Strange Dreams Last Night


Full Time Nerd-Bomber
Registered Senior Member
HI everyone,

After browsing the boards for a while I thought I would register and add some of my experiences to this board. You all seem like a friendly bunch :)

Ok I had a dream that I was out and about. There were a few other random people about too. The sky was dark gray, not like it’s cloudy, kinda different. And I would walk along and notice that there were less people about. Then I noticed that there was nobody else around. I wondered where they went and then next thing you know I was a slave on an alien ship or something. I had been kidnapped by aliens. I was scared because they were gonna do bad things to us I think. I knew if I didn’t do anything I would end up an experiment and never get out alive. So using my charm or something, I think it might have been sympathy on their part, I convinced one of them, a human working for the aliens, to help me escape. He didn’t say a word he just unlocked me and walked away hoping to not get caught. So I was thinking of where to run but realized I had no place to run. So I pretended to still be chained to the ground until I could think of a way to escape. So an alien comes and I think he’s stupid because it was obvious that I had the chains free but it kept looking at me like nothing was wrong. So I was relieved that they didn’t know I escaped and then a bigger alien comes and figures out that I am free so he locks me up again. But afterwards he loosens the leather and I can move. I forgot how the dream ends but I woke up kinda scared. Cuz what if it was real and I was kidnapped by aliens but think it’s a dream…..hmmmmm.

Well, the dream itself wasn't so freaky. It's the other things that have me wondering. The room I am in now is the master bedroom and I moved into it recently when my sister and bro in law moved out. It's comfortable as hell so when I sleep I sleep good. Ever since sleeping in that bed I remember ALOT more of my dreams. I'm in the process of getting a diary to record them all.
The funny thing is, I told my roommate who took over my old room upstairs about my dream. SHe said she heard noises in the middle of the night like doors opening and closing. ANd she felt a prescence in the room. And also she too vaguely remembers dreaming of aliens. Coincidence? Anyhow it's very freaky and sometimes I am scared to sleep in my room. There was another incident in there but I won't go into that now hehe.

Anyways, I hope my first post wasn't just a bunch of blabbering. Hope to get to know you all better soon.

Bye for now :)
You should hear about my freaky dreams. When I was younger, I had a recurring dream about Margret Thatchers head:eek:

My most recent one is where I was a Hamburger. That was it, I was a hamburger, just sitting on a table, for 8hrs, doing nothing.
Muahahaha! Then you'd hate playing Fuzion Frenzy on the X-box. There is this one game where you have to splat all the bugs before they eat up your hamburger. :p
LOL , aliens hehe, where they ugly? Reminds me when I was a kid I had a dream of aliens =) they were in my apartment building and taking over the I would guess. But it was like a cartoon the dream hehe. I remember me and some friends beat some up and took there big cannon looking, white ball projecting guns and just started blasting them all. It was like a rambo dream hehehe. I was out jumping from balcony to balcony , jumping from 3rd floors hehe. The aliens kinda looked like the aliens in ... doh forgot the movie name. I think it was when mars attack or something lol, but they were small with big head and yes of course they were green =). I don't think I was trying to get away from them in my dream , I think they were trying to get away from me LOL =0.
that's weird, Halo. especially with the reports from your roommate. I've had an alien dream, but it more unrealistic than you.
Since we're sharing our alien dreams...

I dont know if i had this dream just cuz i watched X-files too much for many years but here goes:

For some reason this dream seemed to be like a video game, much more realistic of course but what happened was everything (houses trees fences) seemed about 5 times the size it would be in real life. I was sitting on the roof ( i dont know why ) and i looked around me, the sun was sitting in a red hue and ships were flying all around. they were ufo's but the funny thing about them was that the people who dropped out of the were army soldiers... i was running and hiding the whole dream, and i actually died like 50-60 times, each time so sure of the feeling of being shot, like a burning sensation that grew until everything faded. each time i died i would "respawn" if you will, as with many video games and continue to run and hide. i woke up half way through the night believing it was still happening and afraid for my life, i didnt fall asleep again that whole night and pretty much counted the seconds till daylight arrived.

That sort of dream makes me not want to go to sleep at night for like a week. Anywayz i also have this other one, and i'm not sure if its alien or w/e but theres a bunch of flashing lights, and i dont know whats happening but i'm scared, there are quick movements around me , and i see a house with a flower in front of it. I had a friend who had the same dream once, we were discussing dreams one day and i told him about it, he said he had seen the same thing and described the house to me. it matched well, a stereotypical house if you will, almost like a child's drawing.