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The Rise of a Comet
as sated in numerous hadeeth's;
A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East before the Mahdi emerges. (Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha‘ah li-ashrat al-sa‘ah, p. 200)

A comet will be appearing in the East, giving out illumination before he arrives. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 53)

The rise of that star will occur after the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

"... A comet appears when kings go on the pilgrimage to Mecca for travel, the wealthy for commerce, the poor for rest, the hafiz to show off. (Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p.123)

As referred to by the hadiths,

In 1986 (Hijri 1406), Halley's comet passed by Earth. The comet is a bright, shining star that travels from East to West. This happened after the lunar and solar eclipses of 1981 and 1982 (Hijri 1401-1402).

The concurrence of this star's rise with other signs of the Mahdi's emergence indicates that Halley's comet is the star pointed to in the hadith.

Imam Rabbani provides the following information about the comet which is one of the signs of Mahdi:

A tailed star will be born from the East and spread its light. Its daily direction will be from East to West. (Imam Rabbani, Letters of Rabbani, 2-1170)

Throughout history, the appearances of comets have been the times of very important developments happened for Muslims. Indeed, some of these developments became milestones in Islamic history. Some of these occurrences were narrated by the people around the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace):

When this comet first appeared;
The people of the Prophet Noah (pbuh) perished.
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh) was cast into fire.
Pharaoh and his people who fought against the Prophet Moses (pbuh) perished.
The Prophet Yahya (pbuh) passed away.
When you see that comet, take refuge in God from the evil of fitnah (tribulation).
(Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

Other important occurrences that are said to have happened with the appearance of this comet are as follows:

Jesus (pbuh) was born.
Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) started to receive the first revelation.
The Ottoman Empire emerged.
Constantinople (Istanbul) was conquered by Sultan Mehmed II.
Some interesting figures about Halley, the comet

It is interesting that some figures pertaining to the comet is the multiples of number “19.”

The newspapers in 1986 revealed the first photographs of the comet Halley and its icy nucleus taken by the Soviet Vega 1 space ship when it came as close as 5500 miles to it. Cronicle March 20, 1986, p.1278

Halley appears every 76 years;76 = 19 x 4

This comet was last seen in 1406 (according to the Islamic calendar) 1406 = 19 x 74

The following is also interesting: as we calculated above, 1406 is 74 times of 19. "74" is also the surah number of the Surat al-Muddaththir, the surah which refers to the miracle of 19 in the Qur'an.

The 30th verse of Surat al-Muddaththir (surah number: 74) reveals that the number "19" is a means of mercy for believers and fitnah (tribulation) for disbelievers.

This striking relation of Halley with the number 19 may indicate a fitnah (tribulation) upon disbelievers and a mercy on believers.

The 1st and 2nd verses of the Surat al-Muddaththir is, God commands to our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) "You who are enveloped in your cloak! Arise and warn." The meaning of these verses are explicit. Yet, these verses may also have a second covered meaning that refer to the End Times. The word, "(the one) enveloped in cloak" may well refer to the Mahdi who is from our Prophet's (may God bless him and grant him peace) descent and whose appearance will be signaled by the rise of the Halley in 1406 (the Islamic calendar).

Al-Muddaththir (Surah 74)

74/1 You who are enveloped in your cloak!

74/2 Arise and warn.

Muddaththir: someone who conceals, hides himself

A last great miraculous and sign of Halley: the appearance of Halley in 1986 (Hijri 1406 according to the Islamic calendar) is its 19th appearance since 607 AC, the year when the Prophet Mohammed (may God bless him and grant him peace) was honored with prophecy.
invert_nexus said:
I'm reading this to mean a time when muslims are only going on hajj for reasons other than spiritual. Do you think that's the case now? Is islam just a social club in your opinion?

yes that is what it means. it is staed in the Quran that one day people will go Hajj for wrong reasons and great sins will be done next to the Kabbah by people.

also the mosques will be full of people but empty in guidance and people will call themselves to Islam and make laws claiming they are Islamic even these people are most furthest away from Islam (taliban maybe, or the kings of Saudia and other Arab countries?)

anyway this was promised so was poverty and misfortune in the Muslim world as it is now. well also, we are promised a victory after this.
and this is sort of the case now, there are many many Muslims and most of them are ok but the great ones are fewer in number now. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world though and we are promised another victory after the turmoil we are in now.
we were promised vicotory after Muhammed (saw) and we got this with the Islamic empires and we were promiosed after this voctory, the current state we are in now and an unIslamic world and we are once again promised a huge victory.

(look at my article called 138 signs of doomsday)
I think this obsession with celestial events reinforces the notion that someone described earlier, that Islam evolved from a pagan moon god religion.
spidergoat said:
I think this obsession with celestial events reinforces the notion that someone described earlier, that Islam evolved from a pagan moon god religion.


Someone's been reading the books of Robert Moore and those books from Chick Publications.

Even when Muslims engaged in discussion with them and proved them wrong, those people will still continue to let their hatred and ignornace run wild.
Someone's been reading the books of Robert Moore and those books from Chick Publications.

Even when Muslims engaged in discussion with them and proved them wrong, those people will still continue to let their hatred and ignornace run wild.

Chick publications are the biggest loads of crap!...so much so that they are hilarious.

For one thing I don't hate Islam. I'm not saying Islam is bad because it evolved from paganism, in fact I think paganism is quite a worthy style of religion. In the same way, Tibetan Buddhism had roots in Shamanism. Shamanism is possibly the oldest style of religion in the world.

And another thing, I think the whole world will look backwards to Paganism and Shamanism as the hope for the future, like during the Italian Rennaissance, when they looked backwards to Greek and Roman culture for inspiration. It would be great if we worshipped the moon, or the sun, or best of all, the earth itself. You can see the moon up there, unlike god, and it provides light in the darkness, a great metaphor.
Vienna said:
The Cresent moon is symbolised on Islamic country flags, and on top of mosques.

Allah - The moon god.

Muslims are backward pagans - amongst other things.

what has moon gods got to do with this. it is completely besides the point. so Vienna, have have you got nothing to say on the thread? do you think its luck? its a sign from God? or what?
Preacher_X said:
what has moon gods got to do with this. it is completely besides the point. so Vienna, have have you got nothing to say on the thread? do you think its luck? its a sign from God? or what?

A sign from God???

You gotta be kidding right. :rolleyes:

There was a thread on here about it not long ago which explains how the moon god and Islam are connected so well. But your gonna deny the truth and disagree. LOL!
Vienna you havent done anything but try to offend people on this therad and havent said anythig on the actual subject.
The Quran Predicting The Coming Of Halleys Comet 1400 Years ago​

A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East before the Mahdi emerges. (Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha‘ah li-ashrat al-sa‘ah, p. 200)

A comet will be appearing in the East, giving out illumination before he arrives. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 53)
The rise of that star will occur after the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon. (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 32)

As referred to by the hadiths,

In 1986 (Hijri 1406), Halley's comet passed by Earth. The comet is a bright, shining star that travels from East to West. This happened after the lunar and solar eclipses of 1981 and 1982 (Hijri 1401-1402).

The concurrence of this star's rise with other signs of the Mahdi's emergence indicates that Halley's comet is the star pointed to in the hadith.
Preacher_X said:
Vienna you havent done anything but try to offend people on this therad and havent said anythig on the actual subject.

Ah yes - the actual subject. :D

I have contributed my thoughts on the matter previously on this thread but you probably didn't understand the point. And the point is while you believe in pagan gods - I don't.

Its not offensive - it's a fact. ;)

If you stare into a cloudy sky your brain (asuming you are normal) should have little difficulty interpreting some of the shapes as apparently recognizable objects. Perhaps these are signs from God as well?

Now if the Quran was really so clever why didn't it name the comet? But shooting stars, meteors and the like are really quite numerous and in the days before electricty and night sky light polution they were very visible to the large population centers. Without a name or an actual date and time these claimed predictions are essentially useless since they can be always applied to the next inevitable ocurrence.

For example I can predict that some time in the future a large meteorite will hit the earth and wipe out mankind - scientists consider this inevitable - holy cow I must be a prophet.

Vienna said:
Ah yes - the actual subject. :D

I have contributed my thoughts on the matter previously on this thread but you probably didn't understand the point. And the point is while you believe in pagan gods - I don't.

Its not offensive - it's a fact. ;)

then how do you explain the numbers? and dont try to evade the question with all of that moon god stuff. it still doesn't change the fact of all of these events

A last great miraculous and sign of Halley: the appearance of Halley in 1986 (Hijri 1406 according to the Islamic calendar) is its 19th appearance since 607 AC, the year when the Prophet Mohammed (may God bless him and grant him peace) was honored with prophecy.
What does 607AC refer to? I assume this must be Gregorian, but I can’t find a definition of AC. If I go back 19 x 76 from 1406 I get 38, if I do the same thing in the Gregorian calendar from 1986CE I get 618CE, and that makes 607CE 11 years too early. The texts I have show him receiving his first message in 610CE and giving his first prophecy, and his flight to Medina in 622, but those dates are either 8 years too early or 4 years too late.

Also 1406 and 76 are divisible by 38 and 2 as well as 19, why select 19 rather than 38 or 2, is that because you can’t make any use of 38 or 2 whereas 19 coincidently has some tenuously interesting verses associated with it?

So I don’t see anything special here, especially since the dude’s initiation doesn’t coincide with Halley by at least 8 years, and 1406 and 76 can be divided by 2 and 38 as well as 19, and there seems to be no good reason to choose 19 as a magic number other than it being an arbitrary choice.

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