Strange senses


Registered Member
Hi, I'm new to the forum so I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place for this thread. Anyway, all my life I've had this weird sense. An example of it is, I can sense when a TV is on 3 rooms away. I can sense it when the TV has no sound. I do not hear anything when I sense it, I feel it. It feels like a electroniic waves - small vibrations of something I can feel throughout my body. I've tested myself in other places with other things, and I can sense other electronic instruments like Computers, Power lines, Certain Strength Lights etc. Like I said, I've had this all my life and I've just gotten used to it. I've talked about it to friends and family and they recognise it as something weird too. I was wondering is this normal? because alot of other people say they cannot sense these things. Also Just to add to all this, I sense other things aswell, such as strange sounds from absolutely no-where. I'm not sure what that is either.

I'd like to really know what this is scientifically, which is why I came here. :confused:
Evidently it is "normal" for you. I don't know anyone else with your "unique" ability or have ever read about anyone having that ability. Since you have become accustomed to it then there's nothing more that you can do. As long as your not really bothered by it then just continue on with your life the way you are.
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In some ways I can sense the same thing but what I think it is is that some people are better at hearing the ultra-high frequencies that electronic equipments are emitting. Like if I turn the television on and put it on mute ... I can hear the high frequency noise it's emitting from across several rooms ... that is if there are no other noise around. It makes sense to me but maybe someone else has a different opinion about it.
Yeah, I can tell when TVs and the like are on.. I can hear em even with no sound coming out. It's like a soft humming sound. It drives me nuts trying to sleep when a TV is on, a light outside is on, cause I can hear the humming.

- N
I can definitely hear the tv. Especially when the screen is all white. It's probably just the tv going out or something. It's an extremely high-pitched whine. Which is funny, because I've got poor high range hearing. Too many years of rock and roll. Haven't heard a cricket in years.
XstaR said:
Hi, I'm new to the forum so I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place for this thread. Anyway, all my life I've had this weird sense. An example of it is, I can sense when a TV is on 3 rooms away. I can sense it when the TV has no sound. I do not hear anything when I sense it, I feel it. It feels like a electroniic waves - small vibrations of something I can feel throughout my body. I've tested myself in other places with other things, and I can sense other electronic instruments like Computers, Power lines, Certain Strength Lights etc. Like I said, I've had this all my life and I've just gotten used to it. I've talked about it to friends and family and they recognise it as something weird too. I was wondering is this normal? because alot of other people say they cannot sense these things. Also Just to add to all this, I sense other things aswell, such as strange sounds from absolutely no-where. I'm not sure what that is either.

I'd like to really know what this is scientifically, which is why I came here. :confused:

When a TV is on (even muted), I can definately hear it (even mulitple rooms
away); however, what you're describing may actually be sensing electrical
fields (tactile sense). I can feel (tangibly) strong electrical fields. If I walk
into a generator room I can feel a physical senstation (the actual field).
For me, the field has to be pretty strong for me to notice; however, that
may not be the case for you. It's not paranormal though. It's just pure
physical sensation.
That's a New one.There's some charge on my screen though and i feel it only when i put myself near to the screen...;)...You guys are wasting your time here.You should open a SETI organization without any requirement of extra equipments :D

I always hear the TV in other rooms when it is on mute.
But i guess that it never shuts the sound off to 100%.

I also see and hear things that are not there, but hey that means i am sick so i prefer not to talk about it.
I can hear it too! It is most certainly the ultra high frequency noises that are just barely audible to us but would drive cats and dogs mental!
Oh, so this is what it is?!

I have always had a sense for when the tv is on, sometimes for the lights -- I just never knew what it could be.


I'm not sure it drives cats and dogs mental, but I have observed that they don't like to be in the room when the tv or radio is on. Any support of such observations?
RosaMagika said:
Oh, so this is what it is?!

I have always had a sense for when the tv is on, sometimes for the lights -- I just never knew what it could be.


I'm not sure it drives cats and dogs mental, but I have observed that they don't like to be in the room when the tv or radio is on. Any support of such observations?

No support, but a contradiction. My cats don't care if the TV is on or off.
Yah, same here actually. I hear it all the time but really just push it to the back of my mind so it doesn't bother me. At some points though it does get loud enough where it actually hurts but not all the time (thankfully). I know when almost anything is on, even if there is no light or sound coming from it.

John, I seriously doubt that a dog whistle and the frequencies coming off of a tv are the same thing, if they are then a dog whistle must be more intense.
Ur right, I was just exagerating a scientific truth. Cats and dogs will hear it much louder than we can but they won't get annoyed with it because it is not intense enough. It would be just like the outside traffic :)
Inside your inner ear is an organ usualy used for ballance, called the saccule. It can pick up ULTRA HIGH Frequency sounds... In some people (including me) Its more developed and besides being louder, you can hear a broader spectrum of UHF noise.

I can Hear TVs, Lights, Cammera Capacitors (for flash), etc.
Dog Whistles Drive me nuts...

My Hearing Range
11 Hz - 24,647 Hz --- after that I loose the sound.

37,394 Hz - 52,504 Hz --- after that i get nothing.
You must be very proud of yourself
Umm? okeys...

Strange senses... Like what are you talking about?


The sound rang for the average ear is 10000 Hz to 20000Hz.

For me, I can hear from around 1000Hz, to about the 32000Hz range.
But only just.

It was a weird experiment at school. My main hearing range was 6000Hz to about 27000Hz. I can't really remember that much about 2 years ago.

Heh, It's too weird for me. But they said I was special!

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*Hopes he never has to come in range of a dog whistle*

Jolonar, he's talking about sound
Flash21 said:
Inside your inner ear is an organ usualy used for ballance, called the saccule. It can pick up ULTRA HIGH Frequency sounds... In some people (including me) Its more developed and besides being louder, you can hear a broader spectrum of UHF noise.

I can Hear TVs, Lights, Cammera Capacitors (for flash), etc.
Dog Whistles Drive me nuts...

My Hearing Range
11 Hz - 24,647 Hz --- after that I loose the sound.

37,394 Hz - 52,504 Hz --- after that i get nothing.

When the TV is on, can you hear the small electrode buzzing, and the static from the screen itself when it is charged?

I haven't tested myself above 33,000Hz, maybe I should.

What frequency are dog whistles?

Not all light annoy me. Mainly florescent lights and ligthts below 100 Watts.
What sort annoys you?
