Study:CelPhones Wreck Your Head

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Phone makers' own scientists discover that bedtime use can lead to headaches, confusion and depression:
Radiation from mobile phones delays and reduces sleep, and causes headaches and confusion, according to a new study.

The research, sponsored by the mobile phone companies themselves, shows that using the handsets before bed causes people to take longer to reach the deeper stages of sleep and to spend less time in them, interfering with the body's ability to repair damage suffered during the day.

The findings are especially alarming for children and teenagers, most of whom – surveys suggest – use their phones late at night and who especially need sleep....
Cellphone do not 'wreck your head', 'Sandy', that's a misinterpretation of the results of a rather limited study of just 71 people! Also half of the people in the study claimed they were 'electro sensitive' rather biasing the results, and they were not actually using a mobile phone, but rather being exposed to the equivalent dose of radio energy in a laboratory.

A larger, truer study representing more accurate phone usage is required, and even then, nobody would make such a sensationalist claim as your headline, 'Sandy'.
If you think headaches, confusion, depression, and radiation don't wreck your head, then we will just have to agree to disagree.
There are several different types of radiation present in our surroundings on a day to day basis. Electromagnetic energy from cell phones and radio towers are categorized as non-ionizing radiation and are generally thought to be harmless, while iodizing rays from x-rays and nuclear energy have been proven to cause cancer.

However, in recent years the sheer number of non-ionizing instruments in our environment has caused some scientists to wonder if the assumption that this type of radiation is truly safe at low levels as once thought. As cell phones, microwaves, satellites and radio have all become much more widespread, people claim to suffer everything from headaches to cancer as a result of their exposure to this "harmless" radiation.

Shouldn't Cell Phones Be Banned If They Cause Cancer?
It is quite a leap from speculation to fact to assume that because non-ionizing cell phone radiation causes cell damage in animals, it must cause cancer in humans. However, the trends now becoming apparent in cancer as a result of low-level radiation exposure suggest an alarming link between the two.

How Much Exposure is Safe?
The problem seems to be that without solid scientific proof that exposure to cell phone radiation causes cancer, governments are unwilling to take a stand proclaiming them a danger to humans. However, it is impossible to set a safe exposure level standard until scientists can prove that this low-level radiation isn't responsible for the symptoms the victims of electromagnetic sensitivity suffer.

Part of the problem is the latent period; that is, the time between exposure to radiation and cell mutation. A person exposed to low-level radiation may develop cancer twenty years later, but by that time it could be blamed on any number of factors including genetics, pollution or smoking tobacco.

Until scientific evidence either proves or disproves the link between non-ionizing radiation and cancer, it is up to each person as an individual to try to limit their exposure to these potentially harmful rays.
Our universe has always been sizzling with radiation. That certain frequencies are more patterned now has dubious physiological hazard.
If you think headaches, confusion, depression, and radiation don't wreck your head, then we will just have to agree to disagree.

None of which have been attributed to cellphone usage, depsite many large scale surveys.

This tiny experiment did not use real cellphones. It was a miniscule sample, compared to the overall population of cellphone users, and the sample in no way representative, with half claiming to be 'electro-sensitive' (which another survey has shown to be a dubious claim, with subjects, as in this study, unable to differentiate when there is or is not a signal).

People who claim to be 'electro-sensitive' probably have some personal issues, and are probably more prone to sleep disorders and depression anyway.

If there were a real noticeable effect, we would have seen anecdotal claims by now, followed up by decent studies. But here's a thing 'Sandy', nobody I know has noticed any such effect, and I have had various jobs where I've been on call, and guess what? Having a phone by my bed doesn't keep me awake. Using it before bedtime, does not keep me awake. Being awoken due to some crisis, and talking on my phone does not prevent me from getting back to sleep.

So, until a larger study is done, with people who make no claims about having a pre-condition, using such terms as 'wrecks' is just plain misleading.
Own one. NEVER hold it to my head. Use speaker or ear bud. Using since their inception.

HAHhahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! Then you must be unaware of the study that showed that using a wired earbud actually increases radiation expsoure, as the wire acts like a secondary aerial!

"Note: At one time it was thought that wearing a headset with a remote antenna to a mobile phone carried at the waist of the phone user would reduce the RF exposure of brain tissue. However, it is now believed by some that several varieties of headsets might actually increase the RF exposure since the earpieces of the headphones can act as aerials themselves and channel more radiation into the brain via the ear canals." (

HAhahahahahahahaahahahahaaaaa. Etc.
The Beebs writeup for the same experiment.

Mobiles do have an effect, but everyone seems to be so fixed on the Transceivers that they tend to forget about the actual peasoup of wavelengths we are surrounded by.

Before Marconi and Tesla the world was a very different place, since then though the increase in the telecommunications industry has been far faster than research has been permitted to test for safety. Yes there are blatant tests like Zapping some living tissue in a lab with a high frequency burst and saying that "it smells unpleasant".

However tests in regards to radiological interaction with the human brain at physiological and psychological levels is still little understood. Obviously the experiments done only go as far as they are funded for and perhaps go the same way as 'weighing a soul'.
sandy: "Own one. NEVER hold it to my head. Use speaker or ear bud. Using since their inception."

Using my sell-phones makes me feel like such a "hotty". I use long ear-bud cords, and keep them vibrators right next to my... oooh- Call me.

I'm talking on 3 right of em right now.


"Hi, how are you? I'm calling for Senator Huckabee- can you hold?"

:yanks bud: eeewww, ear wax

:stuffs a bud:


"Sorry, um, SELLSELLSELL!"

No ill effects here.
sandy: "Own one. NEVER hold it to my head. Use speaker or ear bud. Using since their inception."

Using my sell-phones makes me feel like such a "hotty". I use long ear-bud cords, and keep them vibrators right next to my... oooh- Call me.
I'm talking on 3 right of em right now. "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
"Hi, how are you? I'm calling for Senator Huckabee- can you hold?"
:yanks bud: eeewww, ear wax
:stuffs a bud:
"Sorry, um, SELLSELLSELL!"
No ill effects here.


I only use the earbud while checking messages in church or meetings where I can't use the speaker. I'm not worried about 30 seconds/month.:rolleyes:
Good thing I mainly text and don't talk too much on my phone. I don't wanna get Johnny Cochrane brain cancer.

- N
ahh, brain damage due to cell phones, this could explain my fear of the monkeys under my bed, god damned monkeys won't stop chittering... all... night... long...

Maybe the aliens outside my window can put a nice metal plate in my head to shield out all these things, but for now, not really much else to be done! tee hee! I like cell phone radiation!
I own a cellular phone, but hardly ever use it. Only when I need too though, since the damn battery dies all the time on me.
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