Strange Days

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The Boss
Registered Senior Member
ive been having alot of strange things happening specially when someone i know dies.There was 7 people that i had visions of them dying a day before they died.One of them was Courtney Lewis She died because she suffered with asthma,I instantly saw her dying a day before she did And others like Kirsty Jones who hung herself,Racheal Boslav (who had the same name as my sister and her brother had the same name as me)Who died in a car crash.Lately i saw these men who didnt shut thier eyes while outside my house it looked like they were talking to someone on my patio,for 10 secs i looked outside at them it was exactly 2:17am (i wasnt tired because i had a 5 hour sleep),As soon as i saw them i ran downstairs opened the backdoor ran down the patio steps and they were gone no sound of them,so i thought they ran down near the church because that is the only other place near to my home(in a forest on a hill),So i ran to St Pauls church i looked into a gap in the church door i then instantly saw a extremely bright light and then something hit me with something hard over my head and after i woke up i was lying under a strange machine i noticed nobody was around so i ran outside and then i felt a terrible pain in my neck so i ran home with no problem walked into my house i then went into the bathroom looked into a mirror and noticed two holes in my neck,i then went to the police and told them everything they thoght i was crackers,but when i showed them my neck they said they couldnt explain it they said it looked like a vampire bite they then asked me what these men looked like i said they were both bald and i pointed out that they didnt close thier eyes they looked at me startled.The Police have eyewitness's but still no reliable witness's after two years no one has really explianed what could possibly do these bites.
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