Suffer the Little Children: Homeland Security Accuses Celebrity


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Mysterious Ways in Gaylord

So, imagine that three months into your marriage, not only do you find out that your husband is cheating on you, but you find out when federal authorities arrive to arrest him for raping children.

Homeland Security agents and officers from the Michigan State Police and Battle Creek Police Department arrested Balyo, 35, Friday at a Christian music festival in Gaylord, Michigan.

Balyo is facing charges of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, according to a press release by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

"Baylo allegedly paid a defendant, who is the subject of a separate ... child-exploitation investigation, to arrange sexual encounters with minor victims," investigators said in the press release.

The man Balyo allegedly paid to arrange the encounters has been identified by police as Ronald Lee Moser. The 42-year-old was indicted earlier this month in federal court on child exploitation and child pornography charges.

"They would meet in hotels in areas around Grand Rapids and Balyo would have sex with the children," a Homeland Security agent told


To the one, it should be noted that John Balyo has not yet been convicted. To the other, it is worth pointing out that he turned up in a Homeland Security child sexual trafficking operation.

And, to the beeblebrox, the arrest itself has already cost Balyo his job ... as a radio host ... on a Christian station.

Chris Lemke, the General Manager for WCSG radio, said during Monday's broadcast, "We can't make sense of this."

And then he blamed it on Satan.


Lohr, David. "Christian Radio Personality John Balyo Charged In Child-Sex Assault Probe". The HuffingtonPost. June 23, 2014. June 25, 2014.

Immigraiton and Customs Enforcement. "HSI arrests gospel radio DJ on criminal sexual conduct charges". June 20, 2014. June 25, 2014.
I guess he was planning on becoming a priest some day, so he was practicing.

He should have waited. Those guys get away with it all the time. All that happens is that they're transferred to a church in a different country.
I guess he was planning on becoming a priest some day, so he was practicing.

What about jewish rabbis sucking on babies genitals?

You never hear about this, but oh no you have to go after catholic priests.

Hollywood you can bet is full of it, but you all love those people too. You even have actors coming out telling you people hollywood is well into paedos, but you lot will keep loving them. Look at jackson.

You should be careful which group you claim is doing wrong, as the group you love may be upto the same things.
What about jewish rabbis sucking on babies genitals?
Is that something to do with the ritual circumcision? A primitive way of cleaning up?

You never hear about this . . . .
Yes, you're right. Please present a link to a report from a respectable source.

. . . . but oh no you have to go after catholic priests.
Their pedophliac antics have been reported in America's newspapers of record for many years. As has their bishops' "solution" of quietly transferring them to a parish in another country where the authorities are less likely to interfere in church "business."

They have been prosecuted in the USA and at least one diocese (Los Angeles, IIRC) had to pay a huge fine. Please present your evidence for placing mohels in this same category.

Everyone on this website knows that I have nothing but contempt for religion and the ignorant, superstitious people who fall for it. So I don't care if the perps are Catholic, Jewish or Wiccan. Taking advantage of helpless children is simply wrong.

Hollywood you can bet is full of it, but you all love those people too.
Speak for yourself. I do not support the currently fashionable tactic of prosecuting a 20-year-old for having consensual sex with a 17-year-old. But when it comes to younger children, I have no forgiveness.

Look at jackson.
Michael Jackson was raised terribly by a family who cared more about his income potential than his happiness or his ability to function like an adult. He needed to be rehabilitated rather than prosecuted. Emotionally he was still a child so he did things that many children do out of curiosity, inquisitiveness and sheer ignorance.

But he was a special case. I would not expand that point of view to the average pedophile.

And once again, please present some evidence from a respectable source to support your contention that pedophilia is any more common in the entertainment community than in any other U.S. demographic. Pedophilia is a hot issue in this country today, so it shouldn't be too hard to find some articles about its prevalence in Hollywood, if that is actually true.

You should be careful which group you claim is doing wrong, as the group you love may be up to the same things.
I lived in Hollywood for ten years. So I am under no delusion that those people are significantly different from the rest of us.

Many actors, singers and other artists have the same experience as Michael Jackson. Their agents, their directors and the heads of the studios they work for want them to make lots of money. So they might indulge their illegal and immoral pursuits, regardless of what it may do to the stars themselves in the long run. This is usually manifested in rowdy public behavior, drunkenness and drug overdoses, since entertainers generally have no trouble getting dates with attractive, horny people.

However, I'm sure Jackson was not the only star to have been raised wrong by parents who regarded him as a source of fabulous income. Sure, there must be a few other pedophiles in Hollywood, but I doubt that it's an epidemic like it is among Catholic priests.

It's not entirely fair to blame the stars for their transgressions when they're surrounded by powerful, persuasive people who assure them that it's okay. It's rather similar to being raised by an abusive parent.

To be fair, it's not too much of a stretch to put priests in a similar category. If they were allowed to go on dates and get married like the rest of us, they'd have a normal, respectable outlet for their sexual feelings.
Cornfed Something or Other

Fraggle Rocker said:

Is that something to do with the ritual circumcision? A primitive way of cleaning up?

Essentially, yes. There is still a small sect that I am aware of still engaging this practice. I became aware of it in the nineties, when I attended another discussion board as well, and we were subject to all manner of weekly updates, four or five of them from the same source, similarly named (all the report titles included the word "kill"), ranting all sorts of conspiracy theories about the Jews.

I busted this one out once, years ago, in a futile argument against a high-fuel Israeli-supporting Jewish member of our community; true, I brought it out as a comparative, because he really was being vampiric in his lust for Palestinian children's blood—and so there is no question, this was a rabid case of warlust—but still to this day feel kind of dirty when I think back to that one, because the wisdom of my late twenties has nothing on the skepticism, cynicism, and resignation of middle age.

But yes, I am familiar with this one. And no, I am not in the slightest pleased, neutral, or anything but not annoyed by the arrival of this particular Judeobait in our community.

Speak for yourself.

Actually, Bryan Singer just went down in a pedo-/hebe-phile prostitution scandal that crosses all sorts of international boundaries. The word coming up is that he is hardly alone, and that Tinseltown is about to take a shot in the nutsack over the scope and scale of this scandal.

That is to say, the murmur and buzz suggest that this is about to get huge. As in legends of Hollywood, living and dead, are about to collapse, and with enough load-bearing mythos to possibly bring the whole culture crashing to rubble.

Not that I wouldn't enjoy the spectacle of Hollywood in absolute freefall, but if the rumors are true, the ticket price is way, way too high.

Where our neighbor is being unfair is that the real damage has yet to be exposed. Bryan Singer, for instance, is good—very good—at what he does behind the camera, but he is hardly the sort of legend Michael Jackson was. He hasn't the gravity to withstand this sort of vector disruption. Jupiter swallowed Shoemaker-Levy 9. Can you imagine if conditions had aligned so that Earth had taken those blows?

There are no names to name, but the A-list on and offscreen, and, apparently, the rolls of WMA, CAA, and all the others are about to take a really ugly hit.

Stay tuned; this one sounds like it has some sort of legs.

But that's the point. The audience doesn't know yet. The real horror show has yet to begin.

Meanwhile, I would simply point out that if a half-wit Family Broadcaster can figure how to outsource the actual stalking and acquiring of the child, we might expect that smarter celebrities with whatever psychiatric dysfunctions would be capable of outsourcing through more professional, and therefore subtle, networks.

But stay tuned. Or, if we decide we haven't the stomach for it, maybe not. This is supposed to get real ugly, real soon.

Michael Jackson was raised terribly by a family who cared more about his income potential than his happiness or his ability to function like an adult.

I remember listening to some testimony that had something to do with MJ and a boy in a hotel room, a front-desk call for Vaseline, and Michael, allegedly sweaty and shirtless, answering the door to receive the delivery. Setting aside everything else gruesome, amateurish, and B-class about that scene, why the hell didn't anyone at least try to make the economic argument of what was about to happen if this went south? I mean, I get the whole loyalty to the cash cow thing; no matter how repugnant it is, I see how it works. But could nobody look forward, past, "Don't get caught", toward the fact that humans are imperfect and incredibly imbecilic? Eventually, something will go wrong. So no matter how they justified it to themselves that they weren't evil or nasty or whatever the fuck, there always loomed over them the possibility that something would go awry and they would be called upon to answer for themselves. So how did nobody figure out to at least ask the question?

It's the most maddening thing. I can deal with sickness; we have means of addressing that. I can try to countenance the damage; we have means of trying to address that. What I cannot comprehend, however, is the myopic idiocy of this particular self-preservative instinct.

It speaks to the core of human corruption, albeit within our particular range of societal expression.

The malady exists; I can accept that. But how do these minds of little merit achieve the power that they do? Okay, so MJ was a superstar born and bred; that one makes enough sense even if we can't connect every dot or color every number. But who is this fucker? A radio host from Gaylord, Michigan? Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell is this mongrel to be outsourcing his predation?

(1) Every person in your procurement network is entirely overlapped by a larger subset, labeled witnesses. Each person is a risk vector you can, demonstrably, sail the goddamn United States government on.

(2) I get that the sickness exists, but what is the psychoanalysis on this typological framework? What the hell produced this? And, yes, the Devil was at work, because the Devils we raise will haunt us. Thus: What the holy living hell produced this?

What the fuck happened here? I mean, this one was apparently too lazy to do his own goddamn stalking. What the hell?

I get that the sickness exists when the child is the object of the hunt. But the child as a commodity? What the hell produces this outcome?

This is why people need myth, I suppose. Goddess grant. Columbia weeps. A donkey punch to Nature's ova. Sophia screams, but no one listens.

Yes, there is an explanation for what happened here.

Do I really want to know what it is?


What happened to the corn-syrup America I once knew?

What happened to the corn-syrup America I once knew?
It was never real. The real America was simply much easier to conceal in the pre-internet era.

There's nothing new. The parents who were screaming about their out-of-control children in the 1960s with their sex, drugs and rock'n'roll had conveniently forgotten their own pre-war childhoods and parents screaming about Swing and bootleg whiskey.
Christians always say that when a person does bad things and if they say they were a Christian that they really weren't and only pretending to be Christians.

That's a nice way to avoid being shown as doing the wrong things as a Christian because they never were.
It was never real. The real America was simply much easier to conceal in the pre-internet era.
There's nothing new. The parents who were screaming about their out-of-control children in the 1960s with their sex, drugs and rock'n'roll had conveniently forgotten their own pre-war childhoods and parents screaming about Swing and bootleg whiskey.

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)
QUOTATION: The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
I remember listening to some testimony that had something to do with MJ and a boy in a hotel room, a front-desk call for Vaseline, and Michael, allegedly sweaty and shirtless, answering the door to receive the delivery. Setting aside everything else gruesome, amateurish, and B-class about that scene, why the hell didn't anyone at least try to make the economic argument of what was about to happen if this went south? I mean, I get the whole loyalty to the cash cow thing; no matter how repugnant it is, I see how it works. But could nobody look forward, past, "Don't get caught", toward the fact that humans are imperfect and incredibly imbecilic? Eventually, something will go wrong. So no matter how they justified it to themselves that they weren't evil or nasty or whatever the fuck, there always loomed over them the possibility that something would go awry and they would be called upon to answer for themselves. So how did nobody figure out to at least ask the question?

It's the most maddening thing. I can deal with sickness; we have means of addressing that. I can try to countenance the damage; we have means of trying to address that. What I cannot comprehend, however, is the myopic idiocy of this particular self-preservative instinct.

It speaks to the core of human corruption, albeit within our particular range of societal expression.

The malady exists; I can accept that. But how do these minds of little merit achieve the power that they do? Okay, so MJ was a superstar born and bred; that one makes enough sense even if we can't connect every dot or color every number. But who is this fucker? A radio host from Gaylord, Michigan? Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell is this mongrel to be outsourcing his predation?

(1) Every person in your procurement network is entirely overlapped by a larger subset, labeled witnesses. Each person is a risk vector you can, demonstrably, sail the goddamn United States government on.

(2) I get that the sickness exists, but what is the psychoanalysis on this typological framework? What the hell produced this? And, yes, the Devil was at work, because the Devils we raise will haunt us. Thus: What the holy living hell produced this?

What the fuck happened here? I mean, this one was apparently too lazy to do his own goddamn stalking. What the hell?

I get that the sickness exists when the child is the object of the hunt. But the child as a commodity? What the hell produces this outcome?

This is why people need myth, I suppose. Goddess grant. Columbia weeps. A donkey punch to Nature's ova. Sophia screams, but no one listens.

Yes, there is an explanation for what happened here.

Do I really want to know what it is?


What happened to the corn-syrup America I once knew?

What produced it is a sick perverted bastard and laziness.. Think about it, we all strive for convenience. Why is it surprising that someone would hire an agent to find children for him to rape? Thailand is full of this, where you quite literally hire a broker to find children for paedophiles to rape in hotel rooms.

It's human trafficking, pure and simple.

I don't find what he did to be shocking, because I've heard about this so often, mostly with paedophiles traveling to countries like Thailand - they contact a broker through the child trafficking grapevine *cough* internet forums *end cough* and they get to their destination and they have as many children as they can pay for to rape in their hotel room. And these aren't famous people doing it. They are from all walks of life. I've handled extradition orders of quite a few Australians who were charged there on child sex offenses after fleeing after being caught. And it's quite horrific. In a way, they use this method because they have not developed feelings for the child.

Normally you would expect that they groom the child(ren), they develop feelings for that child, they even love them. Using brokers or child prostitution rings or traffickers, it becomes quite cold, they can do whatever they want, they are not emotionally attached to that child. The emotional repercussions of some of the things they can do to these children, that what they do do to them, is no longer there. I'm trying to word this so that it's not, frankly, scream inducing. When a paedophile grooms a child, they become emotionally attached and emotionally invested in that child. They have spent time grooming the child, building trust. They are less likely to cause physical harm to the child. A paedophile who is buying a child, or using a broker or child sex trafficker, does not have that emotional investment in the child, so whatever they do to that child, they care less and it allows them the chance to quite literally, be brutal. One of the worst aspects of child sex abuse and grooming is that the paedophile makes the child believe that this is normal and what they (the child) wants. So the child feels guilty, some for the rest of their lives, for not only allowing it to happen, but for not speaking out about it sooner. A paedophile who uses a child sex trafficker doesn't have those issues. The children are disposable. Quite literally a sex toy to be used, abused and disposed of after they are done. So the physical violence and physical sexual assault on those children can be.. traumatic. And to be honest, both are as bad as the other.

It's sad that it isn't uncommon. I think you would find that those who use such traffickers are those who obviously want to avoid having their secrets get out. It's one less link to them. A Christian media personality who depends on his religious beliefs for his income is more than likely to hire a child sex broker.

The corn-syrup America you once knew never really existed. Behind corn-syrup is always decay. The media, the advent of the internet and the loss of shame that had many such stories hushed up in the past, where child sex abuse was kept in the family and never discussed... Welcome to the real world. This always existed. This is part of the decay of every society.