Star Attraction.. UFO Abductee relation?


Registered Senior Member
I was wondering. I have this strange attraction to a certain star in the sky. Is that a certain abductee characteristic? Like whenever I see this certain star, I get a sense of fear while watching it.

What do you all think of that? Just wanting your opinions.
Your probally just really paranoid..
Do not assume that you are a abductie.. if you do that chances are someone will try to or actaully convince you that you are..


[This message has been edited by Mid12am (edited December 13, 1999).]
It's possible that you are projecting a fear onto an unknowable object. You may have some anxieties that you have yet to resolve. You probably can't identify them right now, but they will surface. Whether or not you have been abducted by extraterrestrials, they obviously represent or symbolize a threat to you. You associate them with the stars, then your mind picks a star and tells your subconscious that that's where they come from. The result is a fear of that star. Perhaps you should find some quiet time to yourself and sort out your thoughts on your life. You may find some things that need to be confronted that you may not have known about.

I have never associated the stars with fear. I have only associated them with wonder. My favorite constellation is Orion. I just feel better when it's in the sky where I can see it.
Ok. That sounds reasonable. I was just curious on why I have this certain fear that I get when I look at it.

Will I ever know what that conflict might occur? Or will it be just a fictional thing that's in the back of my mind.
As I said, you'll have to find some quiet time to yourself (if that's possible for you) and take yourself apart piece by piece. (Not literally! Put that chainsaw down! :D)

When I have a problem that is bugging me, but I can't quite identify it, I go to what Native Americans would call my "power place". For me it's the roof of the Third Street Parking Garage where I can look down the main drag of my hometown. I meditate using a style I learned in the Go Rin No Sho (The Book of Five Rings) by Miyamoto Musashi. It doesn't always come to me on the first try, but I relax knowing that I am doing something about it and not just being a victim. Eventually I get a lead and track down the source of my problem.

I have many methods of meditation, but my favorite process of identifying stress and anxieties is to bounce my concerns off a good friend who has the patience to listen to me. Some input from an external, impartial source can help see things that you might have missed.

I don't know your financial situation, but if none of the above works, find a counselor or therapist. Mental health is nothing to fool with, and most communities have such resources available on a sliding scale for payment.

And if you just need to unload on somebody anonymous, my e-mail is
LOL! I appreciate the offer. Sometimes things just get waaaaaay too much for me and out of hand at times. Today like some of the days where it doesn't actually seem like that you're actually all there. Something is definately missing.

Have you guys ever had that sort of day?
Where it felt like something is missing and the day just seems odd?
Well, there was this one time when a friend and I stopped at a club for a couple of beers (well, maybe a few). Any way, one of the beers must have been bad because I came over all woozy. When we left, we had to hang onto a street light and sing old songs just to keep warm...

(A tip o' the hippo to Mollie Sugden :D)

I think everybody has days when they seem to be someplace else. It must be the brain's way of calling in sick.
Big C,
I know the kind of days you mean. Where you're feeling kind of blocked and unmotivated, the day passes and you feel as though nothing has been accomplished. You may also feel unsociable and irritable.
I've been there many times and I have tried to suss it. I think it's a form of deppression and normal deppression is always a symptom of something rooted elsewhere. If you don't mind I'll make a few suggestions on what the root cause might be, based on my own personal observations.

Hangover from drink or drugs, late nights, overwork, unhappy in your work/relationship/friendships, unresolved business, anxiety/guilt from gambling/infidelity/dishonesty/obsessions etc, unfulfilled or unexpressed talents.

Try to learn what it is that gets you out of those moods or what it is that gets you interested and excited and force yourself to do those things, when all you feel is just like giving up.

Hope it's helped.
BigC -

Have you ever heard of Chakras? They are points on your body and each one reflects a different part of you. I have been reading a book that has something in it that might help you, if you learn about the chakras. Basically, you envision each of the chakras and look for any dark spots in them. These dark spots are fears, anxieties, anger, etc. When you find a dark spot, imagine it being sucked into a vacuum at your feet. Direct all the black spots into an imaginary vortex in the ground, and when all the black spots are gone, close the vortex and seal off your chakras. It's a sort of self-hypnosis using visualization.

I don't do the exact same thing, but I have something similar that helps me. I imagine all my worries and such flowing out of my body into my hands, then I ball up the negative energy and throw it at the ground. Of course that won't solve all your problems, but it helps you get rid of the 'edge' and makes it easier to deal with the cause of the worries, instead of the symptoms.

Good luck!! :)
So is this 'out of place feeling' a certain sign of something of depression or a simple twist in the timeline which something happened and didn't fit?

Well, I do get depressed every now and then but I deal with it.

Man! I really NEED a digital camara!
Skye, soul sister!
I used to visualise my problems and in my imagination I used to wrap them up in a brown paper bag, scrunch it up and chuck it away. Touche.

Big C,
man, we ALL need a digital camera!
Do you perhaps have a fear connected to the media portrayals of 'greys eyes'? A particular abductee characteristic is a strong feeling when looking at the eyes.
A particular fear? I haven't really had a chance to sense exactly what I was feeling when I look into their eyes when the media shows them. In fact, they haven't shown the greys in quite a long time. The only time I get to see them is when I watch Discovery Channel or something when they have UFOs and such on.
I'm currious, can you find out the name of the star you are afraid of(just ask an astronomer) and tell me what it is?

I see eyes in my head when I close my eyes, whats it maen?

I wouldn't know Dude, you'd have to answer that for yourself. The most reasonable answer is that it's all in your head. Large eyes are naturally imposing to look at. When those eyes are on a space alien, they all of the sudden look sinister. This is a pretty common reaction so I don't think it means a thing.