Subconscious Time Theory


Registered Member
Everyone knows the 4 dimensions of space- Up/down, side to side, back/forth, and time. The first three are directions, in which you can move and change. Why cant we change time movement?
I'm not proposing a time machine type science fiction theory, here's what I am saying:
Think of yourself sitting in a class, some classes "feel" like they go faster than others, and some feel slower. For example; think of yourself in a class, 90 minutes "feels" like 20 minutes. But the person next to you "feels" like its going on for hours. You're both there for the 90 real time minutes, but where are you subconsciously in time throughout the universe? Because of this "feel", there must be some sort of different dimensions of time throughout spacetime. What is happening with your brain for those extra 70 minutes of real time, and why is it slower for the person next to you?
I am proposing this:
Time can be changed through the process of feel, past experiances can alter the feel of time and space.

Lemme know what you think, this is kinda a radical theory:
By the way, I'm 16 :)
Questions are often more valuable than answers. In this instance the answer is, no - time is not changed due to human observation nor is it an uniquely human experience.
Just on a matter of semantics, this is not a theory; it is you making stuff up. A scientific theory has a great deal of maths behind it and is not just something you can pull out of your ass.
Well, i can give "Some" let me stress that. "Some" advice.

Let's compare 2 fairly common examples of time observation. On one hand, is Bob, he is at a bar hanging out with his buddies, throwing back beers. On the other hand, is Mary. She is at home doing housework and watching the kids. Both agree to watch a movie at 12 with each other. Mary, who is a very punctual person, keeps her eye on the clock, and continues to clean (something she does not enjoy) While Bob, continues to get progressively more hammered with his buddies (Something he enjoys). They both start these activities at 9 o clock, and are both on the couch at 12.

You tell me witch of these guy's 3 hours went faster.

When you are enjoying yourself, or generally just "not bored" time seems to speed up. When your bored out of your skull or doing something you don't like you tend to look at the clock quite often and it makes everything seem slower.

The basis of this example is to say, as long as you don't pay attention to time, it moves faster. The more you pay attention to time, the slower it moves. Proving "The pot that you watch, never boils: