Step 2: Neurons->Functions->Machines

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Registered Senior Member
We have neurons as functions. Now we could find the smallest function.

A = N(s) ; where s is a single input is the smallest. (It is also describes a computer.)

Note that s is a data stream where s[t-1] -> s[t] -> s[t+1] forever.

The possible function here are few. We can integrate and differentiate using simple functions i and d (dt is always equal to 1 here)

A = d(s) and A = i(s) ; are the first functions.

A = n(s) ; negates s
A = not(s) ; arithmetic not (if s = 0 then A = last s else A = 0)
A = wasz(s) ; A = last s if s=0 else A = 0
A = wasg(s); A = last s if s>0 else A = 0
A = wasl(s) ; A = last s if s<0 else A = 0

Now if we double the inputs it opens up a new world.

A = f(s1,s2) ; now we can do arithmetic
A = s1 o s2 ; where o is any operator

Now make a platform with a computer and three headers. This makes the machinery of functions.

Let O be output, I and R be inputs.
Here is the sequence:

Node function
Initialize if needed
Read I
Read R
Do function of I and R
Write O
GOTO Loop ; Do this forever

This loop is what makes numbers move and become data streams.

Here are some tree functions:


These combine into tree functions that can match any neuron, input to synapse.

There are also some switches:
These detect a condition and switch R into O if the condition is met and set O to zero otherwise.

Step 3 is making an algebra and an animachine programming system out of this.

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Gee, I am so sorry I wasted your time. Was it my fault you read this?
There is a Let's talk about brains thread here that will also waste your time. It will also let you hear more.

i'm so sorry that you find my action very dilient and militent,but in other words yes,i like to hear more thank you:D :cool:

Here is a question: Is it possible for machinery to feed off individual though? And what I mean is raw thought or even thought images? and react towards the thoughts!
Note: Not like when a computer feeds off your thought via you typing to it or into it.
To answer your question about thought. Thought is an abstract that arises from hardware. It could not be detected until converted into a number. What circulates in my brains are numbers and numbers can represent any thing you want them to, including thought.

A microbe finding its way to sugar and from vinegar is a mechanism I can build. Is it doing thought? Are you doing thought when you navigate between good and bad?

The only language you can use to talk about brains is the algebra of their construction. Spoken language does not have the right words.

A brain is a machine. More specifically, a brain is a list of sensors, motors and neuron functions. A brain reads from nature via sensors and abstracts and manipulates that. If you like, here is where thought is produced. The abstract is then sent do motors that put units back and produce some action. The motor units will differ from sensor units in a complex brain.

Abstraction is removing the units of measurement. The reverse is adding units of measurment. Read light, remove lumens and process. Then add units of motion and produce an action.

I hope you can see where thought is in this.
Yes I can build a human like soldier, and I think that is the best use of them. I have a tool that anyone can use to build anything but it is unlike anything you learned in school.

my friend,
school time was over fore me,at the age of,17.
militant minded {YES} but this mision and exploration is, and {I} say for the future of our kids!!

question:what kind of tools your working with? and please {I} do employed, don't unmind my intelligence.

humaniod weopan:both robot and human must be utilize,thats the only way it's going to work!!

team work???
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