Split topic: Mass consciousness, miracles, and coincidence

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@ Syne,

I will again tell the story of my introduction to telepathy.

When I was 17 years old I read a book by Harold Sherman entitled "How to make ESP work for you". In it he described successful telepathy experiments involving sleeping recipients. The experiment was known to both parties and they exchanged roles of sender and sendee. Since I was 17 and curious, I wanted to try this but instead chose a person who had vanished from our circle of friends many months earlier. I stayed awake and from 2-3am I imagined this girl and repeated this phrase out loud, "Debby (last name here), (My name here) misses you very much. Get in touch.". After about 40 minutes I felt more relaxed and knew the message was received yet continued for the full hour.

So What occurred ...

5 days later I received a letter postmarked from New York State (I live in Canada). The letter was a bit odd as it gave hint after hint of who the sender was, but I knew from the moment my parents told me a letter arrived. It mentioned a "Toga Party", etc., that we had attended together in the previous year.

The final sentence of the first page said, "I had a dream about you that prompted me to write.".

This was likely the only mailed letter I ever received from a girl in my teens. The experiment not only worked, it worked in a very astounding way.

I realize it may seem easy for skeptics to ignore the entirety of psychic research because it is associated with charlatans and frauds, but there are also some very interesting experiments.

I was privileged enough to view the Maimonides videos. The Maimonides dream telepathy experiments, which have shown some apparent success were also using sleeping subjects. I now think more success occurs if you hit a dream state.

While I agree it will be many years or even centuries before we are able to measure/prove telepathy, I do not find it possible to believe that psi does not exist, and I do not think science should be discounted unless it can be proven something (telepathy in this case) does not exist.

I am now middle aged. It has been many years since I was 17 and yet I have been able to replicate and teach this simplest of experiments to many. It does not always work, but when it does it works in astounding ways that are witnessed and beyond well beyond chance.

I had even suggested everyone spend a whole hour and try this themselves as empirical proof to yourself can alter your views on a very important subject. What can be more important than knowing we can communicate with our minds at least on some levels? This means thoughts can exist outside ourselves. It means mass consciousness is real. It could even be the realm of a god(s).

My belief is not without warrant. I am educated in applied sciences and am a retired Soil Engineer. The experiments I speak of were not imagined, and every psychic experiment must have a witness by its very nature.

When I was young I thought I could get a book out of the library that would explain how telepathy worked, but since it is not accepted mainstream there are no accepted methods for it to work. This is problematic for me as I need a Universal Theory that will incorporate telepathy, and is why I find the ideas of Russellian science so appealing.

I feel sorry for those of you who have not had opportunities to witness psychic phenomenon, because when it happens to you there is no doubt it worked. I am forced to feel skeptics in these instances are foolish to deny the odds (There are if you look in the right kind of experiments).


Karl Jung ideas on Synchronicity are written off by Skeptics as was Sigmund Freuds views. Sigmund Freud believed he could telepathically communicate with his sister in another city, but as the founder of modern psychology his views on telepathy needed to be quashed or ridiculed.

Synchronicity is now called "sync"'s by practitioners of law of attraction who believe (rightly so) that your mind attracts what it thinks about.

If you hear an odd quote like Shakespeares witches,
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

and you dwell on it for a length of time or study it, then you are thinking of it. This type of thinking will draw it into your life (my beliefs), and you may tune into that scene while switching channels or hear it on the radio. These they call "sync"'s.

Denying telepathy is possible is not scientific because those making the claim have no proof of this. I think it is silly. I understand the burden of proof remains, but I would not hold your breath on it unless you conduct your own experiments.

Anyways. I argue for the existence of Telepathy, so I argue for a Mass Consciousness causing Synchronicity/Miracles all over the place. Coincidences can often be very strange, and I argue we are behind it on subconscious levels.

I have also run a membership based paranormal website for the past 15 years. I have developed a new way to retrieve subconscious information by using seemingly identical pictures with imperceptible information hidden within. The choices are given in high repetition and answers are weighed. This eliminates the movements necessary for using Dowsing rods/pendulums/quija boards/etc. My method is the first practical improvement on this front in thousands of years (to my knowledge), and is the basis of my website which contains over 800 . This is not a subject I am not well versed in. Telepathy is real.
While I agree it will be many years or even centuries before we are able to measure/prove telepathy, I do not find it possible to believe that psi does not exist, and I do not think science should be discounted unless it can be proven something (telepathy in this case) does not exist.

I am familiar with similar studies, such as crossword puzzle solvers being more successful a day after the general public has had a crack at it. Your experience is interesting, and I would not discount it out of hand, because most religious experience is similar in nature.

That said, science cannot prove something does not exist. Science works on the assumption of the null hypothesis (that there is no special relationship between any two phenomena), which can only be refuted by positive evidence that something does exist or behave in a certain way.
@ Syne,

(added to my previous post).

Religious experiences are often encountered alone, yet telepathy always has a witness.

I will also recount a similar "Law of attraction" (is my religion) experience.

While I was young our family paid for a stray dog to be repaired after a car chasing incident failed. We already had 4 dogs and 2 cats so keeping it was not possible.

I prayed to (ghod/universe/all that is) for the dog tyo be "Happy" for the rest of its life.

The following day a family of 8 all took the bus to our house and adopted the dog. A month later we got a horribly misspelled letter that told us they loved the dog and named him "Happy".

My prayer came true. The dog will definitely be "Happy" for the rest of its life. God/Universe/All that is does have a sense of humor.

However to many here it will be "Coincidence". Sad...
@ Syne,

You really are useless as a Moderator. I put 20 minutes of my time into putting up that post in response to a miracle thread. So instead of possibly helping that particular skeptic see the light, you seem to think this is a topic of its own. OMFG.

The story in OP is likely known to many here already. I have told it many times over the years. In fact;there was once an agreement to do this between consenting members here although the other party recanted their bias and ridiculed telepathy experiments before anything real could be done. I'd spare a few hours for anothers sake, but it's easy to do.


I have no desire to defend the OP in any way shape or form. Psi is not accepted as real so this thread should be closed. If anything it should be moved away from the meddling hands of this moderator. I'd accept Cesspool at this point.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to be considered worth considering.

Claims relating to telepathy, OBE, & other psychic phenomena are extraordinary. Anecdotal evidence is not sufficient to lend credence to such claims.

I forget whether Rhine’s ESP experiments at Duke (circa 1930) were unsuccessful or discredited (I think it was the latter).

There has never been a well designed & controlled experiment which supported the notion of ESP abilities.

BTW: Jung’s synchronicity concept has been written off as nonsense for good reason.

The USA population in 2000 was circa 280 million, of which circa 200 million were 18 or older.
If there were not a lot of coincidences, prophetic dreams, & lucky guess predictions one would expect some conspiracy to prevent or suppress knowledge of such phenomena. If you add in outright lies or faulty memories, you would expect even more reported coincidences.
@ Syne,

You really are useless as a Moderator. I put 20 minutes of my time into putting up that post in response to a miracle thread. So instead of possibly helping that particular skeptic see the light, you seem to think this is a topic of its own. OMFG.


I have no desire to defend the OP in any way shape or form. Psi is not accepted as real so this thread should be closed. If anything it should be moved away from the meddling hands of this moderator. I'd accept Cesspool at this point.

:bawl: I learned my lesson. No use entertaining any post from you as serious enough to warrant its own discussion. Sorry I lent you more credence than you deserved.

If you look, you will see that I left your replies to the OP (including your opinion on this subject) and only culled your direct response to me. Could it be that every post of yours in this thread was directly addressed to me? Impossible!
For some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt?
We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, 'You don't know Jack
Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an
intellectual way.
Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer
magnate, who married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They
one son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple
six children: Holie Schitt, Gi va Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and
the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high
school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt
divorced. Noe
Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with
them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a
rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six
Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding
announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The
Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He came home with his Italian wife; Piza Schitt
By Crock O Schit

See. I can post Schitt also.

The post by dinosaur is exactly the cut and paste rhetoric of why I have no desire to defend this thread. Maybe I am lying about everything I said in the OP. You have no idea.

Schitt, Schitt, Schitt ....
Everyone, please excuse kwhilborn while he has a little temper tantrum (about claims he made that he has absolutely no intent on defending).
@ Everyone,

To be clear. This thread was started by the Moderator Syne. The Opening Post was not meant as an Opening Post, as it was simply a post to another thread.

How this Moderator is able to hijack paranormal and Pseudoscience and post about these topics in the religion forum is beyond me. You would think a moderator should at least be cognizant of thread categories, but I suppose religion is all encompassing to some nutters. The next thread on automotive repair should also go into religion because ... Hey; If we didn't have god cars would not exist. Obviously religion.

I have little interest in the Spirituality of other members. They make their own choices.

However.. If you wish to ignore Synes duplicate Thread in the wrong Sub Forum I can point you to the real thread instead.


Maybe the Dingbat who started this thread might realize this Forum has been around for years. Creating duplicate threads is dumb enough, but doing so using another persons post is ridiculous especially since it is a psi topic.
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Everyone, please excuse kwhilborn while he has a little temper tantrum (about claims he made that he has absolutely no intent on defending).
He does do this a lot, it seems.
Most notably about what he considers to be his psi abilities.
He has offered nothing but anecdotes, and the bias of a believer in their interpretation.
@ Baldee,

I still say.
exactly the cut and paste rhetoric of why I have no desire to defend this thread.

Yes. I forgot to bring a Universal Theory to the table. NOT.

First - I do not think I have psi abilities greater than any, although I am experienced at both sending and receiving thoughts. I think any here could try it and be successful within at least a few tries. I also have some very costly tools at my disposal for listening to your subconscious through various ideomotor reflex type stuff or as described earlier.

I have suggested numerous times that any forward thinking open minded person would expend a great many years determining the truth about something so huge to our perception. If Telepathy is true then there is also room for mass consciousnesses and gods. It would mean the difference between knowing we are continuous beings or thinking we just get planted.

However the method I used and advise is less than an hour to try, and results can be strangely convincing (i can see arguing this point, but I will stand by it).

I would say this works every time to at least some extent but I feel there are limits. I do not think I could get Oprah Winfrey to call as an example. I think it works best with people who would accept your phone calls.

I do not care about your results. I do not gain anything by even suggesting people try this.

You cannot have a telepathic experience by yourself.

Second - I have repeatedly offered more than just anecdotes. I have often suggested that Dream Telepathy seems to work the best and have pointed to several successful studies.

Even Sigmund Freud had any ideas on that.
The notion and speculation of communication via dreaming was first mooted in psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud in 1921.[4] He produced a model to express his ideas about telepathic dreaming.[2] His 1922 paper Dreams and Telepathy is reproduced in Devereux 1953.,[3] and was intended to be a lecture to the Vienna Psycho-Analytical Society, although he never delivered it.[5] Freud considered that a connection between telepathy and dreams could be neither proven nor disproven

Here though. I will save people the bother of refuting this as in this rebuttal,

Many of the hits were very accurate and they play upon several weaker ones, but if you could have seen what I've seen (I watched videos of them) some of them are very accurate. I have done this myself so I am not unfamiliar with the topic.

Do it. Don't do it. It won't alter my viewpoint. I just feel sorry for those who do not try and know. Should I feel elated for their ignorance/

Oh.. and the Universal Theory I think looks most Promising is Russelian Science.

Walter Russell was not the first to think of our Universe as a constantly moving octave. The Earliest Civilizatons known to man taught that the Universe was based on something akin to soundwaves.

Universe is sound. Matter density is based on speed. Speed up a spider web enough and it could cut steel.

What else makes us think our ancestors thought the Universe is sound based/

Look at the word Universe ... Uni (one) - Verse (sound) = Universe

Walter Russell had discovered Plutonium must exist as he lectured in 1926. If mankind had listened to him WWII might have been prevented or shortened.
*headdesk* Okay, kwhi... seriously, just stop. The vendetta needs to stop, okay? It isn't funny... it isn't entertaining... and it isn't going to do anything. If you have a legitimate concern, fine, bring it to the super mods or the admins... but continuing to raise a fracas is only painting a target on yourself... squeaky wheel and all that, ya know?
@ Syne,

You really are useless as a Moderator. I put 20 minutes of my time into putting up that post in response to a miracle thread. So instead of possibly helping that particular skeptic see the light, you seem to think this is a topic of its own. OMFG.
Wow.. You took 20 minutes to write crap?

Perhaps you should find a new hobby.

You've been warned enough times now. Cut it out.
@ Kittamaru and Bells,

How about you be the ones to bugger off. This Moderator started this thread from a post I wrote to someone on a different thread. Its like having your mail redirected to Santa Claus.

I have already complained about this Moderator in the Site Feedback section. I was not Hazing. I honestly think Syne has been doing a horrid job.

I could care less about your opinions on the matter.

Maybe you would see it also if Moderators start Opening Topics based upon your own posts to someone else and then puts it in the wrong subforum (religion not paranormal), and is an exact duplicate of a thread I started 7 years ago.

This thread belongs in the Cesspool along with the Moderator who made it.
Your posts were off topic and so a separate thread was started to put the off topic posts in there. The alternative would have been to simply delete them and ban you. Which would you prefer? Because personally speaking, I have absolutely no issue with banning you and deleting your off-topic posts. And if you keep whining and complaining that your posts were not deleted and were instead moved into a separate new thread, then that is the course of action that we will take. Is that clear enough for you?
@ Bells,

Does your brain work? Synchronicity/Coincidences are purported Miracles according to Carl Jung.

If you really want to Troll try to keep up to date on what's occurring. The "off topic post" debate was on another thread. Can your mind distinguish the two?

As far as "Course of action" to take.

I say Fuck You! You are one of the morons making this site intolerable.

@ Syne,

See why creating duplicate threads of unproveable science/religion is messed up. Every Yahoo has an opinion.

Personally I think anybody doubting telepathy is a complete and utter moron, and when they start getting all pompous it just seems ridiculous to me. Fucking Morons.
Mod Note

kwhilborn - has been banned for 7 days.

I am sure your telepathic skills would have told you this was coming based solely on your abusive behaviour and trolling. Take some time to cool off, and stop posting in such an abusive manner.. In other words, take this time to learn to stop acting like a tool towards others on this site.

Obviously nothing productive is going to come of this thread, at kwhilborn's choice. Closing it.
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