sufficient and undeniable evidence, the infidel guy riddle


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sufficient and undeniable evidence, the infidel guy riddle

Does God wish for man to know of him explicitly? Surely God would know what evidences would be sufficient and undeniable for everyone to know of his specific existence. Non-Believers exist, so God has failed to provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence. Why would God deny sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence if he wishes for man to know of him? Some would say Faith is the answer... that faith is required to know god. But surely, Faith would not provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence... for one can have faith in all manner of imagination and fantasy. If God doesn't provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence, how can God punish those that disbelieve? - Reginald V. Finley, Sr.
mis-t-highs said:
....if he wishes for man to know of him? ....

The biggest word in the English Language is "if".

God doesn't want everybody to know Him.

Creation is a Process that arrives at Perfection over Time. This Process of Perfection requires that the Evil, Coarse, Unconscious, and Malignant Entities that were Created in the Completeness of All Possibilities be separated out from the Good and the Virtuous.

So God specifies His Call to only those He deems Worthy, or at least Redeemable, while those who have intrinsic traits of Evil which give a permanent and polluting stain deep enough to disfigure their Immortal Souls, such as they are allowed to break off and drift away, because Perfection can only exist apart from them.
itopal said:
2.) Perfection requires Evil!

No. A Complete Creation of Everything requires that Evil be put into play along with Everything Else. Then... THEN, Perfection requires that Evil be weeded out and either set apart or destroyed.

Again, in short, my argument is that Creation does not require God to be instantaneously perfect, but only that the end result of the final product be Perfection. This can be reconciled to Absolute Philosophies by discounting Time as a true Dimension, and by collapsing Past Present and Future into One Eternal Divine Moment in which Creation Becomes Perfection in that One Eternal Divine Moment. But being caught in Time we see the Process before it has had a chance to accomplish its End, and so our sense that there is Imperfection is only an accident of being stuck in time.
itopal said:
2.) Perfection requires Evil!

No. A Complete Creation of Everything requires that Evil be put into play along with Everything Else. Then... THEN, Perfection requires that Evil be weeded out and either set apart or destroyed.

Again, in short, my argument is that Creation does not require God to be instantaneously perfect, but only that the end result of the final product be Perfection. This can be reconciled to Absolute Philosophies by discounting Time as a true Dimension, and by collapsing Past Present and Future into One Eternal Divine Moment in which Creation Becomes Perfection in that One Eternal Divine Moment. But being caught in Time we see the Process before it has had a chance to accomplish its End, and so our sense that there is Imperfection is only an accident of being stuck in time.
itopal said:
2.) Perfection requires Evil!

No. A Complete Creation of Everything requires that Evil be put into play along with Everything Else. Then... THEN, Perfection requires that Evil be weeded out and either set apart or destroyed.

Again, in short, my argument is that Creation does not require God to be instantaneously perfect, but only that the end result of the final product be Perfection. This can be reconciled to Absolute Philosophies by discounting Time as a true Dimension, and by collapsing Past Present and Future into One Eternal Divine Moment in which Creation Becomes Perfection in that One Eternal Divine Moment. But being caught in Time we see the Process before it has had a chance to accomplish its End, and so our sense that there is Imperfection is only an accident of being stuck in time.
mis-t-highs said:
sufficient and undeniable evidence, the infidel guy riddle

Does God wish for man to know of him explicitly? Surely God would know what evidences would be sufficient and undeniable for everyone to know of his specific existence. Non-Believers exist, so God has failed to provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence. Why would God deny sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence if he wishes for man to know of him? Some would say Faith is the answer... that faith is required to know god. But surely, Faith would not provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence... for one can have faith in all manner of imagination and fantasy. If God doesn't provide sufficient and undeniable evidence of his existence, how can God punish those that disbelieve? - Reginald V. Finley, Sr.

Um...could you please use the phrase "sufficient and undeniable" again? Thanks...cause that was funny.

Anyhoo, God does provide plenty of sufficient and undeniable evidence to those who seek it of Him and seek it sincerely...those who really want to know the truth are shown the truth...those who truly want to know Him, come to know Him. Seek Him and you shall find Him...knock and He will certainly open His door. The reason that there are unbelievers is because they don't seek...they don't knock...because like you dear, they don't want to know Him.

Faith is not a belief in something that you don't know to be true...not in it's entirety. Faith is trust. And it's a trust that is based upon that which you do know to be true...because of sufficient and undeniable evidence that has been presented to you and by Him personally. Just as you would choose to trust or to not trust a certain person based upon the knowledge and understanding that you have achieved from having a relationship with them. I know God from this relationship that I've had with Him, and therefore I trust Him. He is exactly who He says He is. THAT is faith.


mis-t-highs said:
sufficient and undeniable evidence, the infidel guy riddle

Does God wish for man to know of him explicitly? Surely God would know what evidences would be sufficient and undeniable for everyone to know of his specific existence. Non-Believers exist, so God has failed to provide

of course sufficient and undeniable evidence exists of the existence of GOD,You are a Moron to believe otherwise
Look at your self,then look around u..
then look at a basic created object like your watch and compare the complexities in there creation,then ask your self if u could ever accept that simple watch just appearing out of "nothing" or evolving on its own accord from something into a watch.. of course u won't,not even a simple thing as a human created watch,yet u are prepared to accept the whole complex universe and its complex organisms just happened to appear out of "nothing".. THINK...if u still believe there is not enough evidence of GOD, then proudly call your self a hypocryte
johnahmed said:
mis-t-highs said:
sufficient and undeniable evidence, the infidel guy riddle

Does God wish for man to know of him explicitly? Surely God would know what evidences would be sufficient and undeniable for everyone to know of his specific existence. Non-Believers exist, so God has failed to provide

of course sufficient and undeniable evidence exists of the existence of GOD,You are a Moron to believe otherwise
Look at your self,then look around u..
could you please supply the source material and any evidence you have for your assertions
john said:
then look at a basic created object like your watch and compare the complexities in there creation,then ask your self if u could ever accept that simple watch just appearing out of "nothing" or evolving on its own accord from something into a watch.
by appearing out of nothing do you mean created, as this planet consist of carbon based lifeforms no of course not, something metalic could not evolve on it's own, at the present, but in the future, have you heard of nanotechnology, robotics, AI.
however does'nt you god reside in a neverneverland.
john said:
of course u won't,not even a simple thing as a human created watch,yet u are prepared to accept the whole complex universe and its complex organisms just happened to appear out of "nothing"..
are you talking about creation as thats how it comes over, but if you mean the big bang then, no not quite, I am prepared to accept the evidence they have at the moment, until it shown otherwise, I will remain open minded.
john said:
THINK...if u still believe there is not enough evidence of GOD, then proudly call your self a hypocryte
there is no evidence for god , and why would I.