Sticky Topic: Regeneration



Hello friends of Biology & Genetics. This will be the first Sticky Topic on a specific topic elected by your friendly Biology & Genetics moderator. I will not always start the sticky topic thread. Some times I will pick an existing interesting thread and make it the sticky topic thread.

This months Sticky Topic is ‘Regeneration’. I will start myself with a rather specific introduction on a narrow topic. This does not mean that the discussion has to be limited to this narrow topic. Far from it! Feel free to meander and ponder!

Let me give you a few suggestions:
Regeneration in humans
Stem cells and regeneration therapies
Why do not all organs regenerate?
Regeneration in science fiction
Future of regeneration?
trans- and de-differentiation

Lens regeneration

The lens is part of the eye that, along with the cornea, helps to refract light to focus on the retina (see the picture below). It is therefore rather an important structure. Without it we are not exactly blind, but all we see is a blur.


Once damaged it is gone. That is in most vertebrate species. However, not in all species! The newt is a salamander which can regenerate not only its eye lens, but also limbs and its spinal cord.

It isn’t really a recent discovery that the newt can regenerate its lens. There are three publications of different researchers ranging from the year 1880-1895 where this phenomenon was first described. That's more than 100 years ago. These researchers removed the lens and noticed it was completely regenerated.

The lens is regenerated by a process called transdifferentiation. A group of cells that is already committed to a specific cell fate or specialization returns to a ‘blank’ state and then differentiates into a new cell fate. This is a very special event. It doesn’t occur very often in complex organisms.

Some fish, avian and mammalian species also show lens regeneration, but the mechanism does not happen via transdifferentiation, but through another more complex mechanism.

In the figure below you see a summary of the events that occur during lens generation. After the lens is removed the iris pigment epithelial cells or PECs for short (that’s just how they are called) on the dorsal side start de-differentiating at the tip of the iris (1). Nothing much happens at the ventral side.

These dedifferentiated cells will now re-enter the cell cycle which simply means that they start proliferating once again. After a few cell divisions they will form a lens vesicle (2). At this point already cells at the inside start thickening (in orange) and the synthesis of crystallins starts. Crystallins are structural molecules typical of the lens. This process continues, the vesicle grows larger, and the inside is filled up with cells producing more crystallins (3). And finally the lens is almost fully formed (4).

In the newt the entire process takes about 25 days.


Genetic Control of Newt lens regeneration

I don’t really want to go to deeply into this subject here because I’m afraid it will pretty soon get too specialized to be of general interest. I will restrict myself here to discuss the role of Pax-6 in more general terms.

Pax-6 is a very interesting gene. It is a master regulator of eye development. Forced expression of this gene in the wrong place can lead to ectopic eyes. It is also very highly conserved between species. Mouse Pax-6 can trigger eye development in the fruitfly. Without Pax-6 there is no eye development.

It is also expressed in the dorsal and ventral iris. And as we might remember the tip of the dorsal iris is the place where lens regeneration starts in the newt with the de-differentiation of PEC cells. This pax-6 expression domain at this location also coincides with cellular proliferation during lens generation.

You cannot knock out pax-6 in the newt in a transgenic newt line like you might do in the mouse, because there is no transgenic technology available for the newt. However you can knock out a gene via other means. In one paper the researchers used morpholinos to knock down Pax-6 (ref: Rio-Tsonis 2006). Without Pax-6 expression cellular proliferation was diminished. Also crystalline production was reduced leading to a serious reduction in lens fibers.

It seems therefore that Pax-6 is not only needed to initiate eye development, also in eye regeneration it has a crucial role.

Rio-Tsonis et al (2006) The role of Pax-6 in lens regeneration. PNAS, 103: p14848-14853
Rio-Tsonis and Tsonis (2003) Eye regeneration at the molecular Age. Developmental Dynamics 226: p211-224
the most interesting point in the example of the newt is that a newt with no lens in one of it's eyes would surely die in the wild in the course of 25 days, so this must have been an earlier (biologically) adaptation, when it occupied a different ecological niche.

forgive me if im being ignorant, but im like a newt with no lens in the field of biology.
Actually the most obvious questions are never answered in peer-reviewed articles. Although they study the mechanism of lens regeneration they do not give answers to broader why questions.

Luckily we can speculate to our heart's content here.

It could be a result of the presence of regeneration capability in the rest of the body. If the limb can regenerate, which surely is useful in some occasions, than maybe the lens can regenerate because you cannot shut down regeneration in the lens and still have it in the limb.

Another point is that its eyesight improves on a daily basis. It will not be totally blind during the entire regeneration process. Some sight is better than none.

However, is the newt sure to die without a lens? I had to go through some Newt data to come up with some possible answers.

This particular newt, Notophthalmus viridescens which they are using in the study is a native to North America and lives in small ponds and such. It can also venture on land when necessary, but is slow. Its tadpoles can survive mucking around a bit in the mud.

Could the adult newt find safe refuge in the mud for 25 days? Keeping in mind that its eye-sight is improving day by day?

Many newts are actually poisonous. They secrete toxins through their skin. Not this particular little fellow though. Notophthalmus viridescens , however does mimick the appearance of the red eft which does have toxic skin secretions.

Interestingly the newt that are toxic can actually drive fish away from their area because of their toxic skin secretions, a bit like very obese people with personal hygiene problems at a party.

Source newt:
Source Obese people:
its pretty neat stuff.

to me, though, it still seems like having 1/25th of my eyesight being restored wouldnt be enough.

but who am i? no fish want to eat me, so i cant say.

:) i used to catch those newts in my backyard as a youngster. fast little mofos, actually. maybe slow in comparison to other wildlife, but i can definitely say that it is hard for a 10 year old boy to grab one.
:D there are bigger natural dangers in michigan than a newt that might cause vomiting if i eat him. muskrats share the same environment, and are much nastier....
thats offtopic though.

wow, science is fun!
Regeneration of the Lens

You may wonder if humans are capable of regenerating the lens? Experience has taught us that it cannot. Or can it?

The cells of the iris that de-differentiate in the newt and will give rise to the new lens are called PECs.

Only the dorsal PEC cells de-differentiate in the newt and proliferate giving rise to a new lens vesicle. You can perhaps imagine that if the ventral PECs would do the same you would end up with two lenses. That's wouldn't really be good either.

However, any PEC cell under the proper culture conditions can de-differentiate. Also the ventral ones.

Also PEC cells obtained from the irises of humans! The potential to go to a blank state is therefore also present in humans. In our body they never folllow through though and form a lens vesicle.

Our own body likes to betray us.

Rio-Tsonis et al (2006) The role of Pax-6 in lens regeneration. PNAS, 103: p14848-14853
Thats interesting, the de-differentiation and transdifferentiation of the dorsal PEC cells to a lens vesicle.

Any info on what signals promote de-differentiation?
Any info on what signals promote de-differentiation?

There are some signals that are quite specific to the dorsal iris where the new lens vesicle is formed. For instance pax-6, prox-1, and FGFR1.

An inhibitor to FGFR-1 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1) can prevent regeneration.

Lens formation in the ventral iris can be induced by inhibition of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) pathway, or by overexpressing Six-3. But strangely enough you cannot induce lens formation on the ventral side with pax-6.

Spurious are you suggesting human adapt a new technology based on Newt lens regeneration?

Do you think we should try?
An inhibitor to FGFR-1 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1) can prevent regeneration.

FGFR-1 is not so specific though is it?

Its associated with cellular proliferation in any case through Ras signalling, so that might be a general inhibition of proliferation.

I was wondering if you knew what signals in the eye have been associated with the reversal of differentiation or a change to different cell type.
Signalling molecules are in a way never specific. There is only a limited amount of them around and they ochestrate the development of everything.

Hence FGFR1 is not specific (used in many other processes) and it is specific (required at this specific timepoint at this specific location).
Signalling molecules are in a way never specific. There is only a limited amount of them around and they ochestrate the development of everything.

Hence FGFR1 is not specific (used in many other processes) and it is specific (required at this specific timepoint at this specific location).

Yes boss!

I meant specific for de-differentiation.:)

de-differentiation is a tricky topic.

And now that you mention it we might have to enter the dark zone of cell culture and stem cell culture. And I will now burden the sciforum community with questions rather than answers.

In adult stem cell research the aim is often to isolate specific stem cells from a specific tissue. You can approach this quite bluntly by cutting out a rough area of interest, suspend the cells in a 'stem cell' medium, and pass them through a few cycles to see which have regenerative capabilities.

However, how far does the influence of the environment go? If you take a cell out of its rightful place is it still the same cell?

Will the right medium de-differentiate cells into stem cells that weren't stem cells in the first place?
However, how far does the influence of the environment go?

Not familiar with stem cell culture, but off-hand I'd say even the composition of serum (we usually order out stuff in lots) makes a difference

If you take a cell out of its rightful place is it still the same cell?

Not if you cannot replicate exactly the conditions it was existing under. Plus, in vitro testing invariably means assumption of the extracellular milieu to the limits of available knowledge. e.g are there any endocrine signals that we don't know about?

Will the right medium de-differentiate cells into stem cells that weren't stem cells in the first place?

Well bone marrow neurons have been known to dedifferentiate and redifferentiate, so it is possible.

phenotypic and functional neurons derived from adult rat bone marrow stromal stem cells (MSCs) can be induced to undergo dedifferentiation, then proliferation and redifferentiation.

What do you think of reversine?
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Regeneration Part 2

Regeneration can be accomplished in three different manners:

1. dedifferentiation of adult structures to form a mass of undifferentiated cells, the regeneration blastema, that then can be used to form new tissue and new structures.

2. morphallaxis: regeneration by repatterning of existing tissues without much new growth. For instance the Hydra.

3. Compensatory regeneration. New cells are formed by they produce cells that are similar to themselves.

As usual nature doesn't confine itself to one solution but works with what it has. The first post of this thread regarding lens regeneration works through the first mechanism of dedifferentiation and growth of new tissue from the mass of undifferentiated cells. It is perhaps one of the more spectacular examples of regeneration. I will now continue to discuss this mechanism by introducing another example.

The regeneration of the salamander limb

You can amputate the limb of a salamander and it will regrow completely without any defects; proper structures, proper size.
If you amputate the limb at the wrist all structures are formed from the wrist onwards and not more. Apparently the salamander 'knows' where the amputation is taking place. This is rather fascinating since during the development the limb grows through rather specific mechanisms under the influence of specific regulatory genes. This system isn't really in place anymore at an adult stage.

The first thing that happens after amputation is a sort of woundhealing. The wound epidermis forms accross the wound. From this epithelium another crucial structure is formed, the apical ectodermal ridge. Then the cells underneath the epidermis undergo dedifferentiation. All cells, bone, cartillage, neurons etc lose their fate,and begin to grow into a lump of dedifferentiated cells that all look rather similar. This mass of cells is called the regeneration blastema.

The cells proliferate, and more importantly they need to be patterned. A lump of cells does not make a good hand. You need a wrist, fingers etc all consisting of different kinds of tissue, bone, cartilage, fat, connective tissue, nerves etc.

In limb development during embryonic development there is a typical pattern of HOX genes that specify what's going to be what. In the adult limb this pattern is gone, but during regeneration some of this HOX gene patterning is miraculously re-established.

A similar system of patterning, growth and organizers of these processes, such as the apical ectodermal ridge, are re-established in the regenerating limb which get 'blank' tissue from the dedifferentiated lum of cells produced originally in the regeneration blastema. The progeny of what once was a bone cell can actually end up as a muscle cell. A remarkable feat.

Much is unknown on the details and I only provided you with a very general story. More information can be found in the reference I listed below and in peer-reviewed articles.

this post has borrowed heavily, bordering on plagiarism, on the excellent book, 'Developmental Biology' by Scott Gilbert. It is truly a wonderful textbook on developmental biology with a wide scope and attention to detail, history and the future. This may sound like an advertisment but I do not get paid for this. And yes, I do know the man, but not that good.