Split thread from Biomolecular Machines


Registered Senior Member
Mod note: This thread was split from the Biomolecular Machines thread to incorporate Bishadi's "energy upon the mass" pseudoscience hypotheses. Please continue discussion relating to these hypotheses here.

Welcome to the Molecular Machines

A thread to lump together all the interesting discoveries regarding the intracellular biomolecular machinery that are crucial for life to exist. Please post interesting discoveries and perhaps describe the functionality of these intracellular biomolecular machines.
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that are crucial for life to exist

sorry, as life and the rules there of are not based on molecular constructs, but based on rules of how many and energy associate.

this frame you are representing is barely a step before adam and eve

that to suggest all them structure 'are crucial for life to exist'

is an incorrect statement.

any progression of energy combining mass to increase the total potential of the combination is where to begin your 'life' description.

that opening post is defining many generations up the evolutionary tree just as the definition to life used above, is like returning to the original 4 elements (fire, earth, water and air) to define gravity
sorry, as life and the rules there of are not based on molecular constructs, but based on rules of how many and energy associate.
The structures that life depend on are representations based on the rules of energy and information. Energy can be argued to supervene on information, and cells can use energy to manipulate information. These processes depend on these structures and functions.
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this is what i noticed when i came into the thread

A thread to lump together all the interesting discoveries regarding the intracellular biomolecular machinery that are crucial for life to exist. Please post interesting discoveries and perhaps describe the functionality of these intracellular biomolecular machines.
so i pointed out, the energy is as important as the structure

"any progression of energy combining mass to increase the total potential of the combination is where to begin your 'life' description."

The structures that life depend on are representations based on the rules of energy and information.
that is good read but none of the material mentioned talks about the energy upon the mass or purly the rules regarding how that works

it all mentioned, we see this and we see that, but the mechanism of what structure conveys what energy and why is not observed

but in light of NEW material to share what is occuring in research, can be observed in the photosynthesis developments

perhaps read this

but in light of NEW material to share what is occuring in research, can be observed in the photosynthesis developments

perhaps read this

Yes, photosynthesis coupled with quantum mechanics is a fascinating subject.
Very nice article about the photosynthesis photosystem II mechanism and how design principles of the system can be used to engineer similar systems to produce solar fuel.

Solar water-splitting into H2 and O2: design principles of photosystem II and hydrogenases
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Yes, photosynthesis coupled with quantum mechanics is a fascinating subject.
Very nice article about the photosynthesis photosystem II mechanism and how design principles of the system can be used to engineer similar systems to produce solar fuel.

Solar water-splitting into H2 and O2: design principles of photosystem II and hydrogenases

Emphasis mine.

Also, the photosystem II mechanism makes use of quantum mechanical computing principles, leading to an excellent quantum efficiency for water-splitting.

From Nature;Vol 446;12 April 2007: Quantum path to photosynthesis

And in the same issue: Evidence for wavelike energy transfer through quantum coherence in photosynthetic systems

A glimpse into the future of our own designs :cool:.

encouraging to see that others also see the new methods of describing the 'energy transfer' between mass in living structures

what makes the recognition so beautiful is to see that each structure has different 'wave-lengths' of energy per the mass, structure and environment

this means the variables to decribe the 'progression' of life rather than the 'reduction' of chemical processes, can be pursued to further understand the molecular interactions based on the performation of physical properties

'Biomolecular machines'......... in the sense, energy (light) could be using mass to increase its total potential. Perhaps like eating, growing, living, dividing.

All progressions observed in living things in which to observe the energy state of mass, may offer an avenue to further describe and predict processes of living things, at the molecular scale.

there is work by Sanchez and Grau, that shares the protein progression being based on the state (energy of the mass) and the base structures.

a comment is made to the effect that 'the software can affect the hardware and vise verse' as if the energy, environment and structures are all important, when defining the process.............. at the molecular level

they have a mathematical rendition to this

they in cuba


"Protein information law; Protein energy cost; Molecular machine; Protein evolution."
thought this might be good to read

Molecular machines. Harmonics molecular oscillators.

Its known that molecular structures, proteic or nucleoproteic could be redefined as molecular machines. In other words, a molecular machine is just a simple macromolecule o a macromolecular complex. A molecular machine executes specific functions in living systems, they are isothermals. It means they are forced to work in a narrow range of temperatures in the thermal bath where they exist. Nevertheless, they can use the primary energy from surrounds to change its conformation into more flexible one. That is, essentially, a controlled way of denaturation what results in a loss of its biological function. Beyond the primary energy, any excess of energy is quickly dissipated leading the molecule confinement to the previous state at physiological temperature. A specific macromolecule receives a quantum of energy that put it from a basal state to an excited state. A further specific action always occurs dissipating the absorbed energy which is coupled to the realization of a specific function, evolutionarily advantageous for the organism who synthesized the macromolecule.

Molecular machines could be stimulated by any energy source besides primary
energy sources. That includes not only photons and ATP but also thermal
movement like the restriction enzyme EcoRI isolated from its DNA binding site.
EcoRI uses thermal fluctuations, originated by microscopical heat, as energy
source to reach the DNA in a specific manner (Schneider, 1991a y 1991b).