Splinter: Exercise in Futility

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Valued Senior Member
And these people are the mods of this site.
JamesR forever calling MR stupid.
Tiassa using weird blog posts to bitch forever about JamesR.

Now waiting for Tiassa's links of foghorn saying "I don’t take this site seriously."
A word used often by Tiassa on this site... Seriously.
And these people are the mods of this site.
JamesR forever calling MR stupid.
Tiassa using weird blog posts to bitch forever about JamesR.

Now waiting for Tiassa's links of foghorn saying "I don’t take this site seriously."
A word used often by Tiassa on this site... Seriously.
I confess it is not looking good for my 'What can be done for SciFo?' thread.
Ignore efforts to improve the site; double down on hostility.
Mod Hat — Chatter LOL (brief notes)

Cut the off-topic chatter:

Now waiting for Tiassa's links of foghorn saying "I don’t take this site seriously."

Sure, we can easily get that part↗ of the way, but it's probably more useful to observe that—

And these people are the mods of this site.
JamesR forever calling MR stupid ....

—you don't actually know what you're on about. So, y'know, taking the moment with that example: Stop mucking up threads; contribute something better than excrement. Easy enough? Yeah, that's what I thought.

• • •​

I confess it is not looking good for my 'What can be done for SciFo?' thread.
Ignore efforts to improve the site; double down on hostility.

Ignorance is not always an asset to the wise, Dave.

• • •​

General note: Sometimes, people don't really want to be taken seriously. And, sometimes, people very much want to be taken seriously. It should not be so difficult to figure out that people who do not wish to be taken seriously ought not go out of their way to demand serious consideration of their behavior. And people who wish to be taken seriously, well, that part ought to be even more obvious.
It's really not so hard to stop, is it?
Mod Hat — Chatter LOL (brief notes)
Cut the off-topic chatter:
Off topic?
So, hiding behind your mod hat.
You made the topic about JamesR with your weasel worded bitch post here:My bold.
Short anecdote: Once upon a time, maybe five years ago, I happened to have a conversation in which this guyI know actually did the whole, never heard of him until now but by coincidence I happened to hear him making some interesting points about free speech, bit, and, y'know, whatever, but it's also true that timing is everything, and as it happened, Peterson had peaked, already, and the five or so years in between involve him falling off a proverbial cliff, and while it's easy enough to appreciate that he survived, the professor emeritus has never really recovered.

Too many of your weasel worded posts being about " this guy" it's so old hat.
That should be Snake in a hat.
And these people are the mods of this site.
JamesR forever calling MR stupid.
I do not believe that I have ever called MR stupid. I have, however, on many occasions, suggested that some of the positions MR takes in discussions here, and the way that he tries to defend them, make him look stupid. Which they do. Unless you're stupid, you must have spotted this yourself (and I don't think you're stupid either).

At what point will you stop treating MR with kid gloves, like he has disability and needs coddling? The man is either a functional idiot or a troll. If he's not a functional idiot - by which I mean he's able to pass himself off in society as an unremarkable human being capable of using language with reasonable facility, understanding concepts without special difficulty, etc. - that doesn't leave much wiggle room for him to make excuses for the level of stupid he consistently serves up here. A simple explanation would be that he's fully aware of his own bullshit but he enjoys trolling. There aren't too many other likely explanations what what we see from him.
Tiassa using weird blog posts to bitch forever about JamesR.
Tiassa is fixated on me. He has turned into a sort of stalker, always creeping around in the background hoping to attract my attention by telling lies about me. This is completely out of line and would not be allowed from any other member. But Tiassa is a moderator, so he gets a free pass.

Before you continue (if that's what you're planning on doing with this), please think carefully about whether it is actually fair for you to compare Tiassa's creepy and unwelcome behaviours to my calling a spade a spade when it comes to MR and his antics. I think you're able to make the relevant moral judgments.
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