Stupid Doctor

doctors are more trouble than they're worth which is remarkably easy considering they are worthless
Originally posted by SwedishFish
doctors are more trouble than they're worth which is remarkably easy considering they are worthless

Just try to remember that the next time you need life saving surgery.
Wow, what a jackass doctor. I think it should made evident to the patients the doctor's history. Had the patient known that he was sued 8 times for malpractice he would have gone elsewhere to a more competent doctor.
"People tend to feel themselves intellectually inferior to anybody with a title, especialy when the title is framed and hanging on the wall. In general, the less formally educated people are, the more they are impressed the degrees, diplomas, and certificates of others. Those who feel themselves deeply infereior are often so overwhelmed that this awe extends even beyond the area of expertise covered by the title. More commonly, people simply do not question another's expertise if the expertise is backed by a bunch of degrees. Example: your plumber probably knows as much about pipes and welds as your Doctor knows about bodies, but you wouldn't let your Plumber march into your home and do anything he wanted to, would you? The chances are that you would follow him around , watching him every step of the way. Also if you felt his work wasn't good enough you would call another plumber without a moment's hesitation. But those same chances say you trust your Doctor and would not dream of second guessing him. You're aware that plumbers vary in competence, then why should not the same be for Doctors? Besides ones body is far more important to your well being than your kitchen sink. So why do you trust your Doctor so far out of proportion to his expertise ? Could it be becuse he can write a title after his name?"

"Brain power"
-Marilyn Vos Savant
meh. most doctors i know are blithering idiots. i'd sooner attempt surgery on myself than let a quack with an md do it. i can cut open animals, why not myself?
'Rosalinda Iturralde contends her brother died June 18 at age 76 because of complications from the surgery.'

The guy was 74 when this operation took place…. but then I guess that’s what the type of healthcare system you get when you give capitalism free rein…
yes socialism would let him die, at least the doctor would not be sued and would stupidfiy himself into countless other laws suits.
but if law suits (for monetary awards) were not available to the family for emotional and financial satisfaction is it not possible that they would hold the governing body responsible and demand some institutional change?
Originally posted by SwedishFish
meh. most doctors i know are blithering idiots. i'd sooner attempt surgery on myself than let a quack with an md do it. i can cut open animals, why not myself?

Are you serious? Just because you can cut open an animal doesnt mean you can perform a kidney transplant between you and your mother or whoever. The human body is more complex than most animals.
It probably isn't hard to train somebody to transplant a kidney - cut here, apply this, snip snip, stich stich... But even if you could figure out how to do it properly (and deal with any things that might go awry), the pain would be the biggest obstacle. I doubt most people could handle cutting into themselves that deeply. Pain can put you into shock and cloud other senses afaik (haven't cut myself lately). I wouldn't try it either after a shot of heroin.
The main problem is the old adage:

"If you pay peanuts, You get Monkey's"

Namely Some doctors that do a good job are in demand, because they are in demand they have worth and because they have worth they are "expensive".

Now if someone has a problem than needs surgery then it's going to cost, the better the doctor the more it costs. So you could say if your after a "Cheap" method of dealing with a problem your going to get a quack doing the job.

I do admit the doctors I have known have concerned me about the health service in the sense that they are too overwilling to perscribe drugs to ailments they don't fully understand.
It's as if they feel that swamping a problem with drugs will cause a homeopathic effect of erasing the problem by replacing it with a different one.

That just doesn't work.
with all the drugs floating around who needs pain anymore