Suicide ,Jihad ,Terrorism


Registered Senior Member
Peace to you,
Suicide is haram in Islam. It's prohibited, like a mortal sin. And murder is haram. And to kill civilians is murder.
the taking of one's own life, not to mention the taking of the lives of innocents, is forbidden Islam teaches that the person who takes his/her own life will be condemned to hell war, in Islam, can only be fought in self-defense and has limits and boundaries the whole concept of jihad is misunderstood by non-Muslims and many Muslims as well - they understand it only in the sense of armed confrontation whereas there are numerous aspects to it some Muslims misunderstand it to the point where they think strapping explosives to their chests and walking into a crowd is an acceptable way to confront the enemy the Holy Quran does not justify aggression suicide bombing is about politics, not religion; it is an act of desperation and there is no Islamic justification for it

jihad" means to strive or struggle
jihad is applied in various ways: there is jihad of the hand, which means the struggle to put faith into action by doing good deeds; jihad of the heart, which is the struggle to make the faith real as a spiritual force; jihad of the tongue, the struggle to speak about the faith with others; and jihad of the sword, the struggle to defend the faith when it is under attack.
you cannot kill innocent people. There is no Islamic declaration of war against the United States. Every Muslim country except Afghanistan has an embassy in this country. And in Islam, a country where you have embassies is not considered a belligerent country.
in Islam, the only wars that are permitted are between armies and they should engage on battlefields and engage nobly. The Prophet Muhammad said, ``Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people,'' and he mentioned priests, nuns and rabbis. And he said, ``Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies.'' The Hadith, the sayings of the Prophet, say that no one can punish with fire except the lord of fire. It's prohibited to burn anyone in Islam as a punishment.
the Prophet said the greatest jihad is the struggle of a man against his own evil influences. It also refers to what Christians call a ``just war,'' which is fought against tyranny or oppression -- but under a legitimate state authority

Terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

terrorism is clearly outside the purview of Islam
the limits of a war are clearly circumscribed in Islamic law and bringing civilians into an armed conflict goes against those divine laws
in Islam, there is no acceptance of the notion that "the end justifies the means," so if someone were to use terrorism to achieve "Islamic" goals they would be participating in something that Islam repudiates
both the ends and the means must be Islamic in order for that action to be just and accepted by Allah

This is Islam as I see it........Peace unto You :)

its a grave pity you muslims do not abide by these beliefs, then maybe people can switch there tv on one day out of a year without hearing about more muslim nutters killing people in the name of islam

and its a grave pity muslim religous leaders instead of condeming these terroist acts activley encourage them, the more religous you are in islam the more crazy you are, yet its the opposite in other religons

i hope that clarifies things better than the opening jokes of the previous letter
and its a grave pity muslim religous leaders instead of condeming these terroist acts activley encourage them,

Well Vincent the only Muslim leaders that get any airtime are the ones who encourage such acts.

its a grave pity you muslims do not abide by these beliefs, then maybe people can switch there tv on one day out of a year without hearing about more muslim nutters killing people in the name of islam

There are over a billion muslims in the world and mostly all of them feel this way...but again when you watch the news do you hear more about people saving lives or people taking them?...Controversy sells
for once i agree with you theres a first

however this does not mean we are kissing cousins now
the world of Islam should help themselves by openly condeming muslims murderers and suicide bombers, by putting a fatwa on them and anybody who supports them,and by commiting all muslims to a holy ji'had on terrorism and suicide bombings. (but they wont)
I am quite sure that I once read that suicide is actually acceptable if the life is given away in a holy struggle. Meaning the sins are redeemed when one dies for a holy reason.

But I could be wrong, I knew that suicide is prohibited, but I am quite sure that there is away around that.
yes I read It here It was one of PMs posts.
see below highlighted in blue.

The Evil Deeds that Lead one to Hell
Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked: "What are the deeds of the people of Hell, and what are the deeds of the people of Paradise?"

He replied: "The deeds of the people of Hell are:

associating partners with Allah
disbelieving in His Messengers
kufr (ingratitude, disbelief)
hasad (malicious envy)
oppression and wrongdoing (dhulm)
cutting off the ties of kinship
cowardice at the time of jihad
inconsistency between what is in one’s heart and the face one shows to people
despairing of the mercy of Allah
feeling secure from the plan of Allah
panicking blindly at the time of crisis
pride and extravagance at the time of plenty
abandoning one’s duties towards Allah
transgressing His limits
violating His sanctity
fearing a created being instead of the Creator
showing off
going against the Qur’an and Sunnah in word or deed
obeying a created being in some act of disobedience to the Creator
blindly supporting falsehood
mocking the Signs of Allah
rejecting the truth
withholding knowledge and testimony that should be revealed
witchcraft and magic
disobeying one’s parents
killing any soul forbidden by Allah except for reasons of justice
consuming the wealth of the orphan
riba (usury)
desertion from the battlefield
slandering the reputation of innocent, chaste, believing women." [Yaqadhat uli al-I`tibar, p. 222]
The Messenger, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, mentioned all the sins that will lead one to Hell. Muslim reports from `Iyaad ibn Himaar that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, said, during a lengthy khutbah:

"…The people of Hell are five: the weak who

so there you have it
fahrenheit 451 said:
yes I read It here It was one of PMs posts.
see below highlighted in blue.

The Evil Deeds that Lead one to Hell
Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked: "What are the deeds of the people of Hell, and what are the deeds of the people of Paradise?"

He replied: "The deeds of the people of Hell are:

associating partners with Allah
disbelieving in His Messengers
kufr (ingratitude, disbelief)
hasad (malicious envy)
oppression and wrongdoing (dhulm)
cutting off the ties of kinship
cowardice at the time of jihad
inconsistency between what is in one’s heart and the face one shows to people
despairing of the mercy of Allah
feeling secure from the plan of Allah
panicking blindly at the time of crisis
pride and extravagance at the time of plenty
abandoning one’s duties towards Allah
transgressing His limits
violating His sanctity
fearing a created being instead of the Creator
showing off
going against the Qur’an and Sunnah in word or deed
obeying a created being in some act of disobedience to the Creator
blindly supporting falsehood
mocking the Signs of Allah
rejecting the truth
withholding knowledge and testimony that should be revealed
witchcraft and magic
disobeying one’s parents
killing any soul forbidden by Allah except for reasons of justice
consuming the wealth of the orphan
riba (usury)
desertion from the battlefield
slandering the reputation of innocent, chaste, believing women." [Yaqadhat uli al-I`tibar, p. 222]
The Messenger, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, mentioned all the sins that will lead one to Hell. Muslim reports from `Iyaad ibn Himaar that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, said, during a lengthy khutbah:

"…The people of Hell are five: the weak who

so there you have it

sigh.....thats talkin about capital punishment does that say anything about suicide?? you guys really sadden me with this All muslims are murderers crap......this will be my last post it seems that there is no talking to the unwillling to learn............salaam

Well, you are right. The passage that Fahrenheit took from one of ProudMuslim´s posts does not give a reason for suicide. But I am sure that I once read an essay on the justification of suicide in Islam. If it is truly valid measured at the Qu´ran I cannot say.
Alas I did not read it online. I have to look through my philosophy sheets to come up with said essay.

And I can assure you that I do not condem Muslims in general. In fact, I hoped for some information on this matter.
surenderer said:
sigh.....thats talkin about capital punishment does that say anything about suicide?? you guys really sadden me with this All muslims are murderers crap......this will be my last post it seems that there is no talking to the unwillling to learn............salaam

Oh come on brother. You are doing well in answering in this thread. Even vincent28uk is agreeing to the extent short of kissing you. :D
surenderer said:
sigh.....thats talkin about capital punishment does that say anything about suicide?? you guys really sadden me with this All muslims are murderers crap......this will be my last post it seems that there is no talking to the unwillling to learn............salaam


Surrenderer I don't think people here with a few possible exceptions are saying all muslims are murderers or even that most or many muslims are murderers. Many of us have problems with what we see as hostility or contradictions in islamic doctrine most have the same problem with christian doctrine. The way you describe what you understand islam to be is honestly reassuring however as long as there are messages regarding war, violence or condemnation of non-believers there will always be muslims who interpret them differently than you
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Fundamentalist Islam is not traditional Islam. It is a separate ideology. We need to get past the thinking that there is something wrong with Islam, and begin to address the causes of the shift to fundamentalism.
surrender: wether a muslim clerics uses, killing any soul forbidden by Allah except for reasons of justice, as justice for capitol punishment.
is one thing but he may read, as he has any justification to kill, if he believes it to be the will of allah.(else why do you have suicide bombers and terrorist and holy ji'had wars)
PS I am an atheist and am not picking on muslim persay, just making a point.