Strange metallurgy


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"Extraterrestrial" iron pipes found in China

On mysterious structures
By Alfonso Mysterioso, 26/06/2002 18:11:29 BST

SHEESH! A report in the People's Daily today talks about "mysterious iron pipes" archaeologists have discovered at the foot of Mount Baigong.
The organ of the people claims that the pipes may be "relics" left behind by extraterrestrial beings and could be connected to an ancient observatory.

Many of the pipes vanish inside a hidden cave, while apparently there's dozens of other iron pipes of different diameters found on the edge of a nearside lake.

And there's even pipes in the lake itself, which jut from the surface and are also hidden below.

It's not the silly season yet.

Could it be an ancient organ of the people? We wish to know more about these mysterious iron pipes and hope that the newspaper follows up with some in-depth analysis.


It would be interesting to know more about all of this.
In addition to Odin's post, People Daily. Am not too sure whether it belongs in this Forum though. I can always try. :cool:

Mysterious Pipes Left by 'ET' Reported from Qinghai

The widespread news of mysterious iron pipes at the foot of Mount Baigong, located in the depths of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province of northwest China, has roused concern from related departments. The widespread news of mysterious iron pipes at the foot of Mount Baigong, located in the depths of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai Province, has roused concern from related departments.

Some experts believe that these might be relics left behind by
extraterrestrial beings (ET), for the site, with its high altitude and thin, crisp air, has long been held as an ideal place to practice astronomy.

Three caves are found at the foot of Mount Baigong. Two of them have collapsed and are inaccessible. The middle one is the biggest, with its floor standing two meters above the ground and its top eight meters above the ground.

This cave is about six meters in depth, a little like a cave dug out by human beings, with pure sand and rock inside.

What is astonishing is inside for there is a half-pipe about 40 centimeters in diameter tilting from the top to the inner end of the cave. Another pipe of the same diameter goes into the earth with only its top visible above the ground.

At the opening of the cave there are a dozen pipes at the diameter between 10 and 40 centimeters run into the mount straightly, showing high fixing technique.

About 80 meters away from the caves is the shimmering Toson Lake, on whose beach 40 meters away, many iron pipes can be found scattered on sands and rocks. They run in the east-west direction with a diameter between 2 and 4.5 centimeters. They are of various strange shapes and the thinnest is like a
toothpick, but not blocked inside after years of sand movement.

More strange is that there are also some pipes in the lake, some reaching above water surface and some buried below, with similar shapes and thickness with those on the beach.

So it was the wrong Forum. :bugeye: Oh, those Moderators, always fooling around with threads, like it's nothing...:bugeye:

I'm sorry Odin, we are not talking Science or Technology here...obviously... ;)
don't be so sarcastic, Bebelina.

all I can say- you're not alone.

this is science AND technology.

if only we had a history forum:(:cool:

don't bother , it's your forum- you moderate it

I thought it belonged in science AND technology,as the ET bit is just speculation,by someone with to much imagination!

Nothing to do with the subject at all really,& the pipes are scientific fact!
It is pseudoscience. So OK to post until we get the story straight as to what direction we are heading. ET belongs here.

I posted on the chinadaily BBoard asking the date of the artifact. No answer yet. Pseudoscience is not just a western phenomena. Eastern people can compete very well. So, we need to get to the bottom of this.

It is a possibility that it is only 4000 - 6000 years old. If so it is within the capability of man. No ET here. But you can never tell, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction....
Personally I didn't say a word about aliens. Maybe it's the Atlantis civilization, maybe smth more. Humans are capable of much, aliens may not be the case here.
You are right Avatar. However, it was mentioned like this in the digital newspaper articles. So what were we to do than just post it the way it comes?

Oh well, then it is in my "evil" hands now. You people behave or I move the thread again, haha. :)

If you want a history Forum, then post a thread in site feedback. you never know.;)

Odin is right, it is a scientific fact those pipes. It will be interesting to know what they find out about this. It is rather peculiar...
it's already there at the site feedback. we vere discussing this with Pollux V and Odin (I think) some month(s) ago.
Oh well, then it is in my "evil" hands now. You people behave or I move the thread ag

Ho No!not another move.
:D :D
................goodnight you all (it's moring here already:p )

I hope , when I wake, I'll be given the chance to drink the blood of the damned! (I say it's the blood of the gifted!)
:) Good morning to you then Avatar. :)

I hope , when I wake, I'll be given the chance to drink the blood of the damned! (I say it's the blood of the gifted!)

Then please, by all means, don't you forget to send over the bringer of the damned/gifted blood to me. :D

Good night, talk to you later...;)
Chinese '"Alien" pyramids

Nine scientists will travel this month to probe the origins of the 50-60 meter (165-198 ft) tall structure -- dubbed "the ET relics" -- in the western province of Qinghai, China's state-run Xinhua agency said on Wednesday.

The mystery pyramid sits on Mount Baigong, has three caves with
triangular openings on its facade and is filled with red-hued pipes
leading into the mountain and a nearby salt water lake, Xinhua said.

Rusty iron scraps, pipes and unusually shaped stones are scattered around the inhospitable and largely uninhabited area, it said.

A research fellow at a nearby observatory of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yang Ji, told Xinhua the theory the pyramid was created by extra terrestrials was "understandable and worth looking into."

"But scientific means must be employed to prove whether or not it is true," Yang said.

Xinhua has not given any details on the age of the structure, or any other possible explanations for it.

But a study carried out by a local smeltery suggests the pipes are
very old, Liu Shaolin, the engineer who carried out the analysis,
told Xinhua.

These findings have made the site more mysterious, says Qin Jianwen, a spokesman for the Delingha government.

"Nature is harsh here. There are no residents let alone modern
industry in the area, only a few migrant herdsmen to the north of the mountain," Qin said.

This will be the first time scientists are heading out to study the
mysterious site near Delingha City in the depths of the Qaidam Basin, according to sources with the Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

Cant the Chinese install some intoor plumbing without aliens? GIVE THE POOR GUYS A TOILET!!!