star wars = the future?, does it have a deeper meaning?

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ralph malph

Registered Member
What was George thinking when he came up with the concept of Star Wars? Was he influenced by an event or 'force' (excuse the pun)?
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i just want friends
I think star-trek has more truths in it than starwars. It has been proved mathematically that it is possible to shrink spacetime in front of your "craft" and expand it behind you. Think about it!
the millenium falcon "hyperdrive" allwows it to drop out of normal space into an alternate dimention there fore alowing it to pull space twprds it as well as go twords the destination.
but i do think that star wars might have a deeper meaning, cause geoprge lucas is a genius if he though all that stuff up, and everything up about everything else. but mabe he was influence by an abduction??? or mabe through his very own force he was contacted by his own jedi??? cause i beileve that god is the force basically, that its just a power sitting there out of a normal humans reach, but then some people, phycics have contacted or tappeed into that energy feild wich allows them limeted power, but i beileive that some people can tap all the way into it becomeing a sorta "jedi"

that is all

I believe Babylon 5 would be more accurate when you look at what happened with Earth all the time. The assasination of President Clarke =JFK? The Centauri was the first contact ( which is where people think a race is) and so on..
Star Wars is the most realistic of the lot out of Babylon 5 and star trek. I mean just look at the diversity of characters in it. Star trek just has five major races. star wars has heaps of different races.

Also, I saw a documentary a few years ago about the CIA training people in stuff that resembled the force in star wars. Like the bending spoons with out touching them. I saw a guy on television do that when the olympics were on at Osaki.

Also, when hypnotised the trained people would be given a certain latitude and longitude. The person would then be able to describe the area in real time and move in it. One time a secret military installation was found doing horrible things to chimpanzees which scarred that person for life. That military installation was then shut down.

Well, perhaps George Lucas was in the CIA, hehe that would be funny.

But I reckon that would be cool to do the spoon thing...
mabe we were the aliens and a ship crashlanded and george was just a rencarnated sole telling the story of why they ran away or something, that ecplains "a long time ago in a galexie far far away."

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