Strange indeed


Full Time Nerd-Bomber
Registered Senior Member
I was laying on my bed last night trying to study for my chem test coming up soon. As well you might know, I began to drift off into nappy land and eventually fell asleep. I was in a strange sort of sleep tho because I was still "aware" of things yet I was in a state of trance. I fought to keep my eyes open but it was difficult. I was beginning to sleep.

Here's the odd thing.
I heard a droning noise like the sterotypical alien ship sounds when it is hovering overhead. If any of you listen to techno there is a part in Azzido da Bass's Doomsnight song that has this womp womp womp sound. Except it was faster. It sounded like a pulsating frequency that I was able to pick up in my state of trance. It was getting louder and faster and I was constantly drifting in and out of sleep, trying to wake up and get away from this sound. It really freaked me out becuase for some strange reason I had this feeling that aliens were trying to probe my mind and were using some sort of frequency to match and detect my brainwaves. Perhaps that is why I heard the sounds. I eventually managed to open my eyes and the sound stopped. It was not a dream for I was not asleep to dream. What is was is still a mystery to me. Just think, I could have been taken over by aliens :eek:
I've experienced this about 2 or 3 times that I can remember. I believe it has something to do with sleep paralysis as once I let it continue and it was strange as I felt my body go into paralysis and then I tried to wake up again which seemed very hard but I did in the end, its all very freaky!

Anyway I think it happens every time you sleep except for some strange reason your awake when it happens and it does make loud noises like you said and even I thought it had something to do with high frequency’s and mind control, odd lol.
Halo, what you are describing is the beginnings of the worst
dreaming experiences I have ever had. They mostly occured
in my early childhood but they were a bitch. It would start
of with a slower rate pulsing, thumping, or whining sound.
It would then get faster and louder. Then it would hit and
it was a feeling that I can only describe as full intense body
pain x 1000. During the pain experience I would hear all sorts
of strange and random sounds/screams of suffering and see
un-natural violent imagery and/or strange shapes and colors.
I could experience a 'hit' anywhere from 1-40 times a night.
Before I was hit sometimes there was nothing visible that I
could see 'attacking' me (an invisible force that would smash
through the environment) and sometimes I would see an odd
manifestation of the 'attacker' which looked like a large (4x4)
black colored metal bon-bon with a long poined protrusion coming
out of the top.

I am fairly confident that Aliens were not involved though :).
I would be interested to know if anybody else has had similar
experiences to mine.

