

I know we have explored the existance of the soul and talked about consciousness before.

But how about subconsciousness? Anyone have good information on that dimension of the brain that stores a great amount of data about a person, data that is not retrievable. I heard that hypnosis can retrieve some of the data stored in the subconscious.

Does the existance of subconscious validates the concept of judgement found in the three religions?
Originally posted by heflores

Does the existance of subconscious validates the concept of judgement found in the three religions? [/B]

What concept of judgment?
Originally posted by Mrhero54
What concept of judgment?
Well, What is the purpose of subconscious anyways for humans. Everything has a purpose. First we must understand what is a subconscious.

Based on the International Forum for NeoVedantins.

Subconscious mind is the sum total of our past experiences. What we feel, think, or do forms the basis of our experience. These experiences are stored in the form of subtle impressions in our subconscious mind. These impressions interact with one another and give birth to tendencies. We become prone to react in a particular way to a particular situation or stimulus depending upon the tendencies in our subconscious mind. The resultant of these tendencies determines our character. Depending on the strength and nature of their character people respond to the same stimuli or the situation in differing ways. The reaction varies according to the character of the individual.

Second, we must understand how judgement is explained in the religious scriptures: The koran for example

[2.48] And be on your guard against a day when one soul shall not avail another in the least, neither shall intercession on its behalf be accepted, nor shall any compensation be taken from it, nor shall they be helped.
****The verse above shows that the judegement is specific to each soul, that each soul is unique to itself, that each soul is comprised of the elements it earned, and that no compensation, intercession, ect...will be allowed in judgement.

[2.286] God does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability; for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned and upon it (the evil of) what it has wrought:
****The verse above shows that each soul or subconscous is shaped based upon it's ability. So judgement is not prejudice. Mentally disabeled people are judged based on their abilities, and geniouses are judged based on their abilities.

[2.281] And guard yourselves against a day in which you shall be returned to Allah; then every soul shall be paid back in full what it has earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
******This verse gives a purpose for the subconscious

[3.30] On the day that every soul shall find present what it has done of good and what it has done of evil, it shall wish that between it and that (evil) there were a long duration of time; and god makes you to be cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and god is Compassionate to the servants.
****Now this verse makes sense, because it shows that on judgement the subconscious will be present. It is saying that currently we are not aware of our record.

[3.185] Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities.
*****So souls do not die, they are just conscious of death.

[17.85] And they ask you about the soul. Say: The soul is one of the commands of my Lord, and you are not given aught of knowledge but a little.
****Amen to that.

From the above, I think the subconscious is the book of record of human beings that will determine it's final abode.
Re: Re: Subconscious

Originally posted by spookz
thats only cos spot hasnt been trained very well

How do train the spot Spook? I think that's dangerous, unless performed a licenced MD, and even then there is a big risk that the screws up there might be permanently shifted.
nonsense. i doctor myself for 30 minutes everyday
hmm. you might have a point, i do feel shifted in very bad ways. oops!
Originally posted by heflores
Well, What is the purpose of subconscious anyways for humans. Everything has a purpose. First we must understand what is a subconscious. ...Based on the International Forum for NeoVedantins.

Subconscious mind is the sum total of our past experiences. What we feel, think, or do forms the basis of our experience. ...

Second, we must understand how judgement is explained in the religious scriptures: The koran for example
All that is very pretty, really! And thanks for presenting your translation or summarized interpretation of those passages from the Koran. However, only problem with that is that you are comparing the subconscious with the soul. The subconscious is a physical matter or is it not? The Koran like many other religious manuals frequently addresses the soul, but I do not recall a single instance where the subconscious is addressed or referred as such.:m:
Originally posted by Microzoft
All that is very pretty, really! And thanks for presenting your translation or summarized interpretation of those passages from the Koran. However, only problem with that is that you are comparing the subconscious with the soul. The subconscious is a physical matter or is it not? The Koran like many other religious manuals frequently addresses the soul, but I do not recall a single instance where the subconscious is addressed or referred as such.:m:

Originally posted by Microzoft
All that is very pretty, really! And thanks for presenting your translation or summarized interpretation of those passages from the Koran. However, only problem with that is that you are comparing the subconscious with the soul. The subconscious is a physical matter or is it not? The Koran like many other religious manuals frequently addresses the soul, but I do not recall a single instance where the subconscious is addressed or referred as such.:m:

I really think that this is a naming issue, where too many names are assigned to the same thing so people who are talking about the same thing seem to be different. Scientists hate to use religious scriptures (for a good reason) so that their finding don't end up being cult forming or used by one set of religion over another. Soul is a religious term, it's not a scientific term. Suconscious is a scientific term for the hidden conscious of humans containing their record. I disagree that the soul is a physical matter. The heart and all other parts of the body including a brain are physical matters, and so we have had heart and other organ implants done on people successfully and they didn't change personality. With all the scientific advances, we are no close to perform a brain implant, and if we did, I doubt we can ever perform a soul implant, or trasfer the person history and abilities. Consciouness and subconsciousness is the result of communication of various body part with the brain and not just the brain alone. The method of transmitiion of the information is not well understood, although electric current is thought to be the method. Noone also knows how information is stored and retrieved from the gray juicy multi cell organ and how it so effectively communicate with the rest of the body for conscious activity or sensoring of surrounding information for the subconscious.
I don’t think it is a naming issue, al least not to those that do not relate or associate neurons with that of the soul. Subconscious (as you have repeated several times) as a scientific term. Subconscious as the word refers to, it is that part associated to and made of similar matter as the conscience. On the other hand, soul, religious or other wise, it is beyond the mortal body.
The soul has many interpretations and mysticism, but nowhere have I seen it to be described as in terms related to the subconscious.
to break from seriousness....:D

all those huge data that could not be stored in our small brain were transmitted to a remote storage and get retrieved then and there...:eek:
Originally posted by Microzoft
The soul has many interpretations and mysticism, but nowhere have I seen it to be described as in terms related to the subconscious.

But the question on the purpose of the subconsious still continues. Why would the brain go through so much trouble to record every detail. There is also no argument againest the possibility that the subconscious could be detached from the body at death or sleep. I think the conscious is attached, but memory and dream are part of the subconscious and not the conscious. It sometimes feel that one experiences outer body experience during sleep, dream, and meditation. I don't want to be a bore, but muslims believe that the soul goes to god during sleep and at death. During sleep, god returns it back, and only keep those back that their time is up.

[39.42] God takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep; then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death and sends the others back till an appointed term; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.
Originally posted by spookz
nonsense. i doctor myself for 30 minutes everyday
hmm. you might have a point, i do feel shifted in very bad ways. oops!

Contrary, I think your screws are nicely greased and all in the right places. Now when it comes to talking about women topics though, you seem to have a hyper overactive spot. See, that is more assertion that you're extremely normal. Is their a site that you can recomment to teach how to meditate? I need it badly.
Originally posted by heflores
But the question on the purpose of the subconsious still continues......
The question, as far as I concern can only continue if we differentiate between Soul & Subconscious. You keep mixing their wording on your expressions and if both mean the same to you, that’s OK, but I can not entertain that.
Also, you keep referring to Koran passages giving them the meaning that you understand and that’s also OK for you. But as I already mentioned, I do not link any religion as a basis of interpretation, neither for case of subconscious nor in relation to the soul. Are you conscious about this?

On your question “Why would the brain go through so much trouble…”. Well to record every detail is exactly the job of the brain, it isn’t trouble for the brain, to most brains at least. Also concerning the “Possibility of the subconscious detaching from the body at death or sleep”. It can not be detached from the body at death, at death it dies with the flesh. And at sleep, it really depends on the interpretation of subconscious. If dreaming that you are on the other side of earth, or visiting the planet mars is a way of referring to the subconscious as “detaching” from the body, then we are not only mixing souls with subconscious but also we adding the element of dreaming to the equation.