Stand by?

What should the guy do?

  • Stand by completely

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Give up completely

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Try and talk to her and get her to give the kid up or have an abortion

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Leave her but stay friends

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Other (give response)

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
Im just curious on peoples views but if a girl gets pregent by rape but she cant have an abortion coz of beliefs, then shud her man stand by her and try and accept the child as his own? Or shud he just leave her and mayb just be friends? : :bugeye:

I don't think this is a question of 'should' or 'shouldn't' so by no means do I think a poll can provide any sort of answers to an actual scenario - if that happens to be the case here.

If this happens to be a general interest thing, or alternative, then I'd say this thread is stupid. "Moderator?"
Other: Stand-by and not raise the kid as his own because it's not his own.
Assuming that is he would stand-by if none of this happened.
Sounds stupid but ditch religion to save both of them from a lot of pain and headaches.

No instituion should come before personal health.
i wish i could read the original post but it is only vaguely in english.

WWJD? what would joseph do?
if he was also religious, he'd raise it like joseph did. if he had any brain cells left he'd take her to the doctor immediately for a rape kit exam and emergency contraception.

"leaving" someone because they were raped is pretty messed up.
i had a post but.........................never mind....................
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This is a great question. For me it would depend on other factors, like how long I’d been with her or whether I already have a kid. If neither of us had children yet, and I had only recently begun a romantic relationship with her, and she wanted to keep the child of the rape, then I’d support her but I’d probably discontinue the romantic relationship. I don’t see this choice as much different than someone not wanting to get romantically involved with someone who has kids, which is perfectly okay in my book.
The poor girl's just be raped, if she's real religious then she was probably a virgin too and you think the best thing is to run away and leave her when she'd need you the most?
End the romantic relationship, yes, but stay a supportive friend. She made a unilateral decision that would have a great effect on my life if I stayed with her romantically. So I may opt out of the relationship. If she’s a fair person then she won’t hold that against me. Becoming a dad just because someone needs you is a bad idea.
Kill and eat the baby when it comes out like so;

Or shud he just leave her and mayb just be friends?
Hahaha, Even I think thats wrong.
If the guys gonna leave he should just leave, how insulting to remain friends, as if to stay only to watch, mock and humiliate the poor girl while she struggles to raise a child that was concieved under shamefull circumstances.
If I was the girl I'd want him to stay and act like its his kid or leave, preferably the country, and never talk about it again. My god, that would be so insulting if he left to become 'friends'.
Let’s see... It was her decision alone to have the baby. He doesn’t get a say in the decision but he’s supposed to live with it the rest of his life. And if he ends the relationship then she should be insulted. Well if she’s insulted then he definitely made the right decision because she would’ve made his life hell in so many other ways.
It all comes down to circumstances. Does he believe that it was rape and does he love the woman? How will she feel about the child? At the very worst he should stay by her until the child is born then she can give the child up for adoption if no better alternative is present.
If shes not gonna give it up or have an abortion leave, i wouldnt wanna look at it everyday and be reminded of what happened to the person i care about, i couldnt raise somebody elses kid especially not like that, its her choice to keep it i dont see whats wrong with leaving, its the man who raped her that has the responsability not her partner.
Let’s fill in some details. They’re both 18, live in Palco, Kansas, and met a month ago. He was going to attend Harvard with his all-expenses-paid scholarship, but now she insists he stay put in Palco and oh, by the way, to help with baby her obese chain-smoking mom is moving into their studio apartment. Yeah, he’d be jerkwad for leaving all right.
He has to go to Harvard if she wants to stay in palco that is her choice. Just knowing someone for a month does not entail them to destroy another’s life. If he really cares for her they can try a long distance relationship. No one should change that much of their life without some serious thought and commitment. What was she planning on doing while he went to Harvard any way?
They were planning to live together near Harvard, but now that baby’s coming she’s decided she needs her momma.
Then its her choice, he can leave if he wants, besides, when he comes back from Harvard he'll be able to provide better for the kid.
Of course this also brings up the question that since she knew he was going away for a while did she get pregnant on purpose to keep him there?
The man should proceed with caution. He should not bur any bridges either way. He may have something special with that girl and he may not. He will change a lot in college and she will change a lot being a parent.