star masters


Registered Senior Member
My last thread was erased, I dont know why and I only stated myself. My english is not so good but Ill try to write the best i can.
So please dont erase this thread!

As i stated before in my last post i was talking about something like my therapist says fotoginetic memory, not so sure if it is the right word spelled.

I used 3 years ago to practice things like watching at the straith line focusing on pictures Ive seen or imagined stuff like flying above the clouds and so. Few days after my eye coloures have changed from green to brown and days after to grey. My eye looked more like teardrop than normal. Ive never been on psihodelic drugs or such stuff if thats what ur thinkin.

These days my whole thinking is left to seeing pictures, nothing more. I have this thing when im trying to find something small like glowes or even to find my car where it is parked, I go on the wrong way where it was before, the other day i left it.
I had memorized every picture Ive seen from my childhood, but not clearly like a real picture, there is more emptynes in it than a real one like looking in this text right now so i dont memorize it like a whole one but with some turbulence as a small one.
Im not much aware of real world but when i look at realistic perspective i just memorize it.

Have anyone got some ideas about happening stuff like this to them also or have some suggestions.
I would appreciate some replies!thx
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so what you are saying is that you dont think what your looking at is real and only your memories seems real but your not sure about them anymore. or you think your memories might be false?

sorry if I dont understand.
My only reality is seeing pictures and even when i look as all people do its also in pictures as im not aware. Its something like a mixed up view, one in the brain, and one i see from my eyes and both looks very much as reality as they come toghether in one piece.
I wrote a short story in middle school about what it might be like to really come into close contact with a different "you" in a different dimention in a multiverse (ie Steven Hawking's wave function for the universe). your situation sounds alot like how I imagined the effects.

more likely causes:
1)I have before become "stuck" in a meditative vision, where I'm unable to stop the effects of being in deep meditation, but I'm fully awake. Maybe a similar thing has happened to you.
2)you may have something physically in your brain which is effecting your optic nerve or visual cortex. you should get a CAT scan to rule out the possibility of sickness.
heyya hehe

My only reality is seeing pictures and even when i look as all people do its also in pictures as im not aware
so you know what your reality is?
you are saying that your reality is pictures?

so what about moving things like people and animals and plants?

groove on :)
My therapist says something about chemicals in my brain that could be overun by pils. Well, if something goes wrong u can always take a pill but images will still remain in my brain for a long time. My thinkin about it is something like as its growing.
Even this days i can dream while im awake and i do it opened eyes. I can see and imagine myself in other places, even the picture i imagined looks more reallistic, like some video games animation. Than i start moving thru it and then automaticly things happen. I can do it for hours. Ofcourse the effect is eye color changin. But why should my eye colors change? My thinkin about it is something like seeing different reality.
so what about moving things like people and animals and plants?
Its just these days, some other day ill be on some other way, i hope more aware.
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heyya hehe

sounds to me like you have had extreem physical or chemical trauma to the (---------) thing and need to re evaluate diet
for specific elemental re-balancing.
you need to have neurolligy checked for disruptive malfunctioning part with miss-aligned vibrational transfer.
im sure it is treatable but you like it too much!
you have to want to get better by not continueing it!
maybe you have a build up of a specif chemical collecting in the transfer conduets this will act like a neurological mirror or dampening feild which is most likely fixable!
get all the different types of scans you can of your brain frontal system transfer conduets.
i think you will need to have more therapy for your own feelings
so you can gain better control.
current psychiatry and psychology is still trying to catch up so
make sure your therapist is friendly and openminded.

good luck
groove on
hehe, thx for advice and yes, im not continueing it as i did it years ago, i function normaly just like u or someone else... and yes im ganing better and better control, lets say im a master in doing controls of myself, Ive been everywhere and gained experince and yes it wont go further as disese as its to me all logical IT.
I discordant panphis and paranoia, I conclude this statement stating that your controlling fear is extrumedly inconsistent with todays standards for cusioning the impact of a 733 jumbo flet on your dog castle. By fearing this phenomeni, thus excluding the plethora of facts pouring into your brain by way of freon and cadophilia.