Sqeezing of Russian Minority


Registered Senior Member

There was about 2 letters or 3 written by the Russian parliament
asking for better treatment of Russians in the Baltic Region which
were completely ignored.

Please do not justify this by pointing to the past bad behavior
under soviet gov't. Bad behavior doesn't justify more bad behavior.
The Russian schools existed there for about 200+ years. Also
Baltics were treated fairly well by the Russian Empire.

Please post your thoughts
Eluminate said:

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asking for better treatment of Russians in the Baltic Region which
were completely ignored.

Also Baltics were treated fairly well by the Russian Empire.
I do not condone this action; the US tries to do this to its minorities, also under the guise of integration. The Baltic countries are probably afraid of such a large ethnic minority in their new homeland, so close to Russia & their loyalty?
Please, Russians are treated just fine in Latvia. Tell me, do Hispanic people study in Spanish in American schools? There is absolutely nothing wrong with making sure that the Latvian native language is known well by the people who permanently reside in Latvia.
Well I only think it's natural for a country to teach in it's own language. What do you aspect? Every school in the world teaching in english?
there is slight difference between US and Russian in this respect...
latvia was part of sov union/rus empire before that time
both allowed their schools to co-exist (not sure about sov union)
but the tsar did allow almost all of the baltic institution remain in tact.

They are asking for trouble in a sense cause lots of people are severely
angry. Some of memebers of the Duma(russian parlament) are asking for
intervention. Radicals want to re-annex the baltics. Jhon McCain went there or is going to go there recently. (american Republican senator from arizona)
Eluminate, do you suggest that Latvia shouldn't teach its language and culture to its youngsters as a rite of thanks for good treatment by the Soviets? Also, consider that Soviet rule in general was not liked much by the people of Russia itself, so let's not bring in the "good old times" into the issue.