Spokesman for the Bush Regime, Psuedoscientist


Registered Senior Member
Recently, I heard a spokesman for Bush Regime comment on the intelligence that the Bush regime recieved about the belief that nuclear weapons were in Iraq.

He said that no proof was found that weapons existed, but this is different from the argument that there were weapons was proven.

This argument is clear evidence of psuedoscientism in our top leadership. The main principle to look for is where a theory, statement or argument represents something that doesn't exist or isn't proportionate to the physics that it is intended to represent.

Galileo had to deal with the same idiots. Will we, those alive today, ever live to see a technocracy? A tell it like it is, honest, progressive, scientific government?
i loved the comments before the war that if Sadam didnt produce eveidence that his weapons still existed then that means he wasnt coperating insted of it meaning there WAS none

and the same thing was said about weapons inspectors not finding anything "that means he isnt cooperating with them"

B\W why isnt this in politics?
Because Stryder seems not to know how to transfer threads OUT of HIS control.

Maybe Stryder has an agenda?

so if the grounds for invasion was WMD, and they didnt find any, then the pretences under whcih they arrested saddam were false, meaning that he should be set free
Trading one democratic system dictator for another is not the answer and what there is for control is not justice.

There is right and there is wrong; and you all know it.

Kurt Russell, “Soldier” was trained to think, not be a robotic killing machine moron.

Stryder and his lack of knowing what is right and wrong fits in with not being trained to think. Because of this agenda, it becomes very evident who are the robotic.....
vslayer said:
so if the grounds for invasion was WMD, and they didnt find any, then the pretences under whcih they arrested saddam were false, meaning that he should be set free

Or, that Bush should be sitting in the cell right next to Sadaam.
Norval & Fiery,
I know you don't like your beloved subjects being closed, but your topics had reached beyond a climax to bare no fruitful discussion what so ever. Generating personal statements and making your qualms known about how I have dealt with you is not on topic with the discussion matter and can even be seen as a personal attack of a sciforums member (let alone a moderator).

I ask you to desist from your grievances and when posting remain true to the topic, otherwise action will have to be taken to make you see sense.
Collision said:
This argument is clear evidence of psuedoscientism in our top leadership. The main principle to look for is where a theory, statement or argument represents something that doesn't exist or isn't proportionate to the physics that it is intended to represent.

Wired Magazine has an article worth a read.

It starts out reporting criticisms of the Bush administrations positions on science related issues:

The Union of Concerned Scientists in a February report pointed out something the science press has known for years: The Bush administration has no respect for science. Ideologues prefer to make up the laws of nature as they go.

But the writer, Bruce Sterling, goes on to point out some possible if not probable consequences of state-sponsered pseudoscience, drawing comparissons with Trofim Lysenko of Stalin's agricultural department. Lysenko had a lot of whacky ideas, like the belief that he could stimulate the growth of forrests by overcrowding them with trees to force them to cooperate. How communistic!

The Bush admin relies heavily on pseudoscience to manipulate the ignorant masses. You'll see it mentions of reproductive sciences, genetics, energy technology, and the global concern of HIV/AIDS to name few. With regard to the latter science concern, the Bush admin has stated officially that condoms are not effective in reducing the spread of AIDS, when it is demonstrably the opposite.
Asguard said:
B\W why isnt this in politics?

Sort of, but specifically it is psuedo-political science, since political science does represent the ideals of competent government.

Skinwalker said:
The Bush admin relies heavily on pseudoscience to manipulate the ignorant masses.

His foriegn policy represents false application of democracy in Iraq and in Afganistan. The science of Democracy is of the people, rather than forced upon the people. The Bush Administration smattering has made a theoritical complex out of dictatorship and democracy.

Is this unexpetcted in a nation that claims our voting system for president is democratic, when it's far from it. In a technically scientific democracy the chances of a candidate becomming a president who is a son of an ex-president is infinitesimally small. The fact that we vote does imply democracy, but fundamentally we can say we today in America are subjected to Incestocracy. The whole nation has been molested, and what is ironic about it is that the right wing churchgoing Republicans like it that way. :p
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