and the spike was to small to do any damage)