spirituality: anti inntelectualism?

actually someone else already said it, and now im asking for reasons... i sort of disagree, but im not entirelly sure... thanks

well you disagree because religion is logical in a sense that it is a belief...and belief does not need proof...does not need total logic to prove it.
well you disagree because religion is logical in a sense that it is a belief...and belief does not need proof...does not need total logic to prove it.

how can you believe, in something that isnt logical and cant be proved? how could you prove something that isnt logical? how could you prove it at all? :confused:
sure. A set of bio-neuro-chemical reactions that lead to replication.

but there is no evidence for such a theory - like for instance it would be very difficult fo ryou to provide the molecular reductionist representation for "love" -

if money can't buy love, I am sure that reductionist theories can't give it
but there is no evidence for such a theory - like for instance it would be very difficult fo ryou to provide the molecular reductionist representation for "love" -

if money can't buy love, I am sure that reductionist theories can't give it

It's difficult to provide the reductionist representation of just about anything that's macroscopic. Try to predict weather based on the activities of atoms. You won't be able to do so. Just because it isn't possible yet, however, does not mean it will not be possible in the future. Same might be said of emotions.
It's difficult to provide the reductionist representation of just about anything that's macroscopic. Try to predict weather based on the activities of atoms. You won't be able to do so. Just because it isn't possible yet, however, does not mean it will not be possible in the future. Same might be said of emotions.

thus it tends to illustrate the limitations of the reductionist paradigm,or even empiricism in general
seems like you have just raised a good issue for Empiricism : anti- intellectualism?
BEFORE THE DAWN of modern science....

spirituality, was science, and all of intelectualism....

to seek answers, and to know truth.... are the realm of both science and religion....

i see no conflict.

thus it tends to illustrate the limitations of the reductionist paradigm,or even empiricism in general
seems like you have just raised a good issue for Empiricism : anti- intellectualism?

While it may illustrate the limitations of reductionism (Namely, the inherent dependence of reductionism on laws governing physical processes), that in no way implies that empiricism is ant-intellectual. Rather, I feel that empiricism is the epitome of intellectualism, as it is the best method of determining the truth of newly discovered knowledge.
While it may illustrate the limitations of reductionism (Namely, the inherent dependence of reductionism on laws governing physical processes), that in no way implies that empiricism is ant-intellectual. Rather, I feel that empiricism is the epitome of intellectualism, as it is the best method of determining the truth of newly discovered knowledge.

to give an example, according to reductionist paradigms there is no sense of self (its all neurons and electrons) - would you be prepared to live in a society where there is no (legal) sense of self?
to give an example, according to reductionist paradigms there is no sense of self (its all neurons and electrons) - would you be prepared to live in a society where there is no (legal) sense of self?

Reductionism in general requires no such thing, since nothing to that effect has even been remotely proven.
Reductionism in general requires no such thing, since nothing to that effect has even been remotely proven.

so does that mean you are or are not prepared to live in a world that has a concept of self (if you opt for the latter, its not clear who I am addressing this question to)
Do you believe in "love"? Can you prove "love" with scientific logic?
Please first define "love".
Then we could move forward. :rolleyes:

And please tell me what it is to "believe in love"?
Believe what exactly?
That it exists? For that I need your definition.
That it works? For that I need your definition.
That it ... what?

Please tell me.