Strategic Elimination of Religion (SER)

Good, bad or ugly?

  • Religion is good.

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Religion is harmless.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Religion is bad.

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • Taco bell has 2 for 1 burittos, lets make a run...

    Votes: 7 22.6%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
If you believe that religion in all it's various forms needs removal, post your ideas and strategies here. I say religion, and not God - since god without religion does not seem too dangerous. Religion is the true 'evil'. Perhaps a concerted, organized effort could cause some to turn away from it? Or at least not be quit so eager to sign up new members?

Any ideas?
How about writing a book that outlines how and why religions are wrong and illustrates a viable alternative viewpoint.

Or would that viable alternative viewpoint BE a religion? :confused:

The problem is that people WANT to be sheep.
They WANT to be told what to do.
They don't want the responsibility of thinking for themselves.
People crave religion.
Religions (not all, mind you, I am generalizing here) skillfully and purposefully take advantage of that fact and exploit it to force people to succumb to control and even want to be controlled even more.

The key isn't to abolish religions, but to introduce a new one that people will grasp on to.
But one that is positive and forces people to think for themselves.
Kind of weaning them away from the need to be controlled.
Make them realize the benefits of real freedom of thought, personal responsibility and strength of mind.
That's the tricky part.

Give them a religion that ISN'T a religion.

How do we do that?
Religion is a human adaptation.. We are very susceptible to religious experience.. Some more then others. It is the religious power holders, that manipulate the direction of religion, that are the bad part. Religion is human and humans can be bad.. Religion can also incite the most powerful convictions in humans and drive them to do the most horrendous acts.. For that reason alone it should be removed from all types of society and be replaced by a non central religious (spiritual) cultural. Till that day man will live under the threat of religious war.. Just think to the people hacked to death in the last year by Christian fundamentalist world wide...(over 1000)
Taco Bell?

Re means to do or be again
lig means to bind or tie or hitch or attach
ion menas the act or state of

religion is the act or state of binding again
it means to go back to the hitching post everytime an uncomfortable thought occurs and bind your self to the single source again.

that's all very well and good, but it doesn't create progress.

I like progress, I find it interesting, some people don't like progress or don't find it interesting, or don't find it interesting enough to venture very far from their hitching posts. That too is fine and dandy,

what isn't fine and dandy is hitching other people to your post
My best strategy for elimination of religion?


Seperation of church and state.

And prevent exclusive teaching of creationist theory in US schools.
If I was Bill Gates kind of rich I'd seriously consider coming up with a subtly anti-religion ad campain. It would be sweet.
Re: Taco Bell?

Originally posted by Jasper
Re means to do or be again
lig means to bind or tie or hitch or attach
ion menas the act or state of........

Huh? what was that middle part again..?

Originally posted by wesmorris
If I was Bill Gates kind of rich I'd seriously consider coming up with a subtly anti-religion ad campain. It would be sweet.

Maybe a word of mouth campaign? I think the Education post above is on the right track. Just letting people know it is o.k. not to believe is maybe the first step?

Subtle is the way to go, once people start yelling, the exchange of ideas pretty well stops.

Convert them all to Scientology!

*struck dumb with horror at the cruelty of what he just said*
*wanders off*
Jeremy Lig means bind

Ligature n. 1. The act of tying or binding. 2. a cord wire or bandage as used in surgery to tie off vessels and ducts.
Ligase n. Enzymes that catalyze the LINKAGE of two molecules.
Ligate tr. v. To tie or bind with a ligature.
Ligament as in tendons and ligaments and connective tissue.

Your welcome,
I saved you a trip to the dictionary
Only organized religion should be banned. So you won't have these religeous groups claiming "God, Allah, Buddah, Jahweh, Shiva, is on their site", so were better than you.
Religion should be keept to yourselves and not pressed upon other soules, let alone all those poor childern wo get brain-washed by out of date ideas from our forefathers
Look at history and you will find that religion is one of the biggest killers in the world....

The crusades, the moorish invasions of europe, witch trials and the inquisition, forcing religion onto the "heathens" with an army if needs be, etc. I could go on and on and on...

Using James' poll as a guide, perhaps a good method would be to capitalize on the need for religion's members to read the word of god. To rationalize it. That, if it is printed as the word of God, it must be the word of God.

It strikes me, that if you can open the door to other religions ideas (i.e. Judaism having valid points for J. Witnesses etc.) These followers of the 'word' will eventually externalize the concept of religion. Their own religion will become just one of many belief systems.

This is the first step in seeing all religion is no more than man's perception of what God wants, rather than God's word itself. As all religion is written by man, not God, it is all fraud. It proclaims itself as God's word, yet strangely, God is nowhere to be found.

However this must be broken to them slowly and softly. It is pointless debating scripture verses atheism. The two positions are so far apart they will instantly alienate each other. Good for a few sparks, but nothing constructive can happen. From reading the posts and threads in this group, I find that religion is very clever in using alienation as a tool to 'protect' believers, believing anything else but their own religion. A 'thought condom' if you will.

How do we break this 'thought condom'?

It must be broken to allow fresh ideas to be 'seeded'. These idea 'seeds', can then be left alone to grow on their own.

is it time for nachos yet?
Find life on another planet!

It would not kill them all off.....but it would cut out all the divine non-sense....which really annoys the hell out of me! It would define religion

All religions focus on man...and what we should and should not do...if there was now another race...the religions of the world would find previously unread paragraphs that explain the whole thing!

Maybe...maybe just the sheep of the world would see their religion for what it is...a collection of teachings complied to help a society function, delivered in poems and stories.

No burning bushes or water walkers here folks....just common sense!