strange experiences


Registered Member
Are you having anything unexplained or unusual experiences? Write here and lets discuss how these experiences affects to behavior, decisions, beliefs,etc. My personal experience is a very strange one.
One day when I was 16 years old, a man came to me and told me that he and I were friends in another life. He told me that he saw a dream in where he could find me. And came from 200 km away just to see me. The story that he told me about the other life it was really great, but because of my age I was scared of him and I said to him to live me alone. I do not remember exactly what the story was in the other life. I remember him saying to me that we were leaving in Italy 1000 years ago, and that we had a lot of adventures together.
So this story changed my life. I started to read magazines and books with strange things and my life turned to a completely different way.
this guy...are you sure he wasn't lying?
he gave you no evidence...none. How do you know he didn't come 200km to rape you?
no mean to be intense, but you can't believe him on the precept that you are older now and not scared of him...
nice memory...guy tells you he knew you in italy in the 1000' you never thought you were from romantic...
Maybe he was lying. I do not know. But he didn't looked crazy. Perhaps he did it just for fun, but I don't think so. If you watched the look of his face, maybe you believed him. He had no reason to tell me these things and he didn't looked for a person who loves to chat about strange things.Do you know anyone who had the same experience with me?
someone could definatly lie and look like they're telling the truth...I would know its fairly easy. but that's not the point.
you can't just believe someone based on them not looking like they're have to come up with your own ideas. you have something that's infinitely better than that old whacko; you have the ability to think for your self.
Hi stathispao:

You can try the same game with someone that was introduced to you and see how they react. Watch a serial such as Xena or Hercules and create a story in every detail of a life back when. Then tell that story saying the other person was part of it.

A similar situation happened to me a long time ago, when I was a teenager. The person that set me up was also a teenager who tried to set me up with a beautiful girl. I fell for his con game. Because he could not keep up with the complex web of lies, it started unravelling. Though the damage was minimal (a few bucks of food and entertainment), I learned the game which is still good today. I now can smell a business con game from a long distance.

How come all of your stories always involve a beautiful girl? Just about every story I've heard you tell has a beautiful girl in it. ;)
Wake up!

stathispao, you should have called the cops! Chances are that the creep had a police record for similar approaches. Damn! Wake up!
I agree with Howardstern...

And Deadwood, I did not get the girl. She got married to a older dull professor... May be I do not try hard to go after the beautiful just of those life's little mysteries I can not explain.... :confused:
Yeah, you better watch out with figures like that who tell you they know you from an after-life.
So let him proof it or kick him, what does he think he is, the nitwit.

Nowaday's it's difficult to know who you can trust and who you can't....
Maybe that's why it's better to learn weapon yourself against it.
At least if you're a woman.
It's not so nice to be a woman these day's and then I don't even have to tell a story do I....
So I wait and watch what strange story's you all have.

Come on, tell it, maybe I dare telling my story too.
One of you begin please, thank you;)
Kmguru my friend, I have the idea you don't know what telepathy means.
You can get messages from others, in your head. Sometimes, most of the time actually, the message come in images.
So you have to pay attention very well, or you miss the point.
It sounds nice to have such an ability, you don't know how difficult it is
It's a lot easier to send a message then to get one.
Sometimes I don't know who is the sender of the message and that's not so nice.

And then, how can I know what's in the heads of the people of the forums.
I am not a mind reader and even then it's impossible from behind the p.c.
And I do not understand why you have to make fun of it, wish I never mentioned it.
You are just acting like all the others who don't understand.
There are a lot of people with gifts you don't know of, only for the reason you people always have to make fun of it.........
Hi Banshee:

In another thread you said, you have telepathy. Here you say "Nowaday's it's difficult to know who you can trust and who you can't.... "

So I said, you use your Telepathy "to know". What is wrong with that? BTW, I have tested Telepathy when I was 14, and it works. I sent images from a magazine to a friend of mine from a distance of 2 meters. He described exactly what I was looking at with no tricks involved. The only other time I was able to communicate with a reasonable certainity was with another friend of mine who practices Jewish Kabalah. I can pick up what you may call "Vibes". When I call a friend long distance, they usually say "I was thinking about you - glad you called". Sometimes I get a call from friends about whom I was thinking about.

As an engineer I do not want to admit it, but here is something I can not explain it. I was video taped for a technical presentation. At the end of the presentation, everyone understood what I said very clearly. When the tape was used as a training device, the new group did not understand or could not assimilate the knowledge. So either myself, or someone from the first group had to physically make the presentation. The only explanation I got from the psychologist at the training department was that I use a lot of body language that does not come across well on a video tape. Could it be Telepathy, who knows!

So, no - I was not making fun of you. Chill out...And if anyone makes fun of you in Pseudoscience section...just tell them..."This is stupid ass moron...".
You know, maybe the first group understood you better because you were there and together with your body language you pointed it all out very clear......maybe with a little telepathy, so they knew, you understand what I mean??

I had telepathic contact from the Netherlands til in India, where a friend lives. I always contact her with telepathy, it's very easy and a lot cheaper then on the phone, haha.
But I've had a lot of problems with it. I've had this from I was a child, I get messages from strange people, who I do not know, that's scary, really....
You ever had a cry in your head so strong it felt you would explode or something.
I had help with that, maybe I would be crazy by now if I hadn't any help then.
And what does it have in common with trusting any one??
Telepathy does not mean you can read some ones mind, can you??
I can, sometimes if I do my best for it, I know all they think. It is not nice to know, so I don't do that any more...
Do you know how many people there are who want to do harm to another, and what jealousy is in people....
I don't want to know that, really, I don't........

Perhaps I am not at the right place.....but I am here, so it will be fine, don't tease me, I don't tease you either........