Strange reddish flash...


The Boney King of Nowhere
Registered Senior Member
Okay, this was a couple years ago, but I was watching this movie called "Bats." That stupid one about killer bats with Lou Diamond Phillips. Anyway, suddenly during the movie, for a tiny fraction of a second, there's this bright red flash. I don't think it was a red light or anything, it looked like solid red on the screen like maybe a test pattern, but it was very bright and made me flinch. I wondered what on earth it was and assumed it was on the tape, so i rewound and watched for it again. Nothing happened. I tried a couple more times and still there was no red flash. Was it in my mind? was it an optical illusion? Any ideas?
There are three potential reasons that come to mind, one is a conspiracy, the other a medical ailment and the latter is just the increase in modern technology causing encroaching.

Firstly a retinal disattachment can cause "light effects" It's to do with how the connection in the eye socket is mounted and what happens if the mounting is displaced a little. In fact there are many reasons for displacement like blood pressure, lack of vitamin C in the diet that causes crystalisation even Stigmatisms (mishaping of the eye). However if it's an eye problem, it's likely to occur more than once.

The conspiracy... A television is a funny thing, especially in countries where you might need a licence to be watching one. It's possible that signals can be sent to the antenna to appear on screen and might have even been done on occasion with certain television companies misusing their technology to get back at freeloaders that aren't paying licence fees. (They might of just as well started sending men round with Italian Suits and baseball bats and demand payment).

It's even suggested that the above accounts for a number of "Psychosis phenomona" involving television interaction thats is "Suggested" personal interact with the viewer like the viewer is a private audience, this can be seen as a form of dimensia and the individual is then refered to as a patient.

Lastly with the current increase in things like WIFI, wireless keyboards, mice, networks, and of course telephones the likelihood is that any forms of interference could have caused it.

Don't of course read too much into the conspiracy or go hypocondriac on me, afterall I'm just giving you potential answers and suggest to not worry too much about it. Afterall if you go looking for a conspiracy, your more than likely to create one.
retinal disattachment causes one to see Twinkles of Light,but not a Bright Light as he mentions.And During That,EYE-Sight reduces DRASTICALLY.
was that the case with you TheGrimCreeper ?

Keep on seeking answers.

If you think it was more than an eye glitch, then keep trying to find what will satisfy your mind.
zion said:
retinal disattachment causes one to see Twinkles of Light,but not a Bright Light as he mentions.And During That,EYE-Sight reduces DRASTICALLY.
was that the case with you TheGrimCreeper?

I don't recall having any loss of vision.

craterchains (Norval said:
Keep on seeking answers.

If you think it was more than an eye glitch, then keep trying to find what will satisfy your mind.

Maybe it was a crater chain that i saw...