spontaneous human combustion


Registered Member
I dont understand why these cases have only been reported in the west! Sounds too fictitous to me! If it were true then my guess is that it probably has to do with some drug produced and sold in the west!
This is an Odd one, as admittedly the West has had Spontaneous Combustion cases, but there is a point that some of these case can occur to people that survive that might have been doing something silly and just didn't want the real facts being clear.

For a fictional possible scenario:

" I was chewing on my disposable lighter when lighter-fluid sprayed all over my arm and ignited from a static charge from my jumper as I tried to brush it off, because I felt like a complete idiot I lied about it." -anon

There are questions that were raised that such cases were caused by tests / shows of power at the beginning of the coldwar, of course I'm sure that all powers would deny this for it's "rumour" and Disinformative nature.

The one last possibility involves the creation of parallels, but I can't explain it in full or somebody somewhere would be trying it out and possible waste the population.
Hi Al-Ameen ...

Haven't heard too much regarding it in the last decade or so. I guess in the West
people have too much time on their hands and let their imaginations run wild.

As Stryderunknow said, there can be a number of reasons. I personally feel
that none of them are 'paranormal'.

Take care, and welcome to Sciforums.
I can tell you smth about this

It so happens that I live in Eastern Europe and my father has seen what you call "Spontaneous Combustion " or at leas what was left of him:)

My father then was 25 and he was a criminal detective at police.
When they arrived at the place[investigation group], they saw a chair. There was a pile of ash on the chair, and the witnesses claimed there was a man there. Latter analysis prooved tht tht ash could be human. What was signifficant is tht. there were signs of extreme temperature, but the chair was merely burnt[slyghtly burnt, toned brown].
There have also been other cases in EE. so because you say tht
Spontaneous Combustions happen only in west is [I think] that you live there. I myself have never heard of Spontaneous Combustions in West, but tht doesen't mean tht there aren't any.

I would say tht these combustions are caused by our body chemistry. I saw on discovery channel tht there are chemicals in people tht can couse the combustion, the only thing tht remains unclear is what triggers this combustion.

If you like, I can ask my father for more details, he told me about this case some two years ao and I don't remember alll clearly.
Tell my wife I lov...


Please give more details, seem interesting.

I always wonder whether spontaneous combustion is true or not, why would a man suddenly light up?;)

I always think that there should be reasons behind all these!:rolleyes:
I asked my father to tell that case again, so here it is.

The year was 1976. He was ordered to go to a small wooden house in city suburbs.
The room was big, but with very little furniture in it. A desk with a tv on it, wardrobe and some chairs. In the centre of the room was a chair and on it was a body (not pile of ash). It was almost turned into a coal. There vere visable some parts of bones outside the overburnt skin. Was visible a part of scull by the sides of the head and also bones of hands. The place were legs of the body were touching floor was slightly -don't know how it's in englisg- brown, like you hold a match to a wooden surface for a few seconds and it turns brown but not sets on fire. So was the places where body touched chair. And jet body was burnt in extremely high temperature - it was almost turned into a coal. There were no signs of fire in that room nor at the rest of the house. On the celing at the place where body was, were also signs of that slight burning I described earlier.

Latter chemical analysis showed no signs of any highly flamable substance, like petrol, liquid gas. Actually there were no traces of any substance or matter out of usual.
The case was closed and written in the documents as "incareful treating with fire". Father said tht they were avery confused by this case and only some years later, when he was interesting about it, he firstly heard of spontaneous combustion .
Can the body be transferred there?
But there are witnesses.
Weird case!:cool:
No trace of chemicals, nothing in the surroundings is affected and very high temperature, how can it be like that?:confused:
I would suggest that if any such cases should arise ever again, that the natural background electromagnetic flux should be analysed, and samples of the surrounding metal materials should be checked for polarisation.

I'm not going to explain why such tests, but it won't be "Death by Misadventure" more likely Murder/manslaughter.
There was a reasonably recent series of experiments using pig carcasses which produced results similar to spontaneous human combustion. From memory, I think it involves very complete but slow burning of a body in a low oxygen environment. SHC would require some kind of ignition source, such as a cigarette. As far as I am aware, all the known cases involve people in chairs or beds. Presumably, they fall asleep while smoking and a fire starts. The fat in their body catches but burns slowly due to the enclosed environment and lack of oxygen. Under these conditions combustion is very complete, and it is possible that surrounding furniture remains unaffected.
How can you get a lack of oxigen in a big sized room?

Fahther told tht he presumably was watching TV.
Maybe he fell asleep, but no cigarettes or smth like tht was found near. If there were, he said tht he wouldn't tell me tht this was a combustion case.

Maybe smth connected with sleep. But what?
Maybe he died in his dreams?:)
read another thread where we discussed what happens if smbody dies in his dreams.
I have seen a program on Discovery while back where they showed mulitple cases of this. All of them were involve wooden chairs and one case was so strange in that case the whole family of 4 or 5 burned to ashes. Some on chair some one sofas but nothing else was burned not even their shoes. Strange and very ironic.

That sort of thing can get man Fired. ( Austin powers ):bugeye:
I saw the documentary with pigs too James R.

It seems that there are two phenomenon occuring here. Firstly people erupting in flames... whilst the subject is still alive. The flames are usually put out. However, the documentary proved that, if the subject dies from shock, or dies and drops a cigarette... that the corpse can ignite, with the use of the clothes.

The body, like the pig's in the experiments, can slow burn to intense temperatures... enough to reduce a body to ash (including the bones) and yet not destroy the surrounding environment, in what some scientists call the candle effect.

Check this out!
Originally posted by Biggles
However, the documentary proved that, if the subject dies from shock.....

...whoops... not to say that all people that die from shock become engulfed in flames!
hey everyone... i am doing some research for a report about human combustion...i am trying to prove that it doesn't exist... if anyone has any info about that please reply... thanx
WHat??!! you don't like proofs tht SHC exists and ask for proofs tht it doesn't exist:D

Stryder - if you read this, maybe PM our new friend with smthing.

BTW, welcome to Sciforums brittanygurl02 !:)
hey thanx...unfortunately i am doing a debate for it at school and i have to prove it doesn't exist... i didn't really have a choice lol...but anyway, any info will be of help thanx :D
Originally posted by brittanygurl02
hey thanx...unfortunately i am doing a debate for it at school and i have to prove it doesn't exist... i didn't really have a choice lol...but anyway, any info will be of help thanx :D

sorry, but what a freakin'school is that. noone really knows if it exists or not and you have to prove what teacher told you???
If smone ordered to do tht in my school....to hell with him.(but tht's only me);) .
There is always a choice, just the results of the outcome are different.

brittanygurl02 is debating. It doesn't matter whether you believe what you are debating or not. It is a skill development tool only.

Hope this clears any misunderstanding.