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Site name: Christian Apologetics, And Reaserch Ministry.

Look at the menu to this site bellow, it's got info on why so many beliefs are wrong. The guy that did this site doesn't mind admitting that he's wrong when he argues with Mormons, athiests, and everyone, so he's not an arrogant, or ignorant christian like some of you have probably come into contact with. The guy will answer any questions you've got, after you've read the info he already supplies. The site is very well set out, it's got loads of info on everything, and it is actually interesting to hear.

But enough of my opinion, have a look for yourself, and stop wasting time searching for answers, because you can find them here.



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This is expected. If the Muslim can undermine the strength and integrity of God's word, then it would be much easier for him to win arguments, confound the Christian, and make converts of those who don't know the truth and power of the Bible. This is what the devil did in the Garden of Eden.

Lol no he's not bias at all.

Muslims claim that Allah said the Koran would be preserved. But, the mere claim is not enough. It is using the Koran to substantiate the Koran which is circular reasoning.

LOL that sound so familiar but i cant quite place it...
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Look at the menu to this site bellow, it's got info on why so many beliefs are wrong. The guy that did this site doesn't mind admitting that he's wrong when he argues with Mormons, athiests, and everyone, so he's not an arrogant, or ignorant christian like some of you have probably come into contact with.

Actually I've already looked at the site before I became a member of sciform. The problem with this site and many others is that the opinion of the writer is very biased.

I honestly cannot believe this person actually believes there was a global flood! Next thing you know he'll say the sun spins around the earth.

BTW He also believes Cain either married his sister or a niece!

Of course this site is biased, it's title has 'Christian Apologetics' in it, lol, I'm pretty sure its going to be from a Christian perspective.

By the way, about Abel marrying his niece, who'd you think he was going to marry? There wasn't anyone else, and there weren't any genetic problems with it.

LOL, maybe you should read up on Darwin, how he married his cousin I think it was, and like 4 or his kids died from inbreeding, and the rest had many serious problems. And do you know why he inbread, it's because of the theory of evolution. He was upper class, and he believed that if he married his cousin who was also upper class, then they would have better children. Just like his theory said he would, yet look at the result.

N E Way CyA's

(Source: "In the Mind's of men, Darwin and the new world order"
That's a load of ass. Dying from inbreeding, puh-leeze. Just how do we establish that a person died from inbreeding.

Two died early, one died at ten from tuberculosis. Most lived to old age. Not at all remarkable given child mortality rates in the 1800's.

If you are reading carm and nwo and Darwin type stuff you are going to get a twisted and inaccurate view of the world. They merely tell people what they want to hear, without any respect for objectivity or any attempt at critical examination.

Of course this site is biased, it's title has 'Christian Apologetics' in it, lol, I'm pretty sure its going to be from a Christian perspective.

If it's biased then it's not so good would you not agree? I'm looking for truth here, and I need to explore all the answers to these questions, not just from one source.

By the way, about Abel marrying his niece, who'd you think he was going to marry? There wasn't anyone else, and there weren't any genetic problems with it.

I never said there was any problems with exactly. I only find it interesting that Christians can find problems with having sex with someone of the same sex, but not with your sister, or niece. Sounds pretty strange to me!

LOL, maybe you should read up on Darwin, how he married his cousin I think it was, and like 4 or his kids died from inbreeding, and the rest had many serious problems. And do you know why he inbread, it's because of the theory of evolution.

I honestly could care less about Darwin's personal life. I don't remember his theory stating that inbreading is alright. Does all this crap about Darwin really matter to the disscussion anyways?

Dido, does Cain's personal life really have anything to do with the discussion?

Dido, does Cain's personal life really have anything to do with the discussion?

Yeah it does, because I thought we were talking about the idea of this website being a good place to go for answers to our questions. If Cain slept with his sister, or niece then what this guy is saying is that incest is ok. I always thought it was wrong.

Weather or not Darwin or Hitler or Joe Bloe from Detroit had sex with his sister or cousin has little to add to this discussion.