Suggestions for a Website Topic


Master of Puppets
Registered Senior Member
Hey guys
I have a problem which I hope you'll help me to solve...

I got an assignment in computer science to build a website. and I have no idea what the topic it is going to be about.
Could anybody here please suggest an original idea? I would really appreciate it, and as a sign of appreciation I will put the name of the author of the idea I liked the most in the "Special Thanks" section (with your permission, of course) when I finally upload the website.
...That's the most I can do...

Well in truth the topic should either be something your interested in or know.

There is the other possibility of "Killing two birsds with one stone", for instance if you have an english lit assignment on Romeo and Juliet. Write your essay as a website. (not a page)

Then you could get good marks in both classes
How about a visual site where folk can download a pic of themselves and then see what they'd look like with blonde hair, blue eyes, vulcan ears that kind of yoke.
Some hairdressers use a similar type of softwear to exemplify the new hairstyle about to be 'created' so a variation on thismay be an idea.

Or there's always porn! :D
Thanks for the ideas, but I have allredy thought of such possibilities and came to realize that they are not practical...
Although I have thought of "killing two birds with one stone" and I have even started to work on a porn site... but I meant to build it as a hobby, not something to pass the matriculation exam with...:bugeye:
The idea of the visual site is nice but it's also practically impossible to build (for me). I'm no pro. Remember that I'm just an average high school dude and that's too much for me...
Well this wont really fit the hobby but what about building a web site about building a web site?

Its original, sort of
In that case how about an inTRAnet site.
Do a little research on the school corriculum and then search for site which are on helpful topics.

You can download free avatars and icons even perhaps try local facilities for some basic funding in return for advertising space and links. Local shops which appeal to school age buyers. Maybe even bowling allies or cinemas.

a quick poll on what subjects would be helpful among peers outside your group. Let other people 'lay the carpet' then all you need to do is 'brush up'

Good luck!!:D
webdesigner sort of says

a worthwile site to visit is a site which has information tht is hard to find anywhere else or is unique... make it your poetry site with wievers to be able to post their work (my intention) or a site with your essays or about your phylosophy of life..or the river you see from your window....anything unique is worth a visit.....