Sterilization for Abortion, a fair compromise ?

Do you think the parent(s) wanting an abortion should be sterilized afterwards ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
There's a lot of people dead against abortion in the U.S., and likewise a lot of people dead for abortions in the U.S.

How about this for a compromise.......
For women getting abortions NOT because of rape, incest, or her life's at stake :
Abortions are legal BUT, the woman getting the abortion must also be sterilized during the same procedure.

By the same token, if it's the father that insists upon an abortion, both the mother and father should be sterilized.

Anotherwords, if a woman or father is so personally irresponsible as to need to kill her/his baby because of a mistake she/he made, she/he loses the right to have an abortion or baby in the future.
the stance of most who support abortion is that it is your body to do with as you wish, how is mandatory sterilisation any different to banning abortion in that sense?
Possibly the dumbest thing I've read on the forums today. Congratulations. That's one hell of an achievement.
Actually it isn't a bad idea; after all they ARE irresponsible right? And that lack of responsibility costs the life of a poor baby.
Actually it isn't a bad idea; after all they ARE irresponsible right? And that lack of responsibility costs the life of a poor baby.

It's just a baby.

Possibly the dumbest thing I've read on the forums today. Congratulations. That's one hell of an achievement.
I disagree. It's the dumbest thing I've read in a week at least. And that's quite an accomplishment when OilIsMastery is active.
I've got a better idea: if some man who does not think abortion is OK has sex with a woman who does think abortion is OK, we should sterilize the man.

Consider the enormity of the evil he is willing to enable, in his own eyes. Clearly, he should be prevented from taking such a risk.
My sister-in-law got pregnant while on the pill. She was taking other meds and it negated the effect of the birth control. Not everyone who gets pregnant is an irresponsible twit.
My other sister-in-law got pregnant after my brother had a vasectomy (it didn't take). They already had more kids than they could afford.

Which one of them should be sterilized Cazzo?
what a fucking stupid idea

I will point out that if PB got pregant right now, with me still at uni and her as the houses only form of finatial surport we have already decided that she would have an abortion

HOWEVER we both despratly want kids as well we are just intelligent enough to know we cant aford them right now
umm orleander:p
im sure your brother would have liked to have been sterilised at the tax payers expence if he had already had one vasectamy:p
umm orleander:p
im sure your brother would have liked to have been sterilised at the tax payers expence if he had already had one vasectamy:p

My sister-in-law got sterilized after having the twins. She was NOT happy.
Okay, so you want to sterilize people becuase they are making a rational decision when against all odds they end up pregnant?Damn, that has got to be the stupidest thing I have heard all year, and that is saying something in an election year.
Okay, so you want to sterilize people becuase they are making a rational decision when against all odds they end up pregnant?Damn, that has got to be the stupidest thing I have heard all year, and that is saying something in an election year.

I have a feeling people getting abortion for the convenience of it (at the expense of the baby's life) did it after being sexually irresponsible much more often than some 1/1000000 chance that the condom broke AND her pill didn't work......
But making a law like that is just as bad as making abortions illegal. You just wouldn't go to a professional. You'd do it yourself, which is oh so dangerous. Or you'd be like my friend and force a miscarriage. Also not wise, albeit safer than poking yourself with a hanger.