Staking claim underneath east Jerusalem


Valued Senior Member
Staking claim underneath east Jerusalem


It has been called the 'volcanic core' of the conflict and if there is ever to be peace between Palestinians and Israelis it will have to be made in the alleyways of this ancient city - holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims.

"In 10 years we hope to have 250 [jewish] families here," said Arieh King, a settler. "Then we will be the majority in this area." Mr King is a key figure in the drive to change the demographics of east Jerusalem. He digs in the archives, identifies houses owned by Jews before 1948 and gets relatives, often abroad, to lay claim to them.

Last August, the [muslim] family lost a 37 year legal battle when Israeli police threw them out at dawn. The settlers claimed through the courts they had owned the land but the Hanouns say they were given their properties in 1948 by the Jordanians - who controlled east Jerusalem - and the United Nations.

Hmmmmm... maybe I am way, way, way off track here, but, it seems to me, there's a major religious component to the conflict between Jews and Muslims over in the ME? Errr... I mean between Israelis and Palestinians....
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your way off track. you just want it to be religious so you can attack the faiths
and the Slave Trade had nothing to do with skin color either - it was all economic, or land rights or some crap. While economic models may have had something to do with it, skin color, identified with "race" was a major component.

Likewise, there is a political dimension to the conflict, but at the root of it, it's a difference in religions fighting over the same "promised" land. If there were no difference in religion then there'd be no dispute. Arab Jews aren't being forced from their land, Arab Muslims are.
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