Spontanious Human Combustion


Valued Senior Member
Interesting subject. What are your thoughts on it's causes. How can something made mostly of water burn???:confused:
I don't know what to think of the subject. There isn't enough known. So the jury is still out on this one. I can tell you that there are substances that will burn in water, such as magnesium, which would also turn to ash anything it consumes as it does burn extremely hot. But getting it to ignition temperature is something else. For the life of me I do not see how that could occur.
Because it is so rare, it is one of those unsolved mysteries. Could be some malfunction in NO synthesis of the body that can cause a nitroglycerine effect. Body does have glycerol compounds. Because NO synthesis is hard to measure yet vital to body function, it is difficult to study.
I saw an interview once of a person who was walking down stairs with one of her friends and they were just talking normally and suddenly her friend just became ash basically. Don't really know how to explain it. But everything is supposed to be burnt except for the feet and maybe the hands or something.
Not long ago,we had a TV documentary over here,where scientists attempted to recreate Spontaneous Human Combustion using the body of a pig.
They found that it is not in fact "spontaneous" and does not happen instantly,but that it occurs when the body is exposed to a steady heat over a period of time,and the body fat eventually reaches a temperature at which it will burn.
As a consequence,even the bones were reduced to ashes,something that does not occur during conventional cremation - which is done at a much higher temperature than achieved during these experiments.
Most of the cases that I have read about have happened when a person has fallen or lost consciousness either on or very near to a source of heat,i.e. a heater or stove.

with all the stuff that we eat,breath,drink
and cause it is very rare not every other person burns.
is not it logical to assume that once in a while a cemical compound of some sort will be created by our body,or mixed ?

i saw once on the national geograqphic channel a lady that used ben-gay ?!?
donno i never heard about it but they said it is highly sold in the usa ,it is used to reduce muscle pain and such??! it is an oitment.
so this woman rubbed it on herself and later she was hureld into the hospital cause she fainted and at the moment they wanted to take some blood to do tests the nurses around felt ill
and alot of people near got sick(vomiting,breath disorders and such and an entire wing of that hospital had to be closed and quarentined(they thought it was some sort of a chemical in the air))
later in lab tests it showed a very strange crystal formation which originated in that female blood that the body with other chemicals worked out into this toxic thingy.

it was a 45min-1 hour show
it had two cases in it one of them this the second
a USA army fightter pilot that went missing with his air-plane which he crushed and they found in his home a melitia letter and they said he was on his way to bomb some militant group member trial or something like that.

*been edited after a reply was posted on it.
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Very interesting story, Radical. But thats just one isolated case. I can tell you I will stay far away from bengay from now on!!:D

Yes, this is very interesting. :)

I think it´s probably a chemical reaction in the body, maybe triggered by some emotional disorder. As stress, fear, sorrow ...

What does the Christian community has to say about this? Is it hellfire from within, a demon bursting out? :D

It´s a very enlightened way to die anyway....
:p :rolleyes:


I'm currently writing a paper on the subject, my theory links modern instances of SHC and Animal Mutilation, with ancient accounts of revelation. I appreciate how bizarre such a proposition sounds, but the the evidence is not only substantial, it is extremely enlightening.
I wouldn't read too much into the pig experiment; the problem is not whether flesh will ignite or not, it will, if an accelerant is applied. The persistent enigma presented by all these cases is how the victim was ignited.
The evidence that I have accrued points to the source of ignition being the victims own blood. Somehow it is liberated, either by menstruation, the bursting of varicose veins, or throught the flesh being cut. A rare set of circumstances surrounding these events are critical to the next phase, whereby the the constituant elements of the blood become altered, giving off a highly combustable vapour that can be ignited by any residual flames in the vicinity.
The biochemistry is speculative, but the environmental conditions whereby the constituant elements of blood are altered, is both known, and extremely telling.

Appreciate comments
As a kid I was so scared of spontaneous combustion. I thought I would go up in flames if I thought about it too much. Yeah, it was impossible to think of anything else then of course.

So through extensive, nerve wrecking childhood experiments I can at least report that thinking of it wont make it happen :D

I dunno... maybe friction in the tissues combined with chemical imbalance...
Re: stuff

Originally posted by Radical
with all the stuff that we eat,breath,drink
and cause it is very rare not every other person burns.
is not it logical to assume that once in a while a cemical compound of some sort will be created by our body,or mixed ?

Nope... we are not the dragons from a ringworld book.
but why is it always the feet that get left at the end of the whole ordeal? i think satan has a phobia of feet,and if it is god sending people to hell, im guessing hell smells quite nice, what with all the spirits missing thier feet and everything!?

no but really...thats a fucked up way of dying, not for the person obviosly, as they wont feel much, but can you imagine being a friend.....just watching your best mate turn to ash infront of you?
i wouldnt belive it.
Re: hypothesis

Originally posted by El-ijah

I'm currently writing a paper on the subject, my theory links modern instances of SHC and Animal Mutilation, with ancient accounts of revelation. I appreciate how bizarre such a proposition sounds, but the the evidence is not only substantial, it is extremely enlightening.
I wouldn't read too much into the pig experiment; the problem is not whether flesh will ignite or not, it will, if an accelerant is applied. The persistent enigma presented by all these cases is how the victim was ignited.
The evidence that I have accrued points to the source of ignition being the victims own blood. Somehow it is liberated, either by menstruation, the bursting of varicose veins, or throught the flesh being cut. A rare set of circumstances surrounding these events are critical to the next phase, whereby the the constituant elements of the blood become altered, giving off a highly combustable vapour that can be ignited by any residual flames in the vicinity.
The biochemistry is speculative, but the environmental conditions whereby the constituant elements of blood are altered, is both known, and extremely telling.

Appreciate comments

Uhhhh, what?
Originally posted by Maveric
but why is it always the feet that get left at the end of the whole ordeal?
Supposedly the fire feeds off fatty tissue. When the fire gets down to the ankles it's mostly bone so there is nothing to burn.
What happens if the source of heat is the person themselves? When a person becomes hot enough to burn themselves? I myself have had experiences where I became so hot, in the middle of winter without a coat, that I burned myself. When I told my mom about it she touched my hand and I burned her as well. The pain from my hand was intense. It felt like I had my hand held in a fire. I have to stay in cold areas almost all the time. When I go places that are not cold, I start to sweat so much that it looks like I'm melting. So I believe that it is possible for humans to spontanious combust. I may even be in threat of combusting myself.
SHC has been talked about alot in the past, I think Avatar had some stories of it.

I did theorise a possible reasoning to how the generation of SHC occurs but it involved the theory that the creation of parallels were being attempted somewhere.

Theory is that if you could generate a parallel that exists at exact the same time and space with the universe your in, and both parallels suffer a diversion from one another it could generate a wave function collapse, or in extreme cases a high increase of frictional energy between the universes.

Thus turning a person thats destiny is always being manipulated by interaction into a match head.
Spontanious Human Combustion, may be caused by the following occurences:

causing the body tissues, including bone to saturate with body produced Ascetone.

Ignition source - Static Electricity.

With diabetes, the blood fills with crystals, and reduces the flow to the extremeties, legs and feet primarily. (this might explain the non inclusion of the legs during the combustion.)

This is my own hypothesis.
What happens if the source of heat is the person themselves? When a person becomes hot enough to burn themselves? I myself have had experiences where I became so hot, in the middle of winter without a coat, that I burned myself. When I told my mom about it she touched my hand and I burned her as well. The pain from my hand was intense. It felt like I had my hand held in a fire. I have to stay in cold areas almost all the time. When I go places that are not cold, I start to sweat so much that it looks like I'm melting. So I believe that it is possible for humans to spontanious combust. I may even be in threat of combusting myself.

Weird, I've had something like that happen to me before during a cold night as well. Sometimes when I'd go to sleep, I'd bend my pillow in half and keep my arms between it. Well one night when I went to sleep, I kept my hands inside my bent pillow rather than my arms and my hands were freakin burning while I slept but I paid no attention to it whenever I'd wake up cause I thought it was just normal overheating of the body which happens sometimes.. not to mention I couldn't see my hands since it was dark night time.

Anyways, the next morning I woke up, I had serious blisters all over the front of both my hands. And whenever I started staring at them, the blisters would just spread and get bigger -- it was so creepy. I would have some huge wide blisters that would cross the whole front side of my hand. Thankfully this has only happened once and now I always make sure not to keep my hands or arms between my bent pillow anymore but rather underneath it to keep cooler. Freakin weird, I tell ya.

However, I have a guess as to what happened. The night before, I was cooking some Mexican food which always involes chiles. I never use gloves but I always wash my hands thoroughly afterwards and have never had a problem like this. My only guess would be that some of the capciacin remained on my fingertips and helped increase the temperature on my hands while my fingers rest on them during the night mixed with the increased temperature inside the pillow. That still doesn't explain the increasing of the hand temperature and size of the blisters whenever I'd start staring at them though.

And has anyone heard about that hypnosis experiment where a hypnotist would touch a person with a cold iron and make the person think it was super hot so that the next time he touches them with it, the person would cry out in pain as if they were burned, yet weren't, and they would wind up with a blister afterwards from it?

- N