Stupid for belief...


Dark Dementia is my name...
Registered Senior Member
Where the hell did we get the idea of god from? You never SEE god, you never HEAR god, and you consider the mere coincidence of a "miracle" happening an ACT of something you have no physical proof of...

Why did we begin to believe in god?

Why do we need an entity thats bigger than us to lead us, and then put words in that entities mouth... even though we've never heard that entity. If we have... show me proof. PHYSICAL proof. I want to hear it too.. not words in a book. I can write anything in a book.

Think of it this way... laws are set in religions...
No masturbation is my favorite because its ridiculous.

To make sure noone does... GOD IS EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIME
To make sure they keep going to church and staying with that faith... YOU MUST ASK FOR FORGIVENESS AND GO TO CHURCH!
Saying go to church was too commanding so there is a marketing tool made... HELL.

Who the "HELL" came up with HELL?!

I for one think it is ridiculous to limit your life by staying in church every weekend and all that jazz when i could be out enjoying myself and maybe even in nature (where i feel that the real entity is)...

My belief... i believe that any religion works... just follow your faith and you will become strong with energy, and when you die, you will be stable enough to exist. If you don't... reincarnation???

But WHY create traps within your own religion by creating "sins" and "evils" out of every day survival and routines?

Just ramblin... not meant to offend anyone, just my opinions and thoughts.

Main questions:
- Where did we invent god?
- Why did we invent god?
- Why does everyone believe it?
- Is SIN a trap for faith and evil? (You cant get away from it)
- Is hell a marketing tool?

Other questions:
- Do you understand what i mean by faith being the only way to stabilize your "energy"?
- Do you understand what i mean by stability keeping you from losing your energy?

If you dont understand the last two questions... I believe that GOD or ENTITY or SPIRIT or DIETY are simply a ray on the spectrum... we can tie into that ray and make our energy more focused on it... being able to manipulate that ray easily. Upon doing that, we can use it to survive in the afterlife ... much like we use food in physical form.

Without that tie, we lower ourselves back to using physical food to survive (reincarnation)... Just some thoughts.
Fubar the best and most informed psychology of were our ideas of gods arrive come from the evolution of consciousness research. Still going on ofcourse I can only lead you to one of the bests books I've read on this subject;
Many answers there.
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Well put, Mr. Fubar. I believe I have a post that is a good response to yer post in [Thread=44250]this thread[/Thread]. Below is the text of the post:

Âðelwulf said:
It's human nature to hope for something more. We look around us, and think to ourselves, "Is this it?". Some aren't comfortable with the possibility that this is it, so they conclude, "This can't be it!".

Another factor plays in with this. A lot of people think, or like to think, or wish, that something is true kuz they think it's true. They keep telling themselves that what they think is true really is true. It's kinda like denial.

So, wanting something to be a certain way, and convincing yerself that that certain way is the way it really is, is how ya make a religion.

It's sad really that we humans are still subject to our instincts to this degree. But then again, sometimes instinct is very hard to overcome, so I can give them that much.
I've recently posted this in another thread - but it fits here just as nicely...

It's an extract from a speech/lecture by the late great Douglas Adams...

"Where does the idea of God come from? Well, I think we have a very skewed point of view on an awful lot of things, but let’s try and see where our point of view comes from. Imagine early man. Early man is, like everything else, an evolved creature and he finds himself in a world that he’s begun to take a little charge of; he’s begun to be a tool-maker, a changer of his environment with the tools that he’s made and he makes tools, when he does, in order to make changes in his environment. To give an example of the way man operates compared to other animals, consider speciation, which, as we know, tends to occur when a small group of animals gets separated from the rest of the herd by some geological upheaval, population pressure, food shortage or whatever and finds itself in a new environment with maybe something different going on. Take a very simple example; maybe a bunch of animals suddenly finds itself in a place where the weather is rather colder. We know that in a few generations those genes which favour a thicker coat will have come to the fore and we’ll come and we’ll find that the animals have now got thicker coats. Early man, who’s a tool maker, doesn’t have to do this: he can inhabit an extraordinarily wide range of habitats on earth, from tundra to the Gobi Desert—he even manages to live in New York for heaven’s sake—and the reason is that when he arrives in a new environment he doesn’t have to wait for several generations; if he arrives in a colder environment and sees an animal that has those genes which favour a thicker coat, he says “I’ll have it off him”. Tools have enabled us to think intentionally, to make things and to do things to create a world that fits us better. Now imagine an early man surveying his surroundings at the end of a happy day’s tool making. He looks around and he sees a world which pleases him mightily: behind him are mountains with caves in—mountains are great because you can go and hide in the caves and you are out of the rain and the bears can’t get you; in front of him there’s the forest—it’s got nuts and berries and delicious food; there's a stream going by, which is full of water—water’s delicious to drink, you can float your boats in it and do all sorts of stuff with it; here’s cousin Ug and he’s caught a mammoth—mammoth’s are great, you can eat them, you can wear their coats, you can use their bones to create weapons to catch other mammoths. I mean this is a great world, it’s fantastic. But our early man has a moment to reflect and he thinks to himself, ‘well, this is an interesting world that I find myself in’ and then he asks himself a very treacherous question, a question which is totally meaningless and fallacious, but only comes about because of the nature of the sort of person he is, the sort of person he has evolved into and the sort of person who has thrived because he thinks this particular way. Man the maker looks at his world and says ‘So who made this then?’ Who made this? — you can see why it’s a treacherous question. Early man thinks, ‘Well, because there’s only one sort of being I know about who makes things, whoever made all this must therefore be a much bigger, much more powerful and necessarily invisible, one of me and because I tend to be the strong one who does all the stuff, he’s probably male’. And so we have the idea of a god. Then, because when we make things we do it with the intention of doing something with them, early man asks himself , ‘If he made it, what did he make it for?’ Now the real trap springs, because early man is thinking, ‘This world fits me very well. Here are all these things that support me and feed me and look after me; yes, this world fits me nicely’ and he reaches the inescapable conclusion that whoever made it, made it for him."

Full speech here
hmmmmmmmnot a MENTION of A woman, never mind WOMen, anywhere in that little speech, probably they are in the cave doing the cookin or the washin up...

it is a simplistic overview. Actually the most ancient view of how we are here, meaning and everything is the insight of Earth being a MOTHEr which provides, and a Goddess of Earth ANd cosmos. because originally, comos wasn't split between a earth and heaven but meant both

From my learning then the orignary insight was of a Goddess that does not split up complimentary opposites like Nature and spirit, male and female, life and death, light and dark. those split-idea-concepts arise with patriarchal world views that DEMONIZE Goddess and impose a sky-god, 'God'. THEN, it happens, the MALE thinks the sun shines out of HIS arse, and the world Is for 'HIM'
because either singular gender is incorrect

an androgynous being would be a better definition, being would be the best possible description

one that can both impregnate and birth itself without outside influence.

we are just a way to see that, dissection is a great way to see how things work on the inside
the idea of god has always been around to explain our surroundings, and it seems to me that you have more of a problem with " organized religion" then you do religion. if you seperate yourself from a literal interpretation of religion, and start looking at them as metaphors you will see alot of truth and wisdom in all of them. of course these things mentioned in the bible didnt really happen, lets get over that. but the teachings of jesus on the other hand are something we should all incorporate into our lives. :)
but the teachings of jesus on the other hand are something we should all incorporate into our lives.

Why? There's a problem with the teachings of ones parents? Your parents are undoubtedly just as smart, but more modern, than jesus. They tell you how to do stuff, what not to do, and so on. It doesn't take an old jewish mini-god to tell people what's good or not.
Simonbubly said:
the idea of god has always been around to explain our surroundings, and it seems to me that you have more of a problem with " organized religion" then you do religion. if you seperate yourself from a literal interpretation of religion, and start looking at them as metaphors you will see alot of truth and wisdom in all of them. of course these things mentioned in the bible didnt really happen, lets get over that. but the teachings of jesus on the other hand are something we should all incorporate into our lives. :)

Well put! I like that idea. I have always said that the bible is guidelines, not truth.

I agree all religions have there own ideas that are genius... even the so-called "evil" ones have a way for survival that no other religion can match.

I like the way you put that.
Gambit Star said:
what more evedence do we need that the fact we are alive ?
we are stubborn and cant accept that we are JUST alive... we need a reason to live...
we are stubborn and cant accept that we are JUST alive... we need a reason to live...

Weeelll!! That girl upstairs seems good reason enough for me! like to dive into her pants!!. :D :p