Stop quoting the bible



Stop quoting the <u><i>Holy Bible</u></i>,
it was written by mere mortals and based upon their <i>own</i> opinions, whether they really thought of it by themselves or not. The <u><i>Holy Bible</u></i> can only proof its own futility. I'm sure everybody by now can learn how to live with each other by themselves. The meaning of life is the living. Now stop.

While we're on it, can someone explain the different types of bibles and testaments and explain who what when where why? :confused: :)
Helpful suggestions

Air pollution is problematic. We can't seem to make the cows stop farting, and people have to drive cars. I think the solution is for everyone to stop breathing.

Cancer, HIV, and other diseases plague humanity, and we seek cures every day. I know a sure-fire cure for all diseases among humanity: the solution is for everyone to stop having sex. Permanently.

Tiassa :cool:
The #1 cause of death is life... Life is bad for you, it kills you in the end.
I enjoy reading bible qoutes, does that make me sick?
Tiassa, have your daughter popped out yet?
k, you're in an area devoted to RELIGION, of course ppl are going to quote the bible cause thats where some of the beliefs come from!
Originally posted by Firefly
While we're on it, can someone explain the different types of bibles and testaments and explain who what when where why? :confused: :)

what about the sheer gaul that it takes to have more than one version of "god's word".. OMFG, hard to believe that someone thinks themselves qualified to re-interpret the word of god. you think He'd be pissed off if you missed something in the translation?
Re: Helpful suggestions

Originally posted by tiassa
Air pollution is problematic. We can't seem to make the cows stop farting, and people have to drive cars. I think the solution is for everyone to stop breathing.

Cancer, HIV, and other diseases plague humanity, and we seek cures every day. I know a sure-fire cure for all diseases among humanity: the solution is for everyone to stop having sex. Permanently.

Tiassa :cool:

Definately quality advice.
often the different versions say the same thing, just restructuring the sentence! Take the NIV and NLT versions (both quite popular), a group of people can read the same passage in each of these and you will get the same meaning, its just structured different. for example one might say 'thou shalt not steal' and the other could say 'stealing is something you shouldn't do' same meaning, different structure.
Originally posted by New Life
often the different versions say the same thing, just restructuring the sentence! Take the NIV and NLT versions (both quite popular), a group of people can read the same passage in each of these and you will get the same meaning, its just structured different. for example one might say 'thou shalt not steal' and the other could say 'stealing is something you shouldn't do' same meaning, different structure.

yes but the bible is comprised greatly of metaphor, and to change the structure of metaphor is to likely change it's meaning...

i'd say the only way to know the word of god, I mean, if you're gonna go with that whole theory, is to learn aramaic or sanscrit or whatever it was written in... and then read the orginal texts.

wait, it was MAN who decided what to include in the bible. that really confuses me. again, how can man know the mind of god? oh, god made them do it? wow, god is taking over folks all the time huh? i mean, shit, the guys who took down the trade center were taken over by god. we should praise them for their faith. what? they were just mislead? oh, it was satan posing as god? how do you know your god isn't satan posing as god?

I'll stop.
the only way to know the true word of God is to read his word with an open heart and mind. The Holy Spirit will help you to understand what you need to get out of its meaning.
Ah, but which bible, charliebrown? And whose God?

BTW, welcome to sciforums.
thank you so much. the holy bible. the only God. (at least for me.) don't get me wrong...i believe everyone has free choice but the spirit directs us all if we will only listen and follow it.
Originally posted by charliebrown
the only way to know the true word of God is to read his word with an open heart and mind. The Holy Spirit will help you to understand what you need to get out of its meaning.

sure. but what if I read it got out of it that it is completely full of shit? did the holy spirit fail to guide me? did I let satan in my heart? obviously, you have to tell me that is what happened. does that seem a little prescribed?