Stop Picking At It!!!


Make it a ... CHEEEESEburger
Registered Senior Member
OK...One of those "I'm bored at work so I think up random crap" kind of questions:

Seems we primates have a fetish for picking at and peeling stuff....scabs, loose sunburned skin, etc. To some there's quite a facination with it. Is this, maybe, a evolutionary advantage? The ones of us who could do this, or had a predeliction to, were the ones who picked at and peeled fruits and nuts and stuff, therefore we had found more varieties of foods not available to those who didn't really care to pick? I would think that the lack of this habit would have prevented us from knowing the yummy goodness inside of fruits like oranges....bite the outside of one and, "YUCK-don't eat those...move on." Peel off the skin and there's a tasty treat inside.
I think it has to do with getting rid of anything connected to the body that you can't feel, because it doesn't seem a part of you.